
Showing posts from November, 2021

2021 November

We Believe in the Resurrection                         Jeffrey B. Childs 11/1/21   We believe in the resurrection, As Christ rose from the dead. And we shall be resurrected, When all is done and said.   There is a life beyond this life, That we can't quite fully see. But when time’s up for each of us, We'll glimpse eternity.   And all who have gone on ahead, Will gather at the gate. As they have watched us here below, Our arrival they'll await.   At the Treasury Jesus Watched (Mark 12)                         Jeffrey B. Childs 11/2/21   At the treasury Jesus watched, what all each did give. A poor widow gave two coins, on which she had to live.   A simple act caught Jesus’ eye. He saw what she had done. and pointed out her great faith, as he spoke to everyone.   Be alert! Watch and see. Add insight to your sight. Strong faith in action will reveal, this type of might makes right.   People do observe w