2020 August


Our Calling to Fulfill

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/02/20

In the midst of turmoil,

In the midst of grief,

We come to you, Lord,

Seeking peace and relief.


Burdens weigh heavy,

Troubles overwhelm,

But our ship sails smoothly,

When we give you the helm.


You said your yolk’s easy,

And your burden is light.

Alone we are feeble,

But with you all is right.


Give us strength to give you,

Control of our life and our will.

That we might be worthy,

Our calling to fulfill.


On a Dark and Stormy Night (Matthew 14)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/03/20

On a dark and stormy night,

The disciples were out at sea.

Filled with fear and fright,

On the water a ghost they see.


It is Jesus it turns out,

On the water he is walking.

Peter from the boat did shout,

And with Jesus he started talking.


If it is Jesus, Peter wants to step out.

He wants to walk upon the waves,

But sinks when he begins to doubt.

Jesus reaches for Peter; Jesus saves.


In our journeys there will be storms,

And challenges to pass through.

But in the evil in all its forms,

Jesus reaches out to save you.  




Jesus Is Lord (Romans 10)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/04/20

Jesus is Lord of all of the earth,

Believing brings about new birth.

We are no longer our own but now his,

Serving our Lord is all that there is.


What might you do to share the Good News,

To offer to others who may have other views?

Reach out in compassion and share from your heart,

In the name of Jesus, we must each do our part.


Share the faith in your heart and the words in your head.

Be one of those people of whom it is said,

“How beautiful the feet (and the well-worn shoes,)

Of those who live it and share the Good News.”


The Power of Prayer

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/05/20

Through the power of prayer,

We can be anywhere,

There’s a person in need.

We are with them indeed.


As we lift up each prayer,

Another's burden we bear.

When troubled or stressed,

Through prayer each is blessed.


Where connected in prayer,

Joys and concerns we share.  

In prayer we are known,

By the compassion we’ve shown.


We Lift Our Prayers

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/06/20

In the losses, in the pains,

In the stresses, in the strains,

Lord, we lift our prayers to you,

That in your mercy you'll see us through.


In the triumphs, in the joys,

In the celebrations with all the noise,

Lord, we lift our praise to you,

For all the dreams that do come true.

In the midst of each day's living,

We offer you our thanksgiving.

Lord, we lift our hearts to you,

For all you are and all you do.


If All Lives Matter

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/07/20

If all lives matter,

Then wars should now cease.

If all lives matter,

We should strive for world peace.


If all lives matter,

The death penalty should end.

If all lives matter,

All executions suspend.


All lives matter to God,

Who brought all life into being.

You matter to God!

Who's all knowing, and all seeing.


Live your life like it matters.

For it does! Don't you see?

Tell each one that they matter,

To God, you, and me.  


A Blessed Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/08/20

Today, O God, we give a shout,

To you and all that you're about.

You've created each new day,

From the beginning up to today.


We watch for what today might bring,

For the joy and wonder we do sing.

For the challenges that come this way,

Give us courage. This we pray.


Then when tonight we go to bed,

Help us reflect on all done and said.

In our summation may we pray,

And thank you for a blessed day.




Each of Us Is Gifted

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/10/20

Each of us is gifted by God's grace.

Claim each gift with a firm embrace.

Each gift is ours to do as we will,

Waste it, misuse it, or God's will fulfill.


A need will arise somewhere today,

And God only knows what role we can play.

Using that unique gift at the right time and place,

Will be our gift to God in response to God's grace.


Today what might you do to glorify God?

Be the you, you can be, and give the giver a nod.

God gifted and calls you to serve now today,

For the glory of God, you have your role to play.


We Believe

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/11/20

We believe in God the great three in one,

Classically known as Father, Holy Ghost and Son.

Creator, Sustainer, Redeemer are also used,

To describe the Trinity divinely so fused.


God as creator is in the beginning,

And offers the law to keep people from sinning.

As the ultimate judge God alone does serve,

But judges by the cross and not on a curve.


The Holy Spirit is with us day by day,

To guide us along God's spiritual way.

The spirit gives gifts that we should employ,

And the fruit of the spirit we each should enjoy.


Jesus became human and walked on the earth,

We celebrate Christmas and his miraculous birth.

He walked and he talked, died, and rose from the grave,

If we faithfully follow, we know Jesus will save.  


Paul Wrote Letters

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/12/20

Paul at first had reached out to the Jews,

To share with them Jesus’ Good News.

But they didn't receive him, and so,

Off to the Gentiles he then did go.

From city to city he traveled around,

Reaching new people that he always found.

He offered new life to those who'd believe,

And shared his faith with all who'd receive.


Paul wrote letters to the churches he knew,

He wrote to the Romans where he hoped to get to.

He shared of his joys and also his griefs.

He shared his advice and his beliefs.


Jesus Had a Mission (Matthew 15)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/13/20

Jesus had a mission,

And to it he did keep.

He had a strong compassion,

For Israel's lost sheep.


But there was opposition,

From those who were in charge.

They had their own position,

To maintain and to enlarge.


So, Jesus went across the sea,

That he might seek the lost.

A Canaanite woman sought mercy,

And Jesus she'd accost.


Jesus’ judgement today might astonish.

“Dogs should not eat the children's bread.”

In response she did admonish,

“But dogs ate the table crumbs,” she said.


Jesus’ heart and eyes grew wider,

He fed and healed others in that land.

And the words from this outsider,

Helped our mission to expand.  


God’s Presence

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/15/20

Sometimes God's presence is so real,

At other times it's hard to feel.

God's presence is a real mystery,

Yet God is always there for you and me.

In the beauty of creation, the Creator is there.

And God is blessed when creative gifts we share.

To reveal God's presence just what might you do,

That the glory of God might show through you?


As blessed creations, let's each do our part,

To reveal God's presence found deep in our heart,

For there are those around us, who do not yet know,

Of God's loving presence unless it we show.


There Are Times

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/17/2 

There are times when we are happy.

There are times when we are sad.

But no matter whatever the times,

God’s with us in all that we've had.


There are times for every matter,

And all purposes here on earth.

There are all the in between times,

Before our death and after our birth.


Times will come beyond this time,

For us to look back upon.

Do something significant today.

Make a memory that will linger on.


For all the times that were or will be,

All we now have are here and now.

Make the most of the time you have.

Live it to the fullest somehow.


Lives Transformed (Romans 12)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/18/20

Through the gifts of the Spirit our lives are transformed,

Believers binding together Christ’s body is formed.

Each of us has a role, an important part,

We might be an eye, ear, hand, or a heart.


What gifts have been given? What role might you play?

How might your faith be enacted by you today?

Whether prophecy or service or the gift of teaching,

We each can serve God through the people we're reaching.


Your gift may be encouragement which is needed a lot!

God gave you your gifts, so now give all you've got.

As the body of Christ, we must do all we can do,

That as we've been blessed, through us others are, too.  


Who Am I (Matthew 16)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/19/20

“Who am I?” Jesus asked,

The disciples along the way.

“When you are out among people,

What about me do they say?”


Some say John the Baptist,

Elijah or another sage.

They shared what they had heard,

Then Jesus asked them to engage.


“Who am I for you?” He asked.

For all of them Peter did reply

“You are the Messiah!” and Jesus said,

“You're the rock on which the church will lie.”


“Who am I?” Jesus asks,

Of each of us today.

Search your soul before you speak,

For all depends on what you say.


We Have Free Will

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/20/20

We have free will to do thy will,

When we do, then we will see,

That our will’s no longer free,

For the master's will, we must fulfill.


We are free to choose to serve,

But once we've made that choice,

We serve, worship, and rejoice,

Faithfully following without reserve.


We can choose to go our own way,

And make of our lives a mess.

We can choose to repent and confess,

And follow Christ’s will and obey.


So, my friend, choose well today,

For the choice is always now.

Follow Jesus! Make that vow!

And be blessed upon Christ’s way.  


'Tis a Blessing

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/21/20

'Tis a blessing to be in prayer,

Those times with the Lord that we share.

Sharing joys and pains upon our heart,

But sharing petitions is only a part.


Prayer is a dialogue that goes both ways.

It's more than one-sided thanksgiving and praise.

It's taking time to listen to what might we hear?

God whispering to us in our inner ear.


Ask God today! What is on God's heart?

Let God speak to you. God's will to impart.

The rest of the prayer that you pray today,

Is faithfully doing what you heard God say.


Who Is Jesus for You

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/22/20

Who is Jesus for you today?

If someone would ask, what would you say?

What names from scripture do you recall?

Which is your favorite of them all?


There are a lot from which you can choose,

No matter which you select you cannot lose.

For each name for Jesus tells only apart,

About the One we hold dear each in our own heart.


He might be your Good Shepherd or the true Vine,

The Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Divine.

Alpha and Omega, the beginning and end,

Or as the church sings, O What a Friend.


As our faith grows our perception reveals,

As it is needed a new image appeals.

Jesus cannot be captured by one phrase or word,

Just tell someone else what all you have heard.



Love One Another (Romans 12)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/24/20

Love one another the scriptures say.

Whom all in the world might you love today?

Do your best to show honor and pray,

That we each can live our faith this way.


Contribute to those who are in need.

A difference we can make indeed.

Share the faith; plant a seed.

Welcome strangers and the hungry feed.


Bless even those people who harass you.

Rejoice with rejoicers and weep with weepers, too

If your enemy’s hungry give him something to chew.

Live at peace with all people all your life through.


In the Morning with God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/25/20

In the morning with God I walk.

In the midst of creation, we have a talk.

It's a marvelous way to start the day,

Talking with God along our way.


During the day we also converse,

On all sorts of matters quite diverse.

I cannot imagine going through a day,

Without God and the ability to pray.


In the evening as the day ends,

I finally sign off with my final Amens.

It's marvelous to quiet down in bed,

Thanking God for all that was done and said.  


We’re Unworthy

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/26/20

We are unworthy

We are unworthy

We are unworthy

On our own


We are worthy

We are worthy

We are worthy

By the one


We are blessed

We are blessed

We are blessed

By God's grace


We are beloved

We are beloved

We are beloved

By God above


Jesus’ Greatest Teaching (Matthew 16.21-28)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/27/20

Jesus’ greatest teaching,

Of all he had to say,

Was teaching the disciples,

To follow on the way.


When Jesus shared the vision,

Of his journey to the cross,

Peter tried to deny it,

As a monumental loss,


But Jesus knew the victory,

Stood beyond the grave.

Jesus came to show us.

Jesus came to save!


The choices for us now.

Jesus will we obey?

Will we find ourselves;

On or in the way?  


When in this World

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/28/20

When in this world things just aren't right,

We can aid and assist another's plight.

In the midst of it all, we can hear Christ call.

We can each do something big or small.


After a hurricane, tornado, or flood,

We can rebuild or muck out the mud.

There is something we each can do,

The hands and feet of Jesus are me and you.



When systemic systems hurt us or others,

We can help our hurting sisters and brothers.

We can march, make calls, write letters, too,

In the name of Jesus there is much we can do.


We always can do all the good we can,

Helping others is a part of God's plan.

Join other disciples, join in, join along.

We're right here right now, to help right.


Whatever May Happen

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 08/29/20

Whatever may happen to me today,

I will thank God and I will pray.

Thanks for the good times and for the bad,

Thanks for this day together we've had.


It's great to have days that are truly great.

But challenging days can help us relate.

To those who struggle like that every day,

And how we might help; what we might say.


Even on the very worst day,

I will turn to God and I will pray.

For in the good days I might forget,

But in the worst days I find needs are met.


You might need to scream or even to shout,

Go right ahead God knows what it's about.

God’s heard it from others who’ve shouted before.

Get it off your chest so God can restore


So, whether today be sunny or gray,

God is there with you along the way.

Celebrate all the good times you've had.

Give thanks that with God, you can handle the bad. 



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