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2022 November

  Learn to Turn the Other Cheek (Luke 6)                         Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/1/22   Learn to turn the other cheek. Do good to those who hate you. Learn to be humble and meek. This is what disciples do.   Learn to love your enemies. Pray for those who mistreat you. As they follow Christ's decrees. This is what disciples do.   Treat as you want to be treated. Christ said, “Bless those who curse you.” By love hate will be defeated. This is what disciples do.   We Pray for Those Who’ve Gone Before                          Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/2/22   We pray for those who've gone before, Who rest in heaven forevermore. We are thankful and give God praise, For all the souls whose names we raise.   They shared their holy faith with us, As followers of Christ Jesus. Their examples live on today, Help us, O Lord, to live that way.   Teach us, Lord, to fully love you, And to love all our neighbors too. T