2021 January


We Celebrate (tune: Azmon UMH 57)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/1/21


We celebrate each brand new day,

And each year as it starts.

Give thanks to God each time you pray,

From the bottom of your hearts.


In this new day in all you do,

And in the way you live,

The Lord will surely see you through,

And to the Lord thanks give.


When there is doubt and there is fear,

No matter what you face,

Remember the Lord's always near,

And surrounds us all with grace.


We Celebrate the Lord

(tune: Italian Hymn UMH 61)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/2/21


We celebrate the Lord,

The one to be adored.

We sing God's praise,

With each uplifted voice,

We stand and make our choice,

Forever to rejoice,

All of our days.


God gives us each rebirth,

To show our sacred worth,

By God we’re blessed.

And so, we live that way,

Through all we do and say,

Until we reach someday,

Eternal rest.


This Is the Day (tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen UMH 62)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/3/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

All earth’s foundations have been laid.

O praise ye! Alleluia!

We stand secure on holy ground,

In Christ alone our faith is found.

O praise ye! O praise ye! Alleluia! Alleluia!


We thank the Lord with all our heart,

And serve the Lord and do our part.

O praise ye! Alleluia!

Serve God with all your strength and voice,

With angel choirs now rejoice.

O praise ye! O praise ye! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Today find something you can do,

For God's sake do it. Follow through.

O praise ye! Alleluia!

Unique gifts God has given you.

In God's name do all you can do.

O praise ye! O praise ye! Alleluia! Alleluia!


God, We Come to Worship (tune: Nicaea UMH 64)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/4/21


God, we come to worship,

And to sing your praises.

We have come to hear your word,

As it our faith raises.

You are our foundation,

Always holding steady.

Help us to listen,

And to be ready.


God we are unworthy,

Of your grace forgiving.

We give thanks for your great love,

And our purpose for living.

Help us as your people,

Always to be faithful.

We will be always,

Ever more grateful.


We Worship God (tune: Lauda Anima UMH 66)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/5/21


We worship God and glorify,

To the Lord our praises bring.

Our praise to God we magnify,

Praise to the Lord our soul sing.

Alleluia, Alleluia,

To God who makes everything.


The Lord has given to us life,

And we give thanks for this gift.

The Lord will see us through all strife,

The Lord our souls will uplift.

Alleluia, Alleluia,

We now have eternal life.


For all we have and all we are,

We thank the Lord when we pray.

We thank the Lord we've come this far,

We thank the Lord every day.

Alleluia, Alleluia,

The Lord leads us all the way.


 We, Thy People, Praise Thee

(tune: St. Anthony’s Chorale UMH 67)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/6/21


We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

God of every nation!

We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

Lord of Hosts eternal!

The beginning of creation,

All’s enlightened by God's light.

It illumines all the darkness,

Day is shining bright.

We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

Praise thee evermore!


We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

God of every nation!

We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

Lord of Hosts eternal!

When the first day is concluded,

It's completed as it should.

In the story of God's glory

God announces it is good.

We, thy people, praise thee, praise thee,

Praise thee evermore!


John at the Jordan

(tune: St. Anthony’s Chorale UMH 68)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/7/21


John at the Jordan, people did baptize,

To cleanse them from all their deceits and lies,

To help them see and open up their eyes.



And then to Jordan Jesus humbly came,

To be baptized without sin, guilt, or blame,

He had a mission, Good News to proclaim.



When from the water as Jesus arose,

The Holy Spirit as a dove then shows,

Celestial blessing on him God bestows.



When we are baptized now in Jesus’ name,

We died to sin and are no more the same,

We have new life in Christ now to proclaim.  



We Offer God All Glory (tune: Meineke UMH 70)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/8/21


We offer God all glory,

And for our sins we are truly sorry.

As it's been since the beginning,

God forgives our sinning.

Thanks be to God. Amen. Amen.


God has been with us always,

And always will unto the end of days.

God is loving and forgiving,

New life in Christ now giving.

Thanks be to God. Amen. Amen.


We Worship Our God (tune: Meineke UMH 73)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/9/21


We worship our God,

Wherever we are,

Both here and abroad,

God's never very far.

We come now adoring,

The God who made all,

Whose love is now pouring,

Upon both great and small.


We celebrate life,

In all that we do,

To overcome strife,

Faith and hope to renew.

We present God our gifts,

Our faithful offering,

As our souls God uplifts,

We worship and sing.


Before God we come,

With pipes and with strings,

With harp and with drum,

The congregation sings.

For this is our story,

To God we sing praise,

To God be the glory,

Forever and always.


With Reverent Hearts (tune: Old 100th UMH 75)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/11/21


With reverent hearts God is adored,

We worship and adore the Lord.

The Lord creates, redeems, and saves.

We celebrate and sing God's praise.


Now gather all and congregate,

To hear God's word and meditate.

The faithful congregation shares,

Communion with God through all our prayers.


We live our faith by how we serve,

Loving our neighbors, we observe.

Spread the good news, just do your part,

Showing God’s love with all your heart.


I Sing God’s Praise

(tune: How Great Thou Art UMH 77)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/12/21


When I sit down in humble contemplation,

And pray to God and listen for God's voice,

My heart is filled with joy and celebration,

My God loves me and for that I rejoice.


Then I shout out God's mercy to proclaim,

I sing God's praise. I sing God's praise.

Then I shout out God's mercy to proclaim,

I sing God's praise. I sing God's praise!


There have been times when I have not done God's will,

I've fallen short my life was filled with sin.

But in those times God's mercy was with me still,

Deep in my soul God cleansed me from within.



I celebrate this day that God's created,

And I am here at this right time and place.

Serving my God, my soul is now elated,

I can see God in every person's face.



Jesus Calls Us to Follow

(tune: Grosser Gott UMH 79)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/12/21


Jesus calls us to follow,

He invites us with, “Come and see.”

When our spirits may be low,

We are raised to eternity.

Thus, begins our faith journey,

When in faith we come and see.


Jesus called Phillip to come,

Jesus said to him, “Follow me.”

Bethsaida he was from,

And found Nathaniel by a tree.

Thus, begins our faith journey,

When in faith we come and see.


He was then to Jesus brought,

That he too might follow the Lord.

For there was much to be taught,

The Messiah would be adored.

Thus, begins our faith journey,

When in faith we come and see.


We have now heard the story,

Also been called to come and see.

When we proclaim Christ’s glory.

Who might the next disciple be?

Thus, begins our faith journey,

When in faith we come and see.


We Come Now to Celebrate

(tune: Ratisbon UMH 85)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/13/21


We come now to celebrate,

Offering God our thanks and praise,

Lifting up our prayers and songs,

Celebrating God always,

Hear us, Lord, now as we sing.

You are Lord of everything.


There are times when we have failed,

We repent and come to you,

Though we’ve fallen into sin,

Your grace cleanses through and through.

When to you we have confessed,

You forgive us and we’re blessed.


May we here again your word,

Guiding that our faith may grow,

Speaking to our very hearts,

Ways that your love we may show,

Fill us with your holy grace,

As we leave this sacred space.


We Come to Praise the Lord (tune: Diademata UMH 88)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/14/21


We come to praise the Lord,

Our God to glorify.

We humbly sing and lift our prayers,

To God enthroned on high.

Come join us in our song,

Together let us praise,

May God be blessed and glorified,

Forever and always.


For all that God has done,

And doing still today,

With loving, grateful hearts we come,

To worship God and pray.

Forgive us God on high,

For all the times we've sinned,

We sing your praise with all our hearts,

With shouts we glorify.



God Almighty, We Adore You

(tune: Hymn of Joy UMH 89)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/15/21


God Almighty, we adore you,

We give thanks for all you've done.

You called us to be disciples,

Our new journey has begun.

Help us always to be faithful,

As we follow you today.

Help us always to be mindful,

Of your guidance on the way.


From all places come and worship,

Gather now to sing God's praise.

Joyfully join the procession,

As with song our voices raise.

God Almighty is victorious,

God has freed us from our sins.

Our past life has passed away now,

New abundant life begins.


For your mercy we are grateful,

By your grace we all are blessed.

In this life we’re moving forward,

To the next where we'll find rest.

Celebrate the Lord Almighty,

Who has overcome all strife.

And has given us a Savior,

Whose death gives to us new life.


We Celebrate the Lord Above (tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen UMH 90)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/16/21


We celebrate the Lord above,

Who showers down upon us love.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

By God we have been daily blessed,

Now let us give to God our best.

Alleluia! (5x)


Love God with all your soul and heart,

And to all neighbors love impart.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

By God’s illuminating light,

Worship the Lord with all your might.

Alleluia! (5x)


Give God your glory, thanks, and praise,

Worship the Lord all of your days.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

To God repent of all your sins,

Christ forgives, now new life begins.  

Alleluia! (5x)


We Are Blessed (tune: Dix UMH 92)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/18/21


We are blessed by the Lord's love,

That God showers from above.

We give thanks for every gift,

God has given to uplift.

God of mercy and of grace,

Bless all gathered in this place.


Before you, we come to pray,

Please forgive our sins today.

Once again help us to start,

To follow you and not depart.

God of mercy and of grace,

Bless all gathered in this place.


We Lift Our Prayers (tune: Augustine UMH 93)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/19/21


We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

By God we have been blessed,

God gives us peace and rest.

We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

We come to sing God's praise,

As we our voices raise.


We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

To God now let us sing,

And make the rafters ring.

We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

Now Alleluia shout,

In God there is no doubt.


We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

We celebrate the Lord,

The One to be adored.

We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!

Thus, may it always be,

For all eternity.

We lift our prayers and praises to the sky,

To God most high!


This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

(tune: Lasst Uns Erfreuen UMH 94)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/20/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

All God's creation is displayed.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Be glad this day let us rejoice,

Give thanks with all your heart and voice.

Alleluia! (5x)


Jesus by Galilee Did Walk (tune: Old 100th UMH 95)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/20/21


Jesus by Galilee did walk,

And with two brothers he did talk.

Peter and Andrew Jesus called,

The first disciples were installed.


Fishing for people they’d now do,

Jesus was making all things new.

As first disciples they were blessed,

Soon they'd be followed by the rest.


Two others were there, mending nets,

They followed Jesus, no regrets.

James and John were invited too,

To help mend people they could do.


Jesus is calling still today,

That we will follow on the way.

Be a disciple is the choice,

To follow the Lord and rejoice.


We Celebrate New Life

(tune: To God Be the Glory UMH 98)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/21/21


We celebrate new life that now we can live,

To God joyfully our thanksgiving we give.

For we all have struggled weighed down by our sin,

But Jesus has saved us new life to begin.


Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

For all that the Lord's done.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

For our new life’s begun.

For we all have struggled weighed down by our sin,

But Jesus has saved us new life to begin.


Some days are a struggle, some days are just hard.

Thank God Jesus is an eternal lifeguard.

Who shines like a beacon of light in the dark,

Guiding us when we on faith’s journey embark.


Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

For all that the Lord's done.

Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!

For our new life’s begun.

For we all have struggled weighed down by our sin,

But Jesus has saved us new life to begin.


To God Be the Glory (tune: My Tribute UMH 99)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/22/21


To God be the glory,

For salvation's story,

To God be the glory,

For God's mercy and grace.

To God be the glory,

For our sins we are sorry,

To God be the glory,

Our sins God does erase.


God blessed all creation,

Join the celebration,

Sing praise every nation,

For all that God has done.

To God’s promise we cling,

To God praises we bring,

To God's glory we sing,

For the vict’ry God’s won.


Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

(tune: Lauda Anima UMH 100)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/23/21


Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

By each blessing we are blessed.

God nurtures us our faith to grow,

Sins forgiven when confessed.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

As we sing our faith’s professed.


God may we always sing your praise,

Heartfelt prayers to you we bring.

Worshipping you all our days,

We offer you everything.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hear us now, God, as we sing,


We ask, O God, that you hear us,

As we come to you and pray.

We ask, God, that you stay near us,

As we journey day by day.

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Thanks for guiding us today.


Come Now and to the Lord Sing Praise

(tune: Duke Street UMH 101)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/25/21


Come now and to the Lord sing praise,

With shouts of joy our arms we raise.

Worship the Lord throughout each day,

When with the Lord we humbly pray.


When in our lives we feel distressed,

Or we are down and feel depressed.

When at our worst, God's at God's best.

And by God's love we’re always blessed.


With all the gifts God's given you,

Praise God by all that you can do.

When you notice others in need,

Right time, right place, you're there indeed.


Sing Praises to the Lord

(tune: Nun Ducket UMH 102)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/26/21


Sing praises to the Lord,

The gift of life God gave us.

And even when we sinned,

With mercy God forgave us.

We come before the Lord,

To offer thanks and praise.

Living abundant lives,

In God's Kingdom always.


We celebrate new life,

To us Jesus has given.

Our sins are washed away,

Jesus has us forgiven.

Begin to live life new.

Our God to glorify,

By all we say and do,

May we God magnify.


Hear us, Almighty God,

In prayer and supplication.

We pray that you would reign,

The world and every nation.

With us is how it starts,

As we now come before you.

With humble contrite hearts,

We worship and adore you.  


Jesus Healed a Man (tune: St. Denio UMH 103)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/26/21


Jesus healed a man who was demon-possessed,

Tormenting his soul and denying him rest.

He called out to Jesus with a forceful shout,

Jesus then commanded the demon come out.


The demon was silenced by the word of the Lord,

The man had his life and health fully restored.

People were amazed by Christ's authority,

And spread the Good News throughout Galilee.


Jesus still removes from us demons today,

When to him we repent and humbly pray.

What demons keep you now from all you can be?

Jesus can release you and thus set you free.


We gather together to sing of God's praise,

For our sins we’re sorry, God, help change our ways.

That we might be faithful, hear us as we pray,

That now we may worship You every day.


God Created All from Nothing

(tune: Ebenezer UMH 108)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/27/21


God created all from nothing,

Nothing but God's loving Word.

God spoke it and then it happened,

All's created, named, and heard.

In each new day God’s still creating,

As each creation lives and grows.

We from this have inherited,

Creative life that God bestows.


God has given us a purpose,

To care for all God has made.

We have been loved to be loving,

Through us may love now be displayed.

As we love God with heart and soul,

And love neighbors as ourselves,

We show others what we have learned,

To love neighbors as themselves.  


Crowds Were Blessed

(tune: Ein Feste Burg UMH 110)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/28/21


Crowds were blessed to hear Jesus preach,

His words brought comfort to them.

The lost sheep he wanted to reach,

And draw them closer to him.

To the lost sheep he reached,

Forgiveness of sins he preached.

His love they did receive,

All those who would believe,

Lost sheep came home rejoicing.


Large crowds were fed by Jesus’ word,

As well as loaves and fishes.

They all were blessed by what they heard,

Beyond their wildest wishes.

Jesus knew all their cares,

God's Kingdom would be theirs,

Forgiveness of all sins,

Abundant life begins.

New life they would inherit.


The Spirit Gives Us Gifts (Ephesians 5)

(tune: Terra Beta UMH 111)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/29/21


The Spirit gives us gifts,

We are all by God blessed.

May growing fruit be our pursuit,

Doing our very best.

The first fruit is God's love,

From God we first receive.

It is a sign of God divine,

In whom we do believe.


We also received joy,

Deep in our inner heart.

Turmoil does cease given inner peace,

We grow whole not apart.

Patience is next to grow,

A most challenging fruit.

For it somehow we want right now,

It's worth the slow pursuit.


We are blessed with kindness,

And also with goodness,

With faithfulness and gentleness,

Others thus we  can bless.

We sing our praise to God,

Who gives us self-control.

We now uplift the Spirit’s gift,

Our fruit basket is whole.

The Holy Scriptures

(tune: Sursum Corda UMH 115)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/30/21


The holy scriptures God’s mystery reveal,

On each page that we read God becomes real.

There is power in God's ancient story,

When we read of God's presence and glory.


The ancient words apply to us today,

If we but reflect on what they might say.

We read of how to live and to believe,

Guidance from people of faith we receive.


Just open the pages of the good book,

And open your hearts to take a deep look.

See what the Lord may be saying to you,

How to live your life and what you should do.


We Come to Worship God

(tune: Leoni UMH 116)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 1/31/21


We come to worship God,

The one and only One.

With shouts of praise, God we applaud,

For all God’s done.

In the beginning all,

God made and declared good.

And so, it was until the fall,

By a falsehood.


Your perfect world we've blown,

O God, we all do sin.

We choose our will over your own,

And what might’ve been.

But in your grace we live,

You are merciful always.

For you, all of our sins forgive,

We sing your praise.


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