2022 November


Learn to Turn the Other Cheek (Luke 6)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/1/22


Learn to turn the other cheek.

Do good to those who hate you.

Learn to be humble and meek.

This is what disciples do.


Learn to love your enemies.

Pray for those who mistreat you.

As they follow Christ's decrees.

This is what disciples do.


Treat as you want to be treated.

Christ said, “Bless those who curse you.”

By love hate will be defeated.

This is what disciples do.


We Pray for Those Who’ve Gone Before

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/2/22


We pray for those who've gone before,

Who rest in heaven forevermore.

We are thankful and give God praise,

For all the souls whose names we raise.


They shared their holy faith with us,

As followers of Christ Jesus.

Their examples live on today,

Help us, O Lord, to live that way.


Teach us, Lord, to fully love you,

And to love all our neighbors too.

That through us your love might be shown,

And that your love be fully known.


We pray for those who follow us,

That they will believe in Jesus.

That day one day your Saints will be,

And enter your eternity.


Lord, We Pray for One Another

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/4/22


Lord, we pray for one another,

That we may be one in you,

That each sister and brother,

Would do as you would do.


We pray believers grow in love,

And love their neighbors, too,

That non-believers may learn of,

Your call to follow you.


As we've been blessed, so let us bless,

All whom we meet today.

Forgive our sins as we confess.

Help us forgive that way.


Grace and Peace unto You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/5/22


Grace and peace be unto you,

Paul, the apostle, wrote,

That each early church who,

He ever heard about.

He wrote those words of grace,

And gave them his advice,

Until he'd see their face,

A word now must suffice.


But what those words revealed,

To those who heard them read,

Are hurts and needs were healed,

By what the apostle said.

If they the Lord had wronged,

He wrote to set them right.

Four to Christ they belonged.

They should shine with his light.


We Give Thanks to God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/6/22


We give thanks to God,

Who reigns from above,

And scatters abroad,

Both God's grace and love.

We are blessed receivers,

Of holy virtues.

We are called as believers,

To spread the Good News.


From ancient of days,

God's people did sing,

And offer God praise,

With each offering.

Let us give God glory,

For all God has done,

Retelling God's story,

To everyone.


Come Before God and Let Us Pray

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/7/22


Come before God and let us pray,

Give thanks for all God does each day.

God's mercy has been poured on us,

By God who gave to us Jesus.


Give thanks for all the Lord has done.

The Lord has blessed us everyone.

God asks that we just do our best.

And God will take care of the rest.


We celebrate all that God does.

God is the best that ever was.

And God will be what God will be,

From now until eternity.


Praise God Who’s Gifted Each of Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/8/22


Praise God who's gifted each of us,

And given us the Lord Jesus.

Who modeled how we all should live,

Upon the cross his life did give.


We celebrate all God has done,

For everything under the sun.

Because God is God of us all,

Upon this terrestrial ball.


We bring to God all that is due,

By who we are and what we do.

There is nothing we truly own,

All that we have is God's alone.


Holy God, We Sing Your Praise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/12/22


Holy God, we sing your praise,

For all you have done for us.

Up to you our prayers we raise,

For sending the Lord Jesus.

By your love we all are blessed,

And receive eternal rest.


Thank you, God, for all you've done,

And for all that you do today.

You have blessed each and everyone.

We sing your praise and humbly pray.

By your love we all are blessed.

In Christ, you've given us the best.


Come and Give Thanks to the Lord

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/13/22


Come and give thanks to the Lord,

For all that the Lord has done.

By God's mercy, we're restored.

All our sins are forgiven.


Come before the Lord and pray.

Every day's Thanksgiving Day.


For all blessings, large and small,

That God gives us every day,

We praise God, who gives them all.

Thank God each time we pray.



God Almighty, hear our prayer.

All our blessings come from you.

Thank you for your loving care.

Thank you for all that you do.



To God Give Thanks for All

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/15/22


To God give thanks for all,

For all God does for us.

God reigns supremely overall,

Through the love of Jesus.

We celebrate below,

With those who live on high.

Through Jesus, we have come to know,

That God is always nigh.  


Our God is with us here,

And in the life hereafter.

There is nothing for us to fear.

We face fear with laughter.

For Christ has set us free,

From all our mortal sins.

That we might spend eternity.

Which for us Christ opens.


We'll join the crowd above,

All who before us came.

Together we'll proclaim God's love,

And praise God's holy name.

For we have all been blessed,

By God, whom we adore.

In peace, we shall forever rest,

With Christ forevermore.


What Is Unseen, in Christ We See (Colossians 1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/16/22


What is unseen, in Christ we see,

God's image revealed to us.

All was made in Christ to be,

Sings the heavenly chorus.

By Christ, all things were created,

The things that are visible,

And those that are contemplated,

Those things quite invisible.


Whether they are thrones or powers,

Rulers or authorities,

Mountains, hills or trees or flowers,

Animals or birds or bees,

Everything was thus created,

By the Lord who spoke the word.

In Christ all was dedicated,

To the service of the Lord.


Christ is the head of the body,

Which is the church here on earth.

Sing the divine melody,

Begun at Christ's very birth.

In Christ we see God's perfection.

Unto Christ, we all belong.

Through his death and resurrection.

We sing Christ’s salvation song.


Thankful People Gather Near

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/17/22


Thankful people gather near,

To worship our God above.

No longer living in fear,

We give thanks for God's great love.


Lord of all, to you we raise,

This our grateful hymn of praise.


For the bounty of the fields,

And the crops we gather in,

For the food our effort yields,

Let true worship now begin.



Lord, you provide it all for us,

And for us to share with all.

As disciples of Jesus,

Give to us the wherewithal.



You sustain us by your grace,

Helping each step of the way.

Bracing us for all we face,

For your sustenance, we pray.



Give Thanks to God and Let Us Pray

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/18/22


Give thanks to God and let us pray,

And sing God's praises every day.

We come and lift our hearts in prayer,

And to God our petitions share.


We come before God and confess,

That with compassion God will bless,

And we'll forgive each of our sins,

Then, through Christ, our new life begins.


For in Christ we are born again,

The gates of heaven are open.

God's blessings on us freely flow.

Heaven on earth is here below.


God's spirit breathes life into us,

As faithful followers of Jesus.

Let us, our faith in Christ, proclaim,

For this we pray in Jesus’ name.

Come Celebrate that Christ Is King

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/19/22


Come celebrate that Christ is king.

With all the angels, let us sing.

Christ’s kingdom, let us now proclaim.

For this we pray in Jesus’ name.


We affirm that the Lord is king,

Jesus rules over everything.

And as a church, Christ is the head.

We will obey all Christ has said.


To Christ we all our heads bow down.

Upon his head, thorns are a crown.

He bled and died for you and me.

With him we'll spend eternity.


Give Thanks to God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/20/22


“Give thanks to God,” let people sing.

God has created everything,

And many gifts has given us.

The best one is the Lord Jesus.


We come and lift up Jesus’ name.

We worship and our faith proclaim.

We bring to God our thanks and praise.

And live for Christ all of our days.


And when our days on Earth are done,

We'll go to be with everyone,

Who's come and gone ahead, before.

We'll worship Christ forevermore.


To God We Are Thankful

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/21/22


To God we are thankful for all that God's done.

We are blessed by God's grace shown to everyone.

God's mercy to us, we can fully receive,

When we turn to Jesus and truly believe.



Thank the Lord, Thank the Lord, for all that the Lord's done.

Thank the Lord, Thank the Lord, who gives us salvation.

Come worship the Lord, bringing honor and praise.

And give God the glory forever, always.


During the harvest when crops are brought in,

Let the celebration of the Lord begin.

As we bring the first fruits as our offering.

We come before God and share our Thanksgiving.



Come before God and Let Us Sing

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/22/22


Come before God and let us sing.

With grateful hearts our gifts we bring.

Sing praises for all God has done.

Count each blessing. Name every one.


By the Lord God, we've all been blessed.

When time was right God gave the best.

To forgive sins God gave to us.

Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.


As creatures made by God's own hand.

In time, we see what God has planned.

We celebrate all that God has done.

By God, the victory is won.


During Advent We Watch and Wait

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/23/22


During Advent, we watch and wait.

For Christ's return we anticipate.

Of Christ each day, what might we learn,

Watching for signs of his return?


Spend holy time with God each day.

Take time to meditate and pray.

May God each day reveal to us,

Our Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus.


As God reveals God's love for you,

Hear what God has for you to do,

That someone else might feel God's love,

And give their thanks to God above.


For the Lord’s Coming Now We Wait

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/24/22


For the Lord's coming now we wait.

God's glory we anticipate.

For on that day we all will see.

The advent of eternity.


Until that day we watch and wait.

Already to participate.

The Lord shall come upon that day.

May we be ready. Let us pray.


Pray that the Lord will strengthen us,

That we might see the Lord Jesus,

In whom salvation now begins,

As he forgives us for our sins.


Light a candle as Advent starts.

May love for God be in your hearts.

And as the candlelight does shine,

May your heart reflect the divine.


We Celebrate This Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/25/22


We celebrate this day,

The light that's coming to us,

To proclaim the Lord's birth,

The birth of our Lord Jesus.

Let us give thanks to God,

For all that God has done,

And celebrate this day,

God's advent has begun.


We light the first candle,

With hope in the Lord Jesus,

For Christ will come again,

To save and deliver us.

That we might rise today,

Unlike all days before,

That in this bright new day,

We'll live forever more.


Then when the new day comes,

All tumults and wars will cease.

Christ will make all things new,

And then we'll live in peace.

By this first candlelight,

We'll watch and wait today,

Until that new day comes,

We will faithfully pray.

In Advent We Ponder

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/26/22


In Advent, we ponder,

On what we might see,

We journey and wander,

To where we might be,

Right there in your presence,

Right time and right place,

To see love’s pure essence,

Transcend time and space.


Set us on this pathway,

That we might find you.

Teach us what we might say,

And what we might do,

To help others seek you,

And join in the quest,

That your light will break through,

And their lives be blessed.


Help us share your story,

To those who don't know,

That they see your glory,

While on earth below.

May your holy city,

Be revealed above,

And for eternity,

May all feel your love.


During Advent We Watch and Wait

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/27/22


During Advent, we watch and wait,

For Christ to come among us.

Do not linger or hesitate,

Hear our prayer. “Come, Lord Jesus.”

Help us to be fully prepared,

Like in the day of Noah.

Thanks to the ark, their lives were spared.

God saved them. Hallelujah.


As days grow short and nights grow long,

We wait for Christ, patiently.

For to the Lord we do belong,

And serve the Lord faithfully.

Therefore, upon Christ we will wait,

No matter how long it takes.

For with faith we anticipate,

Christ will come for all our sakes.


We Come Before the Lord

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/28/22


We come before the Lord,

To worship and to pray,

That the Lord will be glorified,

By all we do today.


In Advent, we draw near,

To worship God on high,

Anticipating that this day,

Our Savior will draw nigh.


Prepare the Way of Christ

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/29/22


Prepare the way of Christ,

Descending from above,

For our sins, he was sacrificed,

Through his great love.

For all that Christ has done,

For others and for us,

Share the good news with everyone,

About Jesus.


In the darkest of days,

May we help share Christ's light.

That all people might find their way,

Beyond their plight.

As we have been so blessed,

May we be blessings too,

To help others who may be stressed,

Through all we do.


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