2021 February


O God, We Come to You with Praise

(tune: St. Anne UMH 117)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/1/21


O God, we come to you with praise,

For all that you have done.

You've guided us since ancient days,

The victory you’ve won.


For all you've done we celebrate,

And for all you have been.

To us you've been both good and great,

Forgiving every sin.


No matter what sin we have done,

Or good we've failed to do.

You have forgiven us each one,

That we might start anew.


Help us, O God, to fully live,

And be what we might be.

Abundant life to us you give,

For all eternity.


When Things Around Us

(tune: Crimond UMH 118)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/2/21


When things around us are the worst,

Then God is at God's best.

When all that's left is faith and hope,

By God we are each blessed.


Though there are struggles in this life,

That might overwhelm us.

We give thanks that we’re not alone,

God's mercy is gracious.


If God is for us who is against?

Wrote the Apostle Paul.

All of our foes do not add up,

To God who's all in all.  


Jesus Came to Teach

(tune: Guds Karlek UMH 120)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/3/21


Jesus came to teach how to follow God,

He went from place to place and many taught.

That we might love God and one another,

Those who were sick and in need were brought.

Jesus came to teach how to follow God,

From place to place he went and many taught.


There were so many seeking to be healed,

So that he went and got away one day.

Jesus the teacher was now being taught,

As to God in solitude he did pray.

Jesus came to teach how to follow God,

From place to place he went and many taught.


Listening to God Jesus was reminded,

He had been given a primary mission.

To go about the countryside proclaiming,

To all the Good News was his commission.

Jesus came to teach how to follow God,

From place to place he went and many taught.


But in a world filled with disease and needs,

There was much more for here Jesus to do.

Healing hurting bodies as well as souls,

Jesus has come to save us through and through.

Jesus came to teach how to follow God,

From place to place he went and many taught.


When All Seems to Be Against Us

(tune: Wellesley UMH 121)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/4/21


When all seems to be against us,

No matter how bad things are.

For we know that God is for us,

God’s love is greater by far.


In the midst of pain and sorrow,

When there's trouble everywhere.

Surround us, Lord, in your mercy,

As we come to you in prayer.


In a world that's filled with sadness,

Help us share your Love's passion,

That others may come to know you,

And your loving compassion.  


We Come to Worship

(tune: Roeder UMH 122)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/5/21


We come to worship with praise and song,

We lift our voices high,

Offering our thanksgivings,

Or laments to God we cry.


In all our sorrows and all our griefs,

We come before the Lord,

Offering prayers to God who,

Worshipfully is adored.


In all our life with its ups and downs,

The Lord is always there.

We have access to the Lord,

When we come to God in prayer.


Help Us Faithfully Follow

(tune: Mit Freude Zart UMH 126)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/6/21


To God we sing our grateful praise,

For all that God is doing.

God leads us from our sinful ways,

God's will now we're pursuing.

God guide us upon the way of love,

Illuminate from heaven above.

Help us faithfully follow.


When the paths dark and we were lost,

You sent to us love and light.

Jesus saved us paying the cost,

With Jesus all is alright.

Give thanks for God's amazing grace,

We see in one another’s face.

Help us faithfully follow.


O God, we come to worship you,

And give thanks for all you do.

Help us faithfully follow through,

For you have made all things new.

You are both good and also great,

You we adore and celebrate.

Help us faithfully follow.


Whenever Struggles We Do Face

(tune: CWM Rhondda UMH 127)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/7/21


Whenever struggles we do face,

Please, Lord, hear our fervent prayer.

We believe in your steadfast grace,

Because you are always there.

Lord hear our prayer.

Lord hear our prayer.

We know you are always there.

We know you are always there.


When life is also at its best,

God, we turn to you and pray.

We give you thanks for being blessed,

By your presence every day.

Lord hear our prayer.

Lord hear our prayer.

We know you are always there.

We know you are always there.


And in the ordinary days,

We might forget to thank you.

Help us remember to give praise,

For all for us that you do.

Lord hear our prayer.

Lord hear our prayer.

We know you are always there.

We know you are always there.


God Strengthens Me

(tune: He Leadeth Me UMH 128)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/9/21


God is my strength; God is my shield,

To God’s glory I humbly yield.

I am prepared now come what may,

And God I follow every day.

God strengthens me. God strengthens me.

Without my God I'd nothing be.

But with God's strength I am set free,

For by God's grace, God strengthens me.


There have been times when I’ve been weak,

Other solutions did I seek.

To fill the hole deep in my soul,

But faith in God has made me whole.

God strengthens me. God strengthens me.

Without my God I'd nothing be.

But with God's strength I am set free,

For by God's grace, God strengthens me.


If you are struggling with yourself,

And you've tried all up on the shelf.

Reach out and open the Good Book,

Let go, let God, and take a look.

God strengthens me. God strengthens me.

Without my God I'd nothing be.

But with God's strength I am set free,

For by God's grace, God strengthens me.


Paul wrote the folks in Philippi,

A word that I try to live by,

In Christ I now can do all things,

In jubilation my soul sings.

God strengthens me. God strengthens me.

Without my God I'd nothing be.

But with God's strength I am set free,

For by God's grace, God strengthens me.


God Is with You Always

(tune: Martin UMH 130)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/10/21


When life seems to be at its worst,

God is with you always.

God helps us to put first things first.

God is with you always.

God is with you always.

In many ways, all of your days,

God is with you always.

God is with you always.


When we are lost God shows the way,

God is with you always.

If you are overwhelmed today,

God is with you always.

God is with you always.

In many ways, all of your days,

God is with you always.

God is with you always.


When you're having one of those days,

God is with you always.

Remember to sing out God's praise,

God is with you always.

God is with you always.

In many ways, all of your days,

God is with you always.

God is with you always.


In God’s Presence Be Still

(tune: Martin UMH 130)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/10/21


When in a place where you feel awed,

In God's presence be still.

Know you’re in the presence of God,

In God's presence be still.

In God's presence be still.

Silently pray, every day,

In God's presence be still.

In God's presence be still.


Come before God most reverently,

In God's presence be still.

Wait on the Lord most patiently,

In God's presence be still.

In God's presence be still.

Silently pray, every day,

In God's presence be still.

In God's presence be still.


As Children of God

(tune: Kremser UMH 131)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/21


As children of God, we are blessed by God's blessing,

Each day we celebrate God's goodness and grace.

By our words and deeds our faith we are professing,

Seeing the face of God in each other's face.


Down through the ages God has always been there,

Whenever God's children would cry out for aid.

We are lovingly held in Almighty God's care,

With God protecting us, we are not afraid.


With shouts of thanksgiving, our God we are praising,

We worship our God with both body and soul.

Together the whole congregation's voice is raising,

The Kingdom of God is our faith journey’s goal.


Praying with All of My Heart to God

(tune: Showalter UMH 133)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/12/21


When in dread and fear, when in deep distress,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

When I seem so lost, when my life's a mess,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all of my heart to God!


Whenever I'm down, don't know what to do,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

I can speak with God, who will see me through,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all of my heart to God!


In the storms of life, in the toughest days,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

God will be my strength, and my heart will praise,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all of my heart to God!


When all's going well, when life's at its best,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

I give thanks to God, for being so blessed,

Praying with all of my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all my heart to God,

Praying, praying,

Praying with all of my heart to God!


When We Ascend the Mountaintop

(tune: Crimond UMH 136)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/13/21


When we ascend the mountaintop,

Just what all might we see?

Jesus, Peter, James, and John went,

Entering God's glory.


Moses and Elijah were there,

Conversing with the Lord.

Peter wanted to set up camp,

The view he so adored.


It was just a glimpse that they caught,

Of Jesus’ glory.

When Jesus rose it would make sense,

Then they would clearly see.


God spoke a word to them that day,

Which is spoken to us,

Jesus is God's beloved son,

So, listen to Jesus!


The Holy Spirit Jesus Led

(tune: St. Columba UMH 138)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/15/21


The Holy Spirit Jesus led,

Out into the wilderness.

For forty days out without food,

A test of his righteousness.


He's tempted to stray from the way,

He's offered easier choices.

But Jesus passed the tempter’s tests,

For that the church rejoices.


In life we also face such tests,

To do other than God's will.

Pray for the strength to wisely choose,

Our commitment to fulfill.


Praise to the Lord

(tune: St. Lobe den Herren UMH 139)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/16/21


Praise to the Lord, give thanks for all God has done for us.

Give shouts of praise and then join in the heavenly chorus.

Give thanks to God,

Clap hands and to God applaud,

Celebrate and sing out. Rejoice in the name of Jesus.


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, by whom we are all blessed.

When we are weary, God offers to us heavenly rest.

We celebrate,

God is to us good and great,

Of all there is God is the best.

Give Thanks and Praise to God

(tune: Faithfulness UMH 140)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/17/21


Give thanks and praise to God for all our blessings.

For without God then nothing would there be.

As God speaks all comes into existence.

God creates all including you and me.

Give thanks and praise to God!

Give thanks and praise to God!

God abundantly blesses everyone.

All we are, is a gift from our Creator.

Give thanks and praise to God for all God's done.


Give thanks and praise to God for our Lord Jesus.

The word of God from in the beginning.

Who came to earth to proclaim to us Good News.

And came to save us from all our sinning.

Give thanks and praise to God!

Give thanks and praise to God!

God abundantly blesses everyone.

All we are, is a gift from our Creator.

Give thanks and praise to God for all God's done.


Give thanks and praise to God's life-giving Spirit.

Who birthed the church on that Pentecost Day,

Sending it out to proclaim the Good News.

Do it again Holy Spirit we pray.

Give thanks and praise to God!

Give thanks and praise to God!

God abundantly blesses everyone.

All we are, is a gift from our Creator.

Give thanks and praise to God for all God's done.


God Is Speaking If We Listen

(tune: Tryggare Kan Ingen Vara UMH 141)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/18/21


If we listen God is speaking.

To all pilgrims who are seeking.

We receive God's loving essence,

And we are blessed by God's presence.


Take some time in meditation.

May your prayers bring revelation.

Lifting you to new awareness,

Where you hear God speaking to us.


Reading scripture is revealing.

They are to our hearts most healing.

Read the words as written to you.

Then to you God's word will come true.


Sing Praises to the Lord

(tune: Terra Beatta UMH 144)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/19/21


Sing praises to the Lord!

To God give thanks and praise.

Rejoice with song, all the day long.

To God our voices raise.

Sing praises to the Lord.

The storms our God withstood.

When things are tough, God is enough,

Rejoice for God is good.


Sing praises to the Lord,

For all that God has done.

When we’re in need, God’s there indeed.

God has the victory won.

Sing praises to the Lord,

Who's with us every day.

God sees us through, makes all things new,

God's with us all the way.


Sing praises to the Lord!

God gave to us the best.

God so loved us, God sent Jesus.

By whom we all are blessed.

Sing praises to the Lord.

Our sins Christ does forgive.

From death Christ rose, and heaven knows,

With Christ forever we'll live.


We Come to Worship

(tune: Bunessan UMH 145)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/21


We come to worship singing God's praises,

For all God’s blessings that we receive.

Each step on the way our God amazes.

God journeys with us, this we believe.


For all that God's done and is still doing,

Daily we’re blessed by God from above.

In all our struggles our faith renewing,

Our hearts are filled with God's gracious love.


When we’re at our worst, God is at God's best,

And when we have sinned, our God forgives.

We feel unworthy that we are so blessed,

We’re given life, because Jesus lives!


Thank You, God, for Everything

(tune: Royal Oak UMH 147)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/22/21


Thank you, God, for everything,

For all that you create.

Hear our praises as we sing,

It's You we celebrate.

God made the light to shine,

To drive away the dark.

Everything was now fine,

All began with a spark.


God added oceans and land,

The world was taking shape.

It was all done by God's hand,

We now had a landscape.

The sun and moon then were made,

And stars to shine at night.

Heavenly lights were now displayed,

God was pleased. All was right.


There were plants of every kind,

Animals were everywhere.

And then God made humankind,

Creation ended there.

All was done in seven days,

And then our God rested.

For all this we sing God's praise.

God’s in us invested.


Jesus Taught That He Must Suffer

(tune: Holy Manna UMH 150)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/23/21


Jesus taught that He must suffer.

Jesus took the twelve side.

He told of His death on the cross.

This news Peter could not abide.

Peter began to rebuke Him.

He didn't understand the cross.

To him this plan sounded grim.

He counted it all a loss.


Jesus turned and set him straight.

Peter was on the wrong side.

Struggles aren't with God and Satan.

The struggle’s with human pride.

When over God’s we seek our will.

Is when we ourselves do sin.

God wants us to deny ourselves.

With Jesus’ victory we win.


Take up your cross and follow Him.

Saving our lives blocks new life.

We must follow where Jesus goes.

To the cross and afterlife.

Someday we will pass on over.

But till then there's much to do.

People need to hear the good news.

Others need this new life, too.  


We Come to Worship God with Praise

(tune: Forest Green UMH 152)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/24/21


We come to worship God with praise,

By God we’ve all been blessed.

We pray and sing our voices raise,

We offer God our best.

We listen to God's word proclaimed,

“For thus has said the Lord.”

And celebrate that we've been claimed,

By the One whom we've adored.


We come to worship when we hurt,

We lift our deepest prayers.

Heartfelt petitions we assert,

Because we know God cares.

With others for their needs we pray,

And hold each in our hearts.

Asking God's guidance on the way,

And thus, the service starts.


With benediction, “Go in peace.”

The good news now to share.

May God's love everywhere increase,

Go share it here and there.

Into God's presence we have come,

That we our faith preserve.

That we might share God with someone,

As we go out to serve.


Glory to God Who Reigns Above1

(tune: Coronation UMH 154)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/25/21


Glory to God who Reigns above,

We worship and adore.

All is created by God's love,

We rejoice forevermore.

All is created by God's love,

We rejoice forevermore!


God's mercy our sins overcome,

Relationships restore.

Faithful followers we've become,

We rejoice forevermore.

All is created by God's love,

We rejoice forevermore!


Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

We've been blessed more and more.

When with God's help we can let go,

We rejoice forevermore.

All is created by God's love,

We rejoice forevermore!


Glory to God Who Reigns Above2

(tune: Diadem UMH 155)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/26/21


Glory to God who Reigns above,

We worship and adore.

We worship and adore.

All is created by God's love,

We rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,

We rejoice forevermore!


God's mercy our sins overcome,

Relationships restore.

Relationships restore.

Faithful followers we've become,

We rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,

We rejoice forevermore!


Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

We've been blessed more and more.

We've been blessed more and more.

When with God's help we can let go,

We rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice,

We rejoice forevermore!


We Celebrate God’s Glory

(tune: Hankey UMH 156)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/26/21


We celebrate God's glory,

And all that God has done.

It's our salvation story.

The eternal victory’s won.  

God has been ever present,

By God we have been blessed.

God's love has been heaven sent.

God’s love’s the very best.

We celebrate God's glory.

This life is transitory.

We celebrate God's glory.

The eternal victory’s won.  


Give Thanks to God

(tune: Duke Street UMH 157)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/27/21


Give thanks to God who reigns above,

Who showers down mercy and love.

Freedom from sins God does release,

God gives to us both grace and peace.


Like when rain falls the earth renews,

God brings new life with the Good News.

Forgiving sins our life restore,

Jesus shall reign forevermore.


When we are hungry or we thirst,

When we feel last, God makes us first.

When down on empty we are filled,

Beatitudes in us fulfilled.


When things are dark and life is tough,

God is always more than enough.

Come before God repent and pray,

Allow God to show you the way.


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