2024 October


Early in the Morning

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/4/2024


Early in the morning I rise,

To sunrise at the shore.

God's glory’s there, before my eyes,

Praise God for evermore.


As time passes throughout the day,

The sun moves through the sky.

At times I pause. To God I pray.

Praise God as time goes by.


When the workday is done,

Late in the afternoon,

Again, I praise the Holy One,

The day will be past soon.


At nightfall darkness descends,

Before I go to bed,

One last prayer up to God ascends,

As I lay down my head.


What Is Your One Thing

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/9/2024


Contemplate with God here,

What are you thinking?

What stops you where you are?

What is your one thing?


For one it was his wealth.

It was overwhelming,

Of his spiritual health.

What is your one thing?


Then Martha rants and fumes,

Things not of her liking,

Something’s wrong she assumes.

What is your one thing?


What was the message heard,

As Mary sits listening,

To Jesus’ every word?

What is your one thing?


What stops what we should do?

We each have something.

Just what is it for you?

What is your one thing?


The Prophets Long Ago

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/10/2024


The prophets long ago,

Foretold a glorious day.

God would be with us here,

And guide us on the way.


As giver of the law,

Moses shared the Lord's rules.

To guide us from each sin and flaw,

By giving us the tools.


The writer of the psalms,

Wrote praises and laments,

To soothe our souls like healing balms,

Drawn into God's presence.


Moses Led the People

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/11/2024

(Tune: Eensy Weensy Spider)


Moses led the people,

To the Promised Land.

Wherever they wandered,

God was close at hand.


Moses spread the waters,

When they got to the sea,

Opening the way that,

God's people could be free.


Out in the desert,

When there was no food,

God gave them manna,

As only God could.


Likewise, the water,

In the desert land,

Came from the rock by,

The Lord's mighty hand.


Each time that problems were,

Brought before the Lord,

And each time they doubted,

Faith in God was restored.


Under the sun,

Out in that desert place,

They followed God faithfully,

And we're blessed by God's grace.


God, We Come before You

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/14/2024


God, we come before you,

To worship and adore you.

We lift our songs in praise,

With thanks to our voices we raise.


For all that you have done,

We give you thanks for each one.

“Thank you, O Lord,” we pray,

For your help along the way.


For all that's yet undone,

We pray that your will be done.

“Help us, O Lord,” we cry,

On you in faith we rely.


When here our time is done,

And the eternal life’s begun,

May we look back with grace,

Knowing we've run the good race.


At the Sea

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/17/2024

(Tune: Three Blind Mice)


At the sea, at the sea,

See what God does. See what God does.

When all God’s people were there delayed,

Then Moses said, “do not be afraid.”

For all God's power would be displayed.

At the Red Sea.


At the sea, at the sea,

See what God does. See what God does.

A cloud separated the army.

Moses raised his staff up over the sea,

So that God’s people could cross safely.

Through the Red Sea.


At the sea, at the sea,

See what God does. See what God does.

Then all of a sudden just like a flash,

Moses raised his staff and there was a splash

The waves came back with a mighty crash.

Of the Red Sea.


We Come before the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/19/2024


Come before the Lord,

Our God to glorify.

The Lord is worshiped and adored,

God's name we magnify.


We raise to God our prayers,

From deep within our hearts.

We offer our concerns and cares,

And then the healing starts.


We sing the songs of praise,

And raise God's name on high.

We glorify the Lord always,

The Lord we magnify.


Enter My Heart, O God

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/22/2024


Enter my heart, O God,

Free me from guilt and sin,

That I might love neighbor and self,

With your love dwelling within.


Enter my heart, O God,

Teach me your loving way,

That I might share love everywhere,

And live it every day.


Enter my heart, O God,

With your sustaining grace.

May I know that I'm forgiven,

Wrapped in your loving embrace.


Come, Jesus, Walk with Me

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/23/2024


Come, Jesus, walk with me,

Guide me upon your way,

That I might learn to follow you,

Today and every day.


Come, Jesus, be with me,

And help me be with you,

That I might be what I should be,

And do what I should do.


Come, Jesus, talk with me,

Guiding me with your word,

That I might always obey you,

And do what all I’ve heard.


Holy God, Speak to Me

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/24/2024


Holy God, speak to me,

Guide me upon your way.

Help me to follow where you lead,

That your word I may obey.


Holy God, walk with me,

Each step upon the way.

Let my will be to do your will,

And follow you day by day.


Holy God, shine on me,

Your ever-present light.

May I fully, completely see,

Inspired by your insight.


Come before God in Prayer

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/25/2024


Come before God in prayer.

Give thanks for all God's done.

Then humbly your petitions share.

Bring before God each one.


Prayer is a two-way street.

Allow God time to speak.

May God's will and your own will meet,

Faithfully God’s will seek.


Hold off on the Amen.

Keep praying through the day.

May prayer be a conversation,

As throughout the day you pray.

Love the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/25/2024

(Tune: London Bridge)


Love the Lord with all your heart,

All your soul, all your mind.

Love the Lord with all your strength.

Jesus taught us.


Love your neighbor as yourself,

As yourself, and yourself!

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus taught us.


Jesus taught us we should love,

We should love, we should love.

Jesus taught us we should love.

Jesus taught us.


Jesus Calls Us

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/2024


Jesus calls us to come,

Follow him on the way.

Many are called but only some,

Will answer his call today.


Jesus calls you by name,

Just like Nathaniel.

Jesus knew him before he came,

Jesus knows us as well.


Jesus calls, “Walk with me,

Each step along the way.”

Become who God made you to be.

Your new life begins today.


Jesus calls, “Talk with me,

Share all your guilt and shame.”

From all your sins you’ll be set free.

You’ll never be the same.


We Come before the Lord in Prayer

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/28/2024


We come before the Lord in prayer.

Upon the Lord we wait.

For we believe the Lord will share,

The healing power of faith.


Thinking of all that Christ has done,

What might you ask today?

Which of your needs is number one?

Come before God and pray.


For all that God has done for you,

What will you do today?

May faith in God come shining through,

All that you do and say.


God Speaks to Me

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/29/2024


In quiet times God speaks to me,

With a most-needed word.

God offers me a clarity,

Through what, from God, I’ve heard.


In prayerful times God speaks to me,

If I give God the chance,

And stop speaking constantly,

With my self-centered rants.


In hectic times God speaks to me,

Though it's so hard to hear,

But later when it's less crazy,

God still, small voice is clear.


We Come before the Lord and Sing

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/2024


We come before the Lord and sing,

Offering thanks and praise,

And to the Lord our hearts we bring,

Here and now and always.


From here we go blessed by God's grace.

We rise up from the pews.

T’wards God's mission we set our face,

We go to share Good News.


This day in holy worship we’re,

Convicted by God's word.

So, wherever we go from here,

May God's Good News be heard.


Dawn the Donkey

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 10/31/2024


Once there was a donkey named Dawn,

Whom Mary rode upon.

Dawn carried Mary up and down,

To old Bethlehem town.


Dawn carried burdens many years,

That weight brought her to tears.

Something here though was different.

She felt it as they went.


Whenever Mary sat on her,

Her heart began to stir.

There was a tingle in her spine,

Was it a divine sign?


Though there was no room at the inn,

A shed, they could go in.

A miracle was in the air.

As Mary gave birth there.


Dawn knew things would be alright,

As God's light shone that night.

For Jesus Christ would soon be born,

Early on Christmas morn.


Quiet near the manger Dawn stood,

Patiently as she could,

At the birth of this blessed boy,

She shed tears of great joy.


A beast of burden on that day,

Had a big part to play.

Today like throughout history,

There are roles for you and me.


We can share what all we believe,

That others might receive,

What this miracle means to us,

Who believe in Jesus.


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