2020 July


Psalm 125

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/01/20


The people who trust in the Lord,

Are secure like Mount Zion.

Never shaken, lasting forever,

They stand their ground like a lion.


As mountains surround Jerusalem,

So, the Lord surrounds the flock.

From now until forever from now,

Day and night around the clock.


Lord, do good to people who are good,

To people whose hearts are right.

Bring peace upon your holy land,

That all are blessed in your sight.  


Psalm 126

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/02/20


When the Lord changed our lot,

It was like we had been dreaming.

Our mouths were full of laughter,

Thankful of the Lord's redeeming.


It was said among the nations,

“The Lord has done great things for them!”

Yes, the Lord has done great things for us.

We rejoice as we sing this anthem.


Lord, change things for the better,

Like dry streams in the desert waste.

Let those who plant with tears,

Reap a joyful harvest without haste.  


Psalm 127

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/03/20


Unless the Lord builds the house,

The builder's work is worthless.

Unless the Lord protects the city,

The guard on duty is useless.


Getting up too early is pointless,

And working too late likewise.

Because the Lord gives rest,

To those who are wise.

Psalm 128

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/04/20


Everyone who honors the Lord,

Who walks in God's ways is true.

You will enjoy what you've worked for,

And things will go well for you.


Parents will be like fruitful vines,

At your table many children will sit.

That's how it is for the faithful,

They are blessed because of it.


May the Lord bless you from Zion.

May goodness be yours your whole life long.

And may you see your grandchildren.

Peace be with you! Praise God with a song!


Psalm 129

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/05/20


People have constantly attacked me,

But they have never defeated me.

For the Lord Almighty is righteous,

From the ropes of the wicked God cut me free.


May the Lord's blessing always be upon us.

Let everyone who hates Zion feel the shame.

Let no one ever say to them,

“We bless you in God's name!”


Psalm 130

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/06/20


I cry out to you from the depths,

My Lord, listen to my voice!

Let your ears pay close attention,

Obeying you is my faithful choice.


If you kept track of sins,

My Lord, who would stand a chance?

But forgiveness is with you,

And by it our faith you enhance.


My whole being hopes, Lord,

And I wait patiently for you.

More than the night watch waits for the morning,

I wait for you to come through.

Psalm 131

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/07/20


Lord, my heart isn't proud,

My eyes aren't conceited.

I'm not overwhelmed,

Nor am I defeated.


I am calmed and quieted,

Like a weaned child.

My soul is at peace,

My manner is mild.


Israel, wait for the Lord,

Who always responds somehow.

Israel, wait for the Lord,

From now until forever from now!


Psalm 132

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/08/20


Lord, remember King David,

And how he suffered in those days.

Yet he promised to build for you,

A temple to stand always.


Let's enter God's dwelling place,

And worship with all our might.

Let your priests be dressed in righteousness,

And your faithful shout with delight,


Because the Lord chose Zion,

The hungry will have food to enjoy.

Its priests will be dressed in salvation,

And its faithful will shout out with joy.


Psalm 133

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/09/20


Look at how good and pleasing it is,

When families live together as one.

Like expensive oil poured over the head,

It’s a blessing poured out on everyone.


It is like the dew on Mount Hermon,

Streaming down on the mountains and hills.

Because there the Lord commanded the blessing,

Of life everlasting which now the Lord fulfills. 


Psalm 134

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/10/20


All you who serve the Lord somehow,

Bless the Lord where you are right now.

All you serve the Lord through the night,

Bless God then by serving God right.


In the sanctuary lift up your hands,

And bless the Lord throughout the lands.

May the Lord Almighty the creator of all,

Bless you all from the small to the tall. 


Psalm 135

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/11/20


All you who serve, praise the Lord!

All you, who in the Lord's house, stand,

Praise the Lord because God is good.

God's goodness spreads across the land.


Lord, your name is forever!

Your fame extends on and on.

The Lord gives justice to the people,

And on those who serve, compassion.


Bless the Lord, House of Israel.

Bless the Lord, House of Aaron.

Bless the Lord, House of Levi.

Bless the Lord from Mount Zion.


Praise the Lord! 


Psalm 136

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/11/20


Give thanks to God who makes great wonders,

God's faithful love endures forever!  

Give thanks to God who brings rains and thunders,

God's faithful love endures forever! 


Give thanks to God who makes the daylight,

God's faithful love endures forever! 

Give thanks to God for the stars at night,

God's faithful love endures forever! 



Give thanks to God who split the Red Sea in two,

God's faithful love endures forever! 

Give thanks to God who brought Israel through,

God's faithful love endures forever! 


Give thanks to God who rescued us from our foes,

God's faithful love endures forever! 

Give thanks to God who provides all the food that grows,

God's faithful love endures forever!


Psalm 137

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/13/20


By Babylon's rivers we sat down,

We remembered Zion while crying.

We hung up our lyres in trees,

When our captors asked us to sing.


Our tormentors requested songs of joy,

“Sing a song about Zion,” they’d command.

But how could we possibly sing,

The Lord’s song in a foreign land?


Let my strong hand wither, Jerusalem,

If I ever, ever forget you.

Let my tongue be forever silent,

If my heart does not stay true. 


Psalm 138

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/14/20


Thank you, Lord.

I sing your praise.

I worship you,

All of my days.


You are faithful.

You answer prayer.

You are just,

And always fair.


When I'm in trouble,

You restore my life.

You are my savior,

From every strife.



Psalm 139

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/15/20


Lord, you have thoroughly examined me.

You know when I am standing or sitting.

You completely comprehend my plans.

You study my traveling and my resting.


There isn't a word on my tongue, Lord,

That you do not already know completely.

You completely surround me - front and back.

That kind of knowledge is too much for me.


Where could I go that's far from your spirit?

Where could I go that's far away from you?

If I went to heaven you would be there.

If I went to the grave you would be there, too.


Examine me, God! Look at my heart!

Put me to the test. Know my anxiety.

Look and see my faithfulness,

And lead me on to eternity.


Psalm 140

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/16/20


Lord, rescue me from evil.

Guard me from the violent ones,

Who plot evil deeds in their hearts.

So, violence upon your people overruns.


I tell the Lord, “You are my God!

Listen to my earnest request.”

My Lord, my strong saving help,

At protecting my back, you're the best.

Psalm 141

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/17/20


Listen to my voice, Lord, when I cry,

I cry out to you. Come quickly to me.

Let my prayer stand before you like incense,

My uplifted hands I offered to Thee.


Set a guard over my mouth, Lord.

Keep close watch over my lips.

Don't let my heart turn to evil things.

Loosen the wickedness from my grips.


My eyes are on you, Lord.

I take refuge in you completely.

Protect me from the snares of evil doers.

Let me pass through them discreetly.  


Psalm 142

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/18/20


I cry out for help from the Lord.

I pour out to God all my concerns.

When I am weary and lost,

God knows just the right turns.


No one pays attention at all.

They look past me and don't see.

No one cares about my life.

There is no escape for me.


I cried to you, Lord, for help.

“You are my refuge,” I say.

“You are all I have here.

Help me find the way.” 


Psalm 143

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/19/20


Listen to my prayer, Lord.

Here the requests I've made.

Because of your righteousness,

Come quickly to my aid.


I meditate on all your deeds.

I contemplate the works of your hands.

In prayer I reach out to you.

Thirsting for you like drylands.


Show me the way I should go.

I offer my life up to you.

Guide me by your good spirit.

Your wisdom will see me through.


Psalm 144

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/20/20


God is my fortress,

My place of safety,

My shield of refuge,

The one who saves me.


I will sing a new song to you, God.

I will sing a new song to you.

The people whose God is the Lord,

Are truly blessed through and through.


What are human beings,

That you know them at all?

What are human beings,

But you save them when they fall?


I will sing a new song to you, God.

I will sing a new song to you.

The people whose God is the Lord,

Are truly blessed through and through.


Psalm 145

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/21/20


I will lift your name on high, O God.

I will bless your name with praise.

I will bless you every day.

I will praise your name always.


The Lord is worthy of praise.

God's greatness cannot be contained.

From generation to generation,

Your mighty acts will be proclaimed.


They will talk about your glorious splendor.

They will rave about your abundant goodness.

They will declare your great accomplishments.

They will shout joyfully of your righteousness.



Psalm 146

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/22/20


Praise the Lord!


Let my whole being praise the Lord!

I will praise the Lord as long as I live.

I will sing praises to my God.

Devotion to God I will gladly give.


The Lord makes the blind see.

The Lord straightens those who are bent low.

The Lord frees the prisoner.

The Lord helps the orphan and the widow.


Praise the Lord!


Psalm 147

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/23/20


Praise the Lord!


God heals the broken hearted.

Our Lord is great and strong.

God helps the poor and needy.

We praise God in prayer and song.


God covers the skies with clouds.

God makes rain fall on the earth.

The mountains sprout green grass.

The deserts bloom new birth.


God scatters frost like ashes.

God makes strong winds blow.

God melts it all away,

And makes the waters flow.


Praise the Lord!


The Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/23/20


What's the Kingdom of heaven like?

Jesus spoke of seeds and trees,

Of precious pearls and hidden treasures.

In his parables he spoke of these.


He saw his disciples growing,

Through the stories that he shared.

And to succeeding generations,

His words have been declared.


The Kingdom started very small,

Among Christ's little band,

But with faithful sharing over time,

It has spread to every land.


We now are bearers of the seed,

And by faith must do our part.

To spread the Good News as we can

From our own to another's heart.


Share God’s love and share yourself!

Share what you have received.

Give to another the Kingdom of Heaven,

In which you have believed.


Psalm 148

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/24/20


Praise the Lord!


Praise the Lord from heaven!

Praise God on the Heights!

Praise God all heavenly forces!

Praise God all days and nights!


Praise God sun and moon!

All you bright stars praise God!

Praise God you in the highest heavens,

And all people who down on earth trod!


Let all of these, praise the Lord!

Because God is over all.

God's Majesty is over heaven and earth.

For all was created by God's call.  


Praise the Lord!



Psalm 149

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/25/20


Praise the Lord!


Sing to the Lord a new song.

Faithfully sing God's praise.

Let us celebrate all day long.

Let us praise God always.


Let us praise God with dance.

Let us praise God upon the drum.

Let us praise God at every chance.

Let us praise God wherever we're from.


Let the faithful celebrate.

Let them all their might employ.

Let them shout out, “God is great!”

Let the people shout for joy.


Praise the Lord!


Psalm 150

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/26/20


Praise the Lord!


Praise God in the sanctuary.

Praise God in the open air.

Praise God in the marketplace.

Praise God everywhere.


Praise God with drum and dance.

Praise God with pipe and strings.

Praise God with clashing symbols.

Praise God all living things.


Praise the Lord!


Jesus Fed Five Thousand (Matthew 14)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/27/20


Jesus fed five thousand,

With a little bread and fish,

The donation of one lad’s lunch,

Helped fulfill the master's wish.


What might the master do today,

With the gifts we each might share?

Feed the hungry, clothe the naked,

And heal the sick with Christ-like care.


The impossible is possible,

For those who so believe.

With Jesus and with trusting faith,

What needs might we relieve?


The Apostle Paul (Romans 9.2)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/28/20


The Apostle Paul had great sadness,

And constant pain upon his heart,

For all the unbelievers,

He wished faith to them impart.


For him it was the Israelites,

With whom he had been raised.

With covenants and “thou shall nots,”

Resurrection faith seemed crazed.


So, Paul reached out to Gentiles.

He preached and wrote letters, too.

That these would become believers,

In the one making all things new.


And here today we have a role,

To share that which gives new birth.

To whom might you now share it?

Pass it on, for all you're worth.


A Faithful Word

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/29/20


Today, O God, help me to see,

And become what you want me to be.

To put my will at your disposal,

Is my heart's desire and proposal.


What can I do for you today?

Help me too pray this every day.

How might I serve you with all my heart?

Guide me to do my unique part.


May thy kingdom come on earth today!

May I assist in some small way.

For there are those who have not heard,

Help me to share a faithful word. 

God, Guide Me

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/30/20


God guide me on your path always,

Through the ups and downs of all my days.

Guide me, though resist you I might,

Even guide me in my dreams at night.


I'm always blessed when you're the guide,

And we go various places side by side.

I've been blessed by what you have shown,

For I would not have gone there on my own.


Where I am now is where I should be,

And what you show is what I should see.

Now help me do what I can do,

That in serving others I might serve you. 


Take Time for Prayer

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 07/31/20


Everyday take time for prayer,

Commune with God and all things share.

Speak as you need but listen much more,

Be attentive to God and what is in store.


Prayer is not a time to tell God what to do,

But a time to ask what can be done by you.

Allow God to speak and divine wisdom impart,

That God's prayer might resonate deep in your heart.


Prayer is not about what we can get out,

To beg of the Lord with a plea or a shout.

To petition the Lord everything under the sun,

But to ask most of all that's God's will will be done.


Prayer is to me just being with the Lord.

To confess or give thanks to the one who's adored.

Speak what's on your heart not for God, but for you.

Putting prayers into words might tell you what to do.


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