2021 November

We Believe in the Resurrection

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/1/21


We believe in the resurrection,

As Christ rose from the dead.

And we shall be resurrected,

When all is done and said.


There is a life beyond this life,

That we can't quite fully see.

But when time’s up for each of us,

We'll glimpse eternity.


And all who have gone on ahead,

Will gather at the gate.

As they have watched us here below,

Our arrival they'll await.


At the Treasury Jesus Watched (Mark 12)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/2/21


At the treasury Jesus watched,

what all each did give.

A poor widow gave two coins,

on which she had to live.


A simple act caught Jesus’ eye.

He saw what she had done.

and pointed out her great faith,

as he spoke to everyone.


Be alert! Watch and see.

Add insight to your sight.

Strong faith in action will reveal,

this type of might makes right.


People do observe what you do,

as they watch, what might they see?

By your actions, you share your faith,

and God’s generosity.


We Long for You, O God

(tune: Darwall’s 148th TFWS 2001)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/3/21


We long for you, O God.

It is our lifelong search.

We seek you in your word,

And seek you in your church.


We long, O God, to follow you,

In all that we both say and do.


O God, you lead us out,

When we answer your call,

That we will bear Good News,

And share your love with all.



One day the time will come,

For us to leave this place.

Our searching will be done,

We'll see you face to face.



God Has Shown Us

(tune: Hyfrydol TFWS 2004)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/4/21


God has shown us what to treasure,

What to God has great value.

Gold is not the standard measure,

It's people like me and you.

For us Christ died on the cross,

Showing us what we are worth.

He showed us that through his life's loss,

We were given a new birth.


As we live Christ’s way of living,

Choosing to follow His way,

For all God’s done, with thanksgiving,

We'll be faithful, come what may.

Though challenges lay before us,

No matter what they may be,

We will faithfully follow Jesus,

Onward to eternity.


With God All Things Are Possible

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/5/21


With God all things are possible.

For God all can be done.

Though for us it is a struggle,

For God the victory is won.


There is much we can do,

When God is on our side.

There is nothing we can't do,

When we are on God's side.


Rather than ask God to do,

What we are pursuing.

Ask God what we can do,

To help with what God's doing!


God Loves a Cheerful Giver

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/6/21


God loves a cheerful giver,

Which could be you and me.

When our actions reflect,

God's generosity.


Often all that is needed,

Is for one to do something,

For someone's world to change,

Because of that one thing.


Rejoice, you have the power,

A difference you can make,

When you give of yourself and,

On someone a chance take.


We Remember the Saints

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/7/21


We remember the saints,

Who lived their faith well,

Their lives filled with stories,

That we tell and retell.


We can talk of their faith,

And there is no doubt about,

How our lives were each touched,

By how they lived theirs out.


How might we now live,

And act day by day,

Modeling our faith,

By what we do and say?


Life Is Full of Changes

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/8/21


Life is full of changes,

Some huge and others small.

Some make all the difference,

They’re life-changing after all.


Getting married, having children,

A new job, or retiring,

These are all life-changers,

They change everything.


But the biggest change by far,

To our self-centered lives,

When Christ becomes the center,

Of our eternal lives.


It is no longer all about,

What we want for us.

It’s all about what we can do,

To serve our Lord Jesus.


Prophets Pointed Out God’s Signs

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/9/21


Prophets pointed out God’s signs,

Noting changes of the times.

What are you noticing today,

That points us to walk God's way?


Sometimes signs bring great fear,

Something bad is coming near,

Other times signs bring peace,

Of a time when wars will cease.


Look for signs God’s showing you,

Revealing to you what to do.

For the future now prepare,

Be a prophet, with others share.


What to God Can I Bring

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/10/21


What to God can I bring?

What today can I sing?

I can bring God my prayer.

Holy time with God to share.


I can honestly confess,

How I’ve made my life a mess.

A contrite heart God will forgive,

A fresh start God will give.


Come before the Holy One,

And give thanks for all God's done.

Worship with a grateful heart,

Serve the Lord. Do your part.


Give Thanks to God Every Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/11/21


Give thanks to God every day.

Always be thankful when you pray.

God gives to you abundant grace,

Larger than all fears you face.


Do not worry God's got your back,

With God, nothing do you lack.

Your glass may be half empty,

So, there's room for blessings plenty.


Count your blessings name each one,

Everyday see all God's done.

Adopt a faith full attitude,

Filled with humble gratitude.


Fear not what you haven't got,

Jesus said to worry not.

God knows everything we need.

Know God’s got this. Yes indeed!


Focus on God's Kingdom come,

When all things come, not just some.

For all the blessings God bestows,

Give thanks! Your cup overflows.


Thanks Be to God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/12/21


Thanks be to God who reigns above.

Thanks be to God who is pure love.

Thanks be to God who made all things.

Thanks be to God creation sings.


Thanks be to God for this new day.

Thanks be to God now let us pray.

Thanks be to God in prayer and song.

Thanks be to God sing all day long.


Thanks be to God who forgives sins.

Thanks be to God new life begins.

Thanks be to God for grace galore.

Thanks be to God forevermore.


Each Day Take Time to Thank the Lord

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/13/21 


Each day take time to thank the Lord,

Reflect on everything.

And just how all the things turned out,

Thank God for each blessing.


Throughout the day being mindful,

Look! And be aware.

For God is at work in the world,

God's handiwork is there.


Whenever you see what God's done,

With God then be in touch.

Give thanks and praise unto the Lord,

Who loves us all so much!


What Do You Say

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/14/21 


Do you remember hearing, “what do you say?”

Do you remember being taught how to pray?

Some must not have learned to give thanks,

But as a good word, near the top it ranks.


How many times throughout the day,

Do you just plain forget what to say?

Is there someone you need to speak to?

And say you appreciate all that they do!


Give thanks to God for all that God does,

For God's the best giver that there ever was.

God loved us so much to give us Jesus.

Give thanks to God who through Christ now frees us!


The Word Became Flesh

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/15/21 


“The Word became flesh,” is what John wrote,

To begin the gospel story,

To tell of God's wondrous love,

God's mercy and God's glory.


In the beginning all was made,

As God's Word called all to be.

God’s Word made flesh in Jesus Christ,

For all the world to hear and see.


We celebrate Christ’s coming once,

And Christ's coming once again.

For God still loves all the world,

Today as God did back then.


With Grateful Hearts

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/16/21 


With grateful hearts to God we sing.

Our offerings to God we bring.

For God gives us everything.

We praise God with all our being.


In quiet moments being prayer,

Thanks and praise to God then share.

Sit with God, pull up a chair.

When you pray God's always there.


If you don't know what to say,

Just make the time anyway.

In the silence while you pray,

Hear what God says to you today.


We Gather in Worship

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/17/21 


We gather in worship,

Offering our thanksgiving,

To God who has blessed us,

And is ever giving.


We are here because God loves us,

God's love is our foundation.

Without God there'd be nothing,

For God made all creation.


Now with the congregation,

Sing out! Praise God's glory,

That we are all a part of,

God’s salvation story.


Thank God from Whom All Blessings Flow

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/18/21 


Thank God from whom all blessings flow,

And on us gracious gifts bestow,

That we may choose to do God's will,

And thus our purpose to fulfill.


Thank God who came down among us,

In the form of our Lord Jesus,

Who lived and died and rose again,

Sing praise to God. Amen. Amen.


Thank God for the Holy Spirit,

Good News to all who will hear it.

Spiritual gifts the spirit gives,

When in our lives the spirit lives.


We Watch and Wait

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/19/21 


In this season we watch and wait,

The Messiah we anticipate.

With all and wonder in the air,

Watch for signs. Be aware!


For Christ is coming watch and see,

Like in that first nativity.

Even shepherds who weren't prepared,

Heard the Good News the angels shared.


Mary and Joseph traveled far,

Wise ones came following a star.

Distances aren't too much for us,

Great lengths we may go to find Jesus.


Look everywhere both far and near,

For Christ will come to you this year.

Like Christ first came so long ago,

For us all God’s great love to show.


We Worship God with Thanks and Praise

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/20/21 


We worship God with thanks and praise,

In gratitude our voices raise.

We sing to God our praise songs,

Four to God all thanks belongs.


Praise God with your soul and voice,

And by making the right choice.

In God's image you were made,

God is with you. Be not afraid!


Without God nothing would be,

God created all creatively.

God uniquely made you you,

That you could do what you could do.


As We Wait, Watch for Signs

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/21/21 


As we wait, watch for signs.

Christ is coming near.

Be patient, be alert.

Christ will soon be here.


Share with others what you see.

Christ is now among us.

Take a good look all around,

Look for Christ Jesus.


Look deep into people's eyes,

Christ will there be found.

You can catch a glimpse of him,

For Christ is all around.


Another Year Has Come and Gone

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/23/21 


Another year has come and gone,

We watch and wait again.

As Advent begins to dawn,

Praise be to God. Amen.


Seasonal decorations,

Are all around us now.

We share our expectations,

As our heads we humbly bow.


More than Christmas presents,

Piled up under a tree.

We offer our reverence,

For Christ who here will be.


Jesus Taught Us to Prepare (Luke 21)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/25/21 


Jesus taught us to prepare.

Watch for signs. Be aware!

The time is coming and soon to be.

Watch and see all you can see.


As seasons change, we all know,

Signs of the times begin to show.

As the buds begin to sprout,

Soon the trees will all leaf out.


When colors show among the leaves,

Falling in an autumn breeze,

A change of seasons is drawing near,

Winter soon will now be here.


This Advent as we watch and wait,

For Christ’s birth we anticipate.

Share with others what you see,

Christ coming to all humanity.


Thank You, God, for Being There

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/26/21 


Thank you, God, for being there,

Every time and everywhere,

All I ever need to do,

You say a prayer and call on you.


Who am I whom you love so?

Who am I? No one, although,

You have made me. I am yours.

And upon me your love pours.


Help me do what I can do,

To share your love with others, too.

Help me be what I can be,

A witness of your love for me.


As We Live from Day to Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/27/21 


As we live from day to day,

The time is always now.

We may reflect upon the past,

Wishing it differently somehow.


The past is just that - the past,

It cannot be changed.

But from it we can learn that,

Life can be rearranged.


We can live each day in full,

Intentionally complete.

Wasting not a precious moment,

Succumbing to defeat.


Live, too, not in the future,

And thereby lose today.

Live now in preparation,

For whatever comes your way.


During Advent We Watch and Wait

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/28/21 


During Advent we watch and wait,

While the world seems to carry on,

Jesus’ birth we anticipate,

A new day is about to dawn.


Watch and see what signs you see,

As you faithfully look around.

You will have an epiphany,

When and where the Christ child is found.


Jesus told us to be aware,

His warning we always should heed.

And he told us that he'd be there,

When we answer a stranger's need.


In This Time Between the Times

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/29/21 


In this time between the times,

Of the future and the past,

Make the most of each moment,

Make memories that will last.


Today is here and it is now,

That we can fully live it.

Thank God for the gift of this day,

Give it all that you can give it!


Today make a real difference,

Somehow, somewhere for someone.

Lives will be changed today,

When all is said and done.


Speak to Us, Lord, in the Silence

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 11/30/21 


Speak to us, Lord, in the silence,

Calm our ever-conflicted souls.

We cannot do this all alone,

Help us yield to you the controls.


Today I yield my life to you,

You are much bigger than my sin.

No matter how lost I find myself,

You come find me there once again.


Lord, lead me in your paths today,

That by faith I will follow you.

When fear and doubt obscure my way,

Your loving grace will see me through.



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