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2024 April

  I Believe in Thomas                         Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/1/24   I believe in Thomas, Who seemed to be like us. The resurrection he doubted, Even when others shouted.   Somehow, he had missed out, And thus, began to doubt. The end had not come, but instead, Christ was alive not dead.   Thomas was called the twin. We'll call him that again. When Thomas believed in Jesus, He became the twin of us.   Today We Sing Our Praise to God                         Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/2/24   Today we sing our praise to God. We shout for joy, our hands applaud. Our prayers of confession we bring, And heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving.   We celebrate that God loves us, Enough to send us Jesus, And though we killed Christ on the cross, By it God's mercy comes across.   We cannot fathom God's great love, That's poured down from heaven above. It washes away all our sin, Renews each day to live again.