2020 June

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/01/20

I love the Lord who always hears,
My requests for mercy and aid.
I'll call out to God as long as I live,
Because God listened to each call I've made.

The Lord is merciful and righteous.
Our God is most compassionate.
The Lord protects the lowly,
And saves those less fortunate.

God, you have freed me from my chains,
You have made me unafraid.
I'll offer a sacrifice to you, Lord,
(and keep the promises I've made.) *

Praise the Lord!
              * Added by the author

Psalm 117
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/02/20

Praise the Lord, all nations!
God's faithful love is strong.
God's faithfulness last forever.
Praise the Lord with this song!

Psalm 118
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/03/20

Give thanks to the Lord! God is good.
God's faithful love lasts forever and ever.
Let those who honor the Lord say it,
“God's faithful love last forever!”

The sounds of joyful songs and deliverance,
Are heard in the tents of the righteous.
“The Lord is my strength and protection.
The Lord's strong hand is victorious.”

The stone rejected by the builders,
Is now the main foundation stone!
This is the day the Lord has acted.
We will rejoice and praise God alone!  

(Psalm 119 is so long that I wrote a hymn for each segment 
They each begin with succeeding letter of the Hebrew alphabet.)

Psalm 119.1-8 Alef
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/04/20

Those whose way is blameless,
And in the Lord's instruction walk.
Those who guard God's laws are truly happy,
They see God and walk the talk.

They don't do anything wrong!
They walk completely in God's ways.
God you have ordered that your decrees,
Should be kept most carefully always.

How I wish my ways were strong,
When it comes to keeping your statutes!
As I learn your righteous rules,
I'll give thanks with a heart that bears fruits.

Psalm 119.9-16 Bet
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/05/20

How can young people keep their paths pure?
By guarding them according to what you said.
Don't let me stray from any of your commandments.
I have sought you with both my heart and head.

I keep your word close in my heart,
So that I won't sin against you.
You, Lord, are to be blessed!
Teach me your statutes through and through.

I rejoice in the content of your laws.
You, Lord, are to be blessed!
I will delight in your statutes.
I will not forget all you have stressed.

Psalm 119.17-24 Gimel
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/06/20

Be good to me so I can live,
And faithfully keep your holy word.
Open my eyes so I can fully examine,
The wonders of your instruction undeterred.

You rebuke arrogant people,
Who from your commandments stray.
Take all their contempt away from me,
Because I keep your laws night and day.

Even if rulers scheme against me,
I will contemplate your statutes.
Yes, your laws are my joy.
They are my advisors in all disputes.

Psalm 119.25-32 Dalet
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/07/20

My life is stuck in a terrible rut.
By your promise make me again live.
I confessed my ways and you answered.
Understanding of your statutes to me give.

Help me understand your precepts,
So, I can contemplate your works of wonder.
My spirit sags because of my grief,
By your promise raise me up like thunder.

I'm holding tight to your laws, Lord.
Please don't let me be put to shame.
I run the path as your commandments,
You give my heart insight instead of blame.  

Psalm 119.33-40 He
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/08/20

Lord, teach me what your statutes are about,
And I will guard every part.
Help me understand so I can guard your instruction,
And keep it with all my heart.

Lead me on the trail of your commandments,
Because that is what I desire.
Turn my heart to keeping all your laws,
Not for greed to acquire.

Turn my eyes away from looking at worthless things,
Make me live by your way.
Confirm your promise for all those who honor you,
That I live in day by day.  

Psalm 119.41-48 Waw
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/09/20

Lord, let your faithful love come to me,
According to your promise, let salvation come.
So, I can respond to those who mock me,
For I trust in your word’s outcome.

Don't take your true word from my mouth,
Because for your rules I have waited.
I will walk around in wide open spaces,
Because your precepts I have contemplated.

I will talk about your laws before rulers,
With no shame whatsoever.
I will rejoice in your commandments,
Because I love them forever. 

Psalm 119.49-56 Zayin
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/10/20

Remember your promise to your servant,
For which you made me wait.
My comfort during my suffering is this:
Your word I so appreciate.

The arrogant make fun of me to no end,
From your instruction I haven't deviated.
When I remember your ancient rules,
I am both comforted and elated.

Lord I remember your name at nighttime,
Your instruction I faithfully keep.
This has been my daily practice,
I follow your precepts awake and asleep.

Psalm 119.57-64 Khet
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/11/20

You, Lord, are my everything,
I promise to do all you decree.
I've sought your favor with all my heart,
According to your word, have mercy on me.

I always consider your ways,
And your laws I do not scoff.
I keep your commandments.
I never put them off.
I get up in the middle of the night,
And give thanks for your righteous rules.
Lord, the world is full of your faithful love.
Your statutes are my tools.

Psalm 119.65-72 Tet
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/12/20

You have treated your servant well,
Lord, according to your promise.
Teach me knowledge and good judgment,
By trusting your laws, I can't miss.

I took the wrong way before I suffered,
But now I do what you say.
You are good and you do good,
Teach me to follow your way,

My suffering was good for me,
Because through it your statutes I learned.
The instruction you gave me is better,
Then all the gold and silver others earned.

Psalm 119.73-80 Yod
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/13/20

Lord, I know your rules are right,
And that you rightly let me suffer.
Please let your love now comfort me,
Let your precepts be my buffer.

Let your compassion come to me,
Your instruction is my delight.
Let arrogant liars be ashamed,
I contemplate your laws day and night.

Let the people who honor you come back,
Let those who know your precepts return.
Let my heart be blameless in your statutes,
That your will I might always discern.  

Psalm 119.81-88 Kaf
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/14/20

My whole being yearns for your saving help,
For your promise, I faithfully wait.
My eyes are worn out looking for your word,
Come, comfort me and don't hesitate.
I've become like a bottle dried up by smoke,
Though your statutes I never dismiss.
How much more time does your servant have?
When will you bring my oppressors to justice?

The arrogant have dug pits for me,
Those who act against your instruction.
All your commandments are true,
Help me when others call for my destruction.

Jesus Loves You
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/14/20

Jesus loves you this we know,
For the Bible tells us so.
Jesus came from heaven above,
That we'd know of God's great love,
Yes! Jesus loves you!
Yes! Jesus loves you!
Yes! Jesus loves you!  
The Bible tells us so!

Psalm 119.89-96 Lamed
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/15/20

Lord, your word stands firm in heaven forever.
From one generation to the next your faithfulness extends.
You set the earth firmly in place and it is still there.
Your laws endure to this day. Your rule never ends.

Your rules endure to this day,
Because everything serves you.
If your instruction hadn't been my delight,
I don't know what I’d do.

I will never forget your precepts,
Because through them you gave life to me.
I'm yours. Save me as I cry out,
Because I've pursued your precepts daily.  

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/16/20

I love your instruction, Lord.
I think about it constantly.
Your commandment makes me wise,
Because it is always with me.
I have more understanding than the elders,
Because your ordnances I guard.
I haven't set my feet on an evil path,
For keeping your word is not hard.

Your word is pleasing to my tongue,
In my mouth it is sweeter than honey.
I am faithfully studying your presets,
Rather than chasing after money.  

Psalm 119.105-112 Nun
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/17/20

Your word is a lamp before my feet,
And a light for my journey.
I have sworn and I fully mean it,
I will keep your righteous rules before me.

I have been suffering so much, Lord,
By your promise make me live again.
Please accept my gifts of praise.
Teach me your rules that I might follow. Amen.

Psalm 119.113-120 Samek
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/18/20

I dislike fickle people,
But your instruction I love.
God, you are my shelter and shield,
I await your promises from above.

Get away from all who do evil,
God's commandments I will guard.
Sustain me, God, according to your word,
Hoping in your promises is not hard.

You dismiss all who stray from your statutes,
Because they are dishonest fools.
My body shudders before your holiness,
I'm in awe of all your rules. 

Psalm 119.121-128 Ayin
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/19/20

I've done what is just and right.
Don't hand me over to my adversary.
Provide good things for your servant.
Don't let the arrogant or press me.
My eyes search for your saving help,
Looking for your word that will set things right.
Act toward your servant with faithful love.
Teach me your statutes by day and by night.

I love your commandments more than gold.
That's what I always say.
That's why I follow every precept.
That's why I hate every false way. 

Psalm 119.129-136 Pe
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/20/20

Your laws are wonderful!
That's why I guard them.
Your word gives light,
Giving simple folk wisdom.

I open my mouth panting,
For your commandments I long.
Come and have mercy on me,
I will praise you with my song.

Shine your face upon your servant,
For rivers of tears I have wept.
Teach us again your statutes,
For your instruction is not being kept.  

Psalm 119.137-144 Tsade
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/21/20

Lord, you are righteous,
And your rules are true.
Your laws are righteous,
Trustworthy through and through.

Anger consumes me, because -
My enemies have forgotten you.
Your word has been tested,
And through it my faith grew.

Stress and strain are upon me,
But your commandments are my joy.
Your laws are righteous forever,
Each one, Lord, help me employ.  

Psalm 119.145-152 Qof
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/22/20

Lord, I cry out, “Save me,
So, your laws I can contemplate.”
I meet the predawn light,
Your promise to await.

I awake throughout the night,
As I meditate on your word.
Hear my cry according to your justice,
Let me know my cries have been heard.

Lord, you are so near at hand,
And all your commandments are true.
Long ago I learned from your laws,
That were established forever by you.

Psalm 119.153-160 Resh
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/23/20

I haven't forgotten your instruction.
Look at my suffering and deliver me.
Redeem me and argue my case.
By your word make me live faithfully.

My oppressors and enemies are many,
But I haven't strayed from your laws.
I look at the faithless with disgust,
By not keeping your laws they are outlaws.

Look at how much I love your precepts.
I live by your faithful love.
The first thing to know is your word is true,
And comes down with love from heaven above.  

Psalm 119.161-168 Sin
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/24/20

Rulers oppress me without cause,,
But my heart honors what you've said.
I am overjoyed at your word,
Like a starving person given bread.

I absolutely hate what is false,
I'm in love with your instruction.
I praise you seven times a day.
Your rules form my faith's construction.
People who love your rules enjoy peace,
There is no stumbling block for them.
Lord, I wait for your saving help,
Your laws are like a precious gem.

Psalm 119.169-176 Tav
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/25/20

Let my cry reach you, Lord.
Help me understand what you've said.
Let my request for grace come before you.
Shower mercy upon my head.

Let my lips overflow with praise,
For the statutes you have taught me.
Let my tongue declare your word,
Because your commandments are holy.

Lord, I long for your saving help.
Your instruction is my joy.
Let me live again so I can praise you.
Help me, your rules to employ.

Psalm 120
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/26/20

I cried out to the Lord when I was in trouble,
And God answered me on the double.
I cried, “Deliver me from lying lips,
For I have spoken evil since I was young.”

Oh, I am doomed for I've lived far too long,
Among people who hate hearing a peaceful song.
I am for peace, now and forevermore.
When I speak of peace, they are for war.

Psalm 121
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/27/20

I raise my eyes to the hills,
From where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord,
Maker of heaven and earth and then some.

God won't let your foot slip,
Your back, the Lord will keep.
Israel's almighty protector,
Will neither rest nor sleep.

The Lord is your protector.
The Lord guards your left and your right.
The sun won't strike you by day,
Neither will the moon by night.

The Lord will protect you from all evil.
The Lord will always protect you somehow.
The Lord will protect you on your journeys,
From now until forever from now!  

Psalm 122
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/28/20

I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the Lord's house together!”
And now our feet are finally standing,
Within your gates which stand forever.

Like a great city Jerusalem is built,
Joined together all people in unity.
That is where the tribes go up,
They all ascend to the holy city.

It is the law for all Israel,
To give thanks there to the Lord’s name.
Because the thrones of justice are there,
So, we come our faith to proclaim.

Pray that Jerusalem has peace,
Let those who love you have rest.
Let there be peace on your walls.
I pray that you are forever blessed.

Psalm 123
                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/29/20

I raise my eyes to you, the one who rules the earth.
As the eyes of servants attend to their master's hands.
As soldiers obey their commander’s commands,
So, our eyes attend the Lord who has given us birth.

Have mercy on us Lord! Give us grace,
Because we have had more than enough shame.
We have been mocked for proclaiming your name.
Now put the arrogant and proud in their place.  

Psalm 124

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 06/30/20

If the Lord hadn't been for us,
When our enemies attacked.
Then they would have devoured us,
Our bones they would have cracked.

If the Lord hadn't been for us,
Then in the waters we'd have drowned.
The torrent would have come over our necks,
The promised land we'd never have found.

Bless the Lord who saved us,
From enemies who did pursue.
We escaped like birds from a trap,
The trap was broken and so we flew.  


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