2020 October


I Am Blessed by Everything

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/01/20


I am blessed by everything,

Flowers that bloom; birds that sing,

Water flowing in a babbling brook,

God is there wherever I look.


I am blessed all through the night,

That I may wake in morning bright,

Rested from the day before,

Ready today for what's in store.


I am blessed in times of need,

God's always there as God decreed.

And even in those times of pain,

God blesses me again and again.

In This Season While We Wait

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/02/20


In this season while we wait,

There is much to anticipate.

We wish to rush to be there now.

Can we just slow down somehow?


We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle,

It strains the mind and stresses the muscle.

We get overwhelmed with so much to do,

Help us, God, turn it over to you.


As Mary and Joseph awaited the Lord,

Wasting time, they could not afford.

If preparing for a baby was not enough,

A census and journey would be rough.


Perhaps what they learned along the way,

Might help us in our waiting today.

A season of active waiting Advent becomes,

For Jesus comes when Jesus comes!


As the Leaves Begin to Fall

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/03/20


As the leaves begin to fall,

Reflect on God who made them all.

Each one on each branch is rather unique,

Like each one of us as God we seek.


Some leaves wither too soon and just fall down,

Not revealing much color, just turning brown.

Others show vibrance and their inner beauty,

Revealing God to observers is part of their duty.


When individuals gather to discern God's will,

Like varied leaves on a branch or trees on a hill.

Those who can truly see are blessed by the view,

Of each individual adding each color and hue.  


We Celebrate the Lives

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/05/20


We celebrate all the lives,

Of those who've gone before.

We treasure their memories,

Precious moments that we adore.


Each one who fully lived their faith,

And to us they passed it on,

We celebrate now with candlelight,

And give thanks as we look upon.


Thank you, God, for these Saints,

Who now reside with you.

We look forward to the day,

When we will be there too.


Someday someone might light a light,

And remember us with love.

Treasuring how we lived down here,

And giving thanks we dwell above.


Be Glad in the Lord Always (Philippians 4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/06/20


Be glad in the Lord always!

You are truly blessed all of your days.

May the peace of God be with you,

And may others be blessed by you, too.


Be glad in the Lord always!

And on all that is worthy of praise.

Focus your thoughts on all that is true,

And all that is just, pure, and holy too.


Be glad in the Lord always!

God's glory does always amaze.

May the peace of God be with you,

And the God of peace be with you too!


Conflict Abounds (Philippians 4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/06/20


Conflict abounds in our human story.

It goes back to the very first brothers.

Cain killed Abel so the story goes,

And continues in our struggles with others.


Paul found it in an early church,

When two women could not agree.

He wrote a letter to try to help,

Euodia and Synteche.


He wrote to the church asking for its help,

To bring these women together.

And gave us a model of what to do,

When conflict arises wherever.


Jesus calls us to be peacemakers,

And by this we would be blessed.

We would be called children of God,

Each time we resolve conflict’s test.


Do what you can when the time comes,

For your help is desperately needed.

Be one who helps to bring about peace,

Like the Prince of Peace, just do like he did.  


Heaven Is Like a Party (Matthew 22)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/07/20


Heaven is like a party,

A tremendous celebration,

And you have been invited,

With folks from every nation.


Do not be like those who scoff,

And would rather not attend.

Perhaps they are too busy,

Their regrets are all they send.


God opens wide the gates,

Sending messengers to implore,

To those who never imagined,

To come and celebrate forevermore.


Do not miss your invitation,

To enter through those gates.

God personally invites you,

Come to the party for eternity awaits.  


We Sing Praise to God Almighty

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/08/20


We sing praise to God almighty,

Whom we worship and adore.

God is eternal from before, before,

And will be that way forevermore.


We sing praise to God almighty,

Who's mercy and grace uplifts,

God is the giver of all good gifts,

God's unending love our faith lifts.


We sing praise to God almighty,

In whom we all are blessed.

We are forgiven when we've confessed,

And await the day of our eternal rest.  


In the Darkness We Walk to the Light

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/09/20


In the darkness we walk to the light,

As we are drawn to the dawn beyond the night.

And each in our dark melancholy ways,

We yearn for the return of brighter days.


In the midst of a world grown dark,

The Messiah came a new world to embark.

People enlightened by forgiveness and love,

And life everlasting with God above.


When this earthly journey ceases,

And loved one’s worlds are torn to pieces,

In the darkness of our grief and pain,

We hold to the faith we'll see them again.


Jesus who comes bringing life to creation,

Little bundles of joy we receive with elation,

In the darkness surrounding our loved one’s last breath,

We know there is yet, new life beyond death.


Loved ones are welcomed by those gone before,

In celestial light they’ll live forevermore.

We grieve in the dark days following their leaving,

But will rejoice again when it’s us they’re receiving.


Grace and Peace Be with You

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/10/20


Grace and peace be with you,

In all you are going through.

God's love is ever present.

Be blessed and be content.


Grace and peace be with you,

May it through you flow too.

That others might also it receive,

And through you come to believe.


Grace and peace be with you,

In all that you say and do.

Bow your head and give a nod,

Be still and know that God is God.  


Give Thanks to God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/12/20


For every day that you awake,

For every meal that you intake,

For every song that you hear,

For every sound upon your ear,

            Give thanks to God.


For every person whom you love,

For blue sky or clouds up above,

For plants and animals and all creation,

For urban and rural folks in every nation,

            Give thanks to God.


For being you and being alive,

For every goal for which you strive,

For being gifted and being blessed,

For times of work and times of rest,

            Give thanks to God.


Is It Lawful to Pay (Matthew 22)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/13/20


“Is it lawful to pay,” The Pharisees asked,

“those taxes to Caesar?” thus Jesus was tasked.

A simple response would cause disagreement.

No matter the answer some would dissent.


Jesus perceived their subtle deceit,

A request of them he thus did entreat.

“Show me the coin used to pay the tax,”

Jesus responded pointing out these facts.


With Caesar's image and inscription confirmed,

“Give to him what belongs to him,” Jesus affirmed.

But he was not finished, he had more to say,

“Give to God what is God's,” was the rule of the day.


To the Early Churches (1 Thessalonians 1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/14/20


To the early churches,

Paul wrote, “grace and peace,”

That as readers received it,

Their fears and worries cease.


He wrote that he was praying,

And that God was being thanked,

For among the chosen,

The readers now were ranked.


Good news had reached him,

Of how that church believed.

And lived as imitators,

Of the faith that they'd received.  


Fast and Pray

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/15/20


During times when I fast and pray,

I focus on God and others,

And give money saved from food not eaten,

To help feed my sisters and brothers.


I pray for all who are hungry,

And must fast for they've no food.

God help me help those in need.

That their strength and faith are renewed.


For we are here to be helpers,

For one another along the way.

What is it God calls you to do?

If you can, please fast and pray.


It Is So Blessed

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/16/20


It is so blessed to be in prayer,

Treasured time with God each day,

Connecting us no matter where,

Knowing we are on God's way.


It is so blessed to be in prayer,

A soothing balm for pain and grief,

A help in crossing from here to there,

A bridge leading from stress to relief.


It is so blessed to be in prayer,

To talk with God face to face,

To be embraced with God's care,

To be filled with peace and grace.  


Love Is the Spirit’s Greatest Gift (Galatians 5)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/17/20


Love is the spirit's greatest gift,

It's power our very souls uplift.

It is the essence of God above,

So is the fruit of the Spirit’s love.


Love does make the world go ‘round,

All creation began with the Word’s sound.

God so loved all of the earth,

And sent Jesus to show our worth.


Love is also the great command,

To love God with heart, soul, mind, and

Strength and to love our neighbors as ourself,

May the Spirit remind you to love yourself.


Whenever I Am Worried

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/19/20


Whenever I am worried,

Whenever I am hurried,

I stop and take time to pray,

To help me get back on the way.

     I turn to Jesus.


Whenever I am afraid,

Whenever I am dismayed,

I stop and take time to pray,

To help me get back on the way.

     I turn to Jesus.


Whenever I am in doubt,

Whenever I just want to pout,

I stop and take time to pray,

To help me get back on the way.

     I turn to Jesus.


Whenever I am in need,

Whenever I am lost, indeed,

I stop and take time to pray,

To help me get back on the way.

     I turn to Jesus.


Whenever I am in a mess,

Whenever I could care less,

I stop and take time to pray,

To help me get back on the way.

     I turn to Jesus.


When We Remember (1 Thessalonians 2)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/20


When we remember the life that we've shared,

And all those along the way for whom we've cared,

Our cup is more than full, why it's overflowing!

We have been blessed by God who’s all-knowing.


Paul was blessed and a blessing to the people he met,

He wrote back to them of things he'd never forget.

Their faith and love and the Good News they'd received,

Paul was blessed to have helped those believers believed.


What might we each write in a faithful letter?

That others in love might grow better and better.

Who needs to read of your memories so dear?

The Good News from you they'd love to hear.  


Thank God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/20


Thank God for those who share the Good News,

Who walk the walk, wearing out shoes.

As they have received, they then pass it on,

That new life in Christ for others might dawn.


May we be inspired to follow them there,

That faithfully our faith we can share.

The Good News of Jesus might yet be told,

Help us, O God, in Christ’s name to be bold.  


Love God (Matthew 22)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/20


“Love God” is the first command,

With all our heart, mind, and hand,

And love your neighbor throughout the land,

On these two laws all others stand.


This great commandment Jesus decreed,

A way for us to follow his lead,

To help him to, his followers, feed,

Putting love into action with every deed.


Love God who first loved you,

Love God with all that you do,

Love God with a follower’s view,

Love God your whole life through.


God Created All Out of Love

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/23/20


God created everything out of love,

From nothing all began from God above.

From God’s love came light and dry land,

Places for plants, animals and people to stand.


God loved us into being and here we are,

God gifted us with love, and we've come this far.

But God is still loving us to live and grow,

That we might love God above and others below.


God loved us so much that Jesus then came,

To teach us to love others in his name.

So everyday love God with heart, soul and mind,

And in dealings with others be loving and kind.  


Help Us, Lord

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/24/20


There are times when we've done wrong,

We can lament in prayer and song.

But help us, Lord, to make it right,

And make it pleasing in your sight.

Help us, Lord!


There are times when we've done ill,

Not shared your love nor followed your will.

We have been self-focused and also selfish,

We have been less Christian and more devilish.

Help us, Lord!


There are times when we've been bad,

Despite all the second chances we've had.

You have forgiven us seventy times seven,

Leading us onward and upward to heaven.

Help us, Lord!


There are times when we've almost quit,

When we've had enough and want no more of it.

But you have called us to continue the race,

And we keep on going, thanks to your grace.

Help us, Lord!


We Are God’s Children (1 John 3)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/20


We are God's children,

Created in love,

Made in the image,

Of God above.


We are growing as children,

Not yet what we shall be.

But when Jesus comes,

We'll see what we'll see.


We’ll be like Jesus,

Perfected by grace,

Purified as he is pure,

We'll see him face to face.


The world did not know him,

And we, too, weren't recognized.

But all of that will change,

When his Kingdom is realized.


We Celebrate All the Saints

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/27/20


We celebrate all the Saints,

Who now have gone before,

We pause as we remember,

All the Saints today once more.


As each name is offered,

And each single candle’s lit,

We celebrate each blessed life,

Who now at your banquet sit!


We grieve at our separation,

From here in this earthly life,

But look forward anticipating,

A reunion in the afterlife.


Thank you, God, for all these Saints,

Their memories burn bright,

We give you thanks for their lives,

And each candle we faithfully light.


We celebrate all the Saints,

We give thanks for all their love.

We also try to love that way,

As Saints-in-training for above.


The Coming of Christ

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/28/20


‘Tis the reason,

For the season,

We are waiting,


The coming of Christ!


We are preparing,

Caring and sharing,

Getting ready,

Sure and steady,

The coming of Christ!


Hope is there,

Peace we share,

Love's in the air,

Joy's everywhere,

The coming of Christ!


God Gives to Us Another Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/29/20


God gives to us another day,

Throughout it make time to pray,

Give thanks to God for today,

Ask God's guidance along the way.


What we might do, and today be,

Give over to God's authority,

Ask God to help you clearly see,

The journey ahead to eternity.


With gratitude this day we receive,

To put in action what we believe,

That others burdens we might relieve,

And a glimpse of heaven we might perceive.


We Treasure Those Who Have Gone Before

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/20


We treasure those who have gone before,

To be with God whom we adore,

Our loved ones have joined the heavenly throng,

We celebrate them in prayer and song.


We know that there will come a day,

When we shall journey that same way,

To be back together; reunited we’ll be.

Praising God together for eternity.


Here we stand at the edge of the gate,

For our passage through we must now wait,

When that time comes, and we have died,

We'll await your arrival on the other side.


Life Is a Gift of God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/20


Life is a gift of God,

Bestowed upon us all.

What then we do with it,

Is totally our call.


We can squander it freely,

Through our fingers it will slip.

Or we can dedicate ourselves,

To faithful stewardship.


We can live each day for God.

And doing what we can,

To make this world a better place,

Following our Maker's plan.


To be forgiving and full of love,

In all the ways we live,

To model Christ for others,

As of ourselves we give.  


All Hallows’ Eve

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/31/20


All Hallows Eve is finally here,

When our loved ones we draw near,

To remember those who have passed,

As we strive to make memories last.


Some dress up in well-worn clothes

To personify each one we chose,

To remember and honor this year,

To hold close and to them draw near.


Others celebrate out in the streets,

Door to door for tricks or treats,

A ring of a bell, a knock at a door,

It's all about candy, remembering no more.


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