
Showing posts from June, 2022

2022 May

  We Believe What We Cannot See                         Jeffrey B. Childs 5/1/22     We believe what we cannot see, What has not happened yet. We wait on God for what will be, Patiently, without regret.   Though others might not believe, And raise a cry of doubt. Their ridicule we may receive, For what we believe about.   If we believe with all our heart, And to our faith holdfast. Nothing can tear us apart, We will overcome at last.   Lord, I Come to You in Prayer                         Jeffrey B. Childs 5/2/22     Lord, I come to you in prayer, In my times of greatest need, Asking for your strength and care, For your help I humbly plead. Chorus: Lord, to you I plead my case, When I meet you face to face.   Lord, when I come to you this hour, Asking you to see me through, For by your almighty power, And strength, all things I can do. Chorus:   Lord, when I falter and sin, To you I come to confess, Seeking your