2024 April


I Believe in Thomas

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/1/24


I believe in Thomas,

Who seemed to be like us.

The resurrection he doubted,

Even when others shouted.


Somehow, he had missed out,

And thus, began to doubt.

The end had not come, but instead,

Christ was alive not dead.


Thomas was called the twin.

We'll call him that again.

When Thomas believed in Jesus,

He became the twin of us.


Today We Sing Our Praise to God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/2/24


Today we sing our praise to God.

We shout for joy, our hands applaud.

Our prayers of confession we bring,

And heartfelt prayers of thanksgiving.


We celebrate that God loves us,

Enough to send us Jesus,

And though we killed Christ on the cross,

By it God's mercy comes across.


We cannot fathom God's great love,

That's poured down from heaven above.

It washes away all our sin,

Renews each day to live again.


Jesus Loves All of the Children

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/3/24

(Tune: Jesus Loves the Little Children)


Jesus loves all of the children,

All the children everywhere:

Strong or weak, or rich or poor,

They are loved forevermore.

Jesus loves all of the children everywhere.


Jesus loves all of the children,

All the children everywhere:

Some talk a lot, some are shy.

Some are quiet, some ask, “why?”

Jesus loves all of the children everywhere.


Jesus loves all of the children,

All the children everywhere:

All children at any stage,

Even middle or old age.

Jesus loves all of the children everywhere.


Jesus loves all of the children,

All the children everywhere:

Jesus loves both you and me,

Let us likewise love fully.

Let us love all of the children everywhere.


We Come Before the Lord with Praise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/5/24


Come before the Lord with praise,

“Hallelujahs,” our voices raise.

We celebrate all God has done,

By sending Christ for everyone.


By the Lord's love we have been blessed.

In return we give God our best.

All that we need, the Lord's supplies.

As we've been loved, we love likewise.


Teach Us, O Lord, Open Our Mind

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/9/24


Teach us, O Lord, open our mind,

That in your scriptures we might find,

As we understand what you say,

That you wish us to learn today.


You taught disciples something new,

When you told them, “Peace be with you.”

May we know everlasting peace,

When doubts and fears and turmoils cease.


You have called us to change our ways,

That we might follow you always.

As those forgiven, we forgive,

That in your name we all will live.


We Celebrate the Lord Above

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/10/24


We celebrate the Lord above,

Who showers down upon us love.

God's love empowers our rebirth,

Like springtime rain revives the earth.


As in the spring we see new leaves,

There are signs in each who believes.

Love’s countenance upon each face,

Reflects the Lord's life-giving grace.


To the Lord God let us each pray,

As we live life fully each day.

Give thanks to God who has blessed us,

And faithfully follow Jesus.


We Come Before God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/11/24


We come before God, and we offer our praise.

We thank God for blessing us all of our days.

In God's own image God has created us.

We worship God, for God is so glorious.


God has blessed each of us with God-given gifts.

We are called to use them as God's power uplifts.

As we have been blessed, others we are to bless,

And offer forgiveness by God's holiness.


We affirm this scripture of Jesus is true,

We do unto others as we'd have them do.

We share with others the faith we have received,

And share our beliefs as we’d have them believe.


As Followers of Christ

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/12/24


As followers of Christ,

Let it be understood,

The Lord is great! We celebrate,

The Lord is also good.

We know that God is love.

God loves us that's for sure.

We sing our praise, to God always.

God's love for us is pure.


Though we wish to follow Christ,

Sometimes we go astray.

When things go wrong, God comes along,

To guide us on the way.

When things are at their worst,

And we're in a bad place,

And although sin has entered in,

We’re blessed by the Lord's grace.


God is not done with us.

God's love for us is true.

We will receive, if we believe,

The Lord will see us through.

We get another chance,

That we might change our way.

We can begin to try again,

To be better each day.


God Has Blessed Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/13/24


God has blessed us by God's mercy,

And has called us to obey,

To love God and neighbor fully,

And to daily live that way.


Live your faith as an example,

Showing others how to live.

For God's love is more than ample,

And love God will freely give.


God has blessed all of creation.

We have been blessed by God's grace.

God has blessed us with salvation.

On the cross Christ took our place.


Pray to the Lord with Care

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/15/24


Pray to the Lord with care.

Prayer is a dialogue.

It's not just what you say in prayer,

But what you hear from God.


Share each joy and concern,

Not that God does not know,

But listen then that you might learn,

And spiritually grow.


Reduce distracting noise,

That God's will, you might hear,

Just listen for God's still small voice,

Whispering in your ear.


Hear what is on God's heart.

What for God might you do?

Faithfully try to do your part.

Use God's gifts given you.


God Made the Whole World

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/16/24

(Tune: He’s Got the Whole World)


God made the whole world. Thank you, God.

God made the whole wide world. Thank you, God.

God made the whole world. Thank you, God.

God made the whole world. Thank you, God.


God made all of creation.


God made the light shine in the darkness.


God made the birds and the bees.


God made the flowers and the trees.


God made all people everywhere.


God made you and that makes you special.


God made you and God also loves you.


Give Thanks unto the Lord

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/18/24


Give thanks unto the Lord,

For all the Lord has done.

With grateful hearts the Lord's adored,

The Lord, the Holy One.


On day one all began,

Let it be understood.

In the beginning ‘twas God's plan,

To proclaim all things good.


Then when things went awry,

And sin got out of hand.

Upon the cross the Lord did die,

To fulfill God's command.


How might we likewise serve,

And take up our own cross?

On our life's journey comes a curve,

A victory through loss.


This Is the Day God Made

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/20/24


This is the day God made,

That we might praise God's name.

Upon the cross our debt was paid,

And that is why we came.


Enter into God's courts,

And the sanctuary.

Enter in, people of all sorts.

Here's where we need to be.


Before the Lord we come,

To worship and to pray.

It matters not where we come from.

We come this Sabbath day.


This Day the Lord Has Made

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/21/24


This day the Lord has made,

And for it we rejoice.

Overflowing praises cascade,

As we each lift our voice.


We rejoice as we sing,

And offer God our praise.

To God our shouts of praise we bring,

As prayers to God we raise.


Oh Lord, please forgive us.

Our sins we have confessed.

We pray in the name of Jesus,

The name by which we're blessed.


God Is Always with You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/23/24


Throughout your days, both good and bad.

God is always with you.

Rejoice in the Lord and be glad.

God is always with you.


God is always with you.

Just say a prayer, God's always there.

God is always with you.

God is always with you.


Overwhelming things sometimes are.

God is always with you.

God's with you never very far.

God is always with you.



Although alone we may feel weak,

God is always with you.

God will always lift up the meek.

God is always with you.



God of Branches and Roots

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/24/24


God of branches and roots,

God of vines and good fruits,

Be our guide in this time and place,

By your wisdom and grace.


Long ago as you led,

Wanderers on ahead,

Through tough times and wildernesses,

In this time, please bless us.


You've graced us with your word.

By your call we've been stirred.

You cause things to flourish and grow,

By the love you bestow.


Help us to follow you,

For there is more to do.

Reveal to us the promised land.

Show us what you have planned.


Praise and Glorify

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/27/24


Sing praises to God,

For all God has done.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Sing your praises to,

The almighty One.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Praise God. Praise God.

To the Creator let us all applaud.

Praise God. Praise God.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.


Come before the Lord,

Who made everything.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Glorify the Lord.

Raise your voice and sing.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Praise God. Praise God.

To the Creator let us all applaud.

Praise God. Praise God.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.


By our loving God,

We have been so blessed.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Salvation is given,

When sins are confessed.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Praise God. Praise God.

To the Creator let us all applaud.

Praise God. Praise God.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.


Go into the world,

The Good News to share.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Show the Lord's love to,

People everywhere.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.

Praise God. Praise God.

To the Creator let us all applaud.

Praise God. Praise God.

Praise and glorify th’almighty God.


All Things Reveal the Master’s Touch

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 4/30/24


All things reveal the Master’s touch,

Created by love and grace.

We can see God's work everywhere,

Reflected in each face.


Today take time to reflect on,

How lovingly you were made.

Give thanks by living your whole life,

So that God's love is displayed.


May love and kindness guide your steps,

As you journey everyday.

And may God's goodness and mercy,

Follow you all of the way.


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