2021 April


We Have Gathered at the Table

(tune: Regent Square UMH 220)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/1/21


We have gathered at the table,

Jesus calls us come and eat.

There's one thing before we're able,

To come now and take a seat.

Jesus takes a towel and basin,

And washes the disciples’ feet.


Jesus takes the bread and breaks it,

A new meaning there shall be.

As Jesus a mandate makes it,

Do this and remember me.

Broken bread becomes Christ’s body,

Jesus dies that we'll have life.


Jesus shares a cup of blessing,

Offering new life in new wine.

His lifeblood in us now living,

We are the branches he's the vine.

As we drink the Cup of blessing,

We are blessed to live new life.


At the Edge of Winter

(tune: Cranham UMH 221)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/2/21


At the edge of winter,

Turning into spring.

Days are getting longer,

Birds begin to sing.

We remember long ago,

Jesus betrayed; denied,

On the cross of Calvary,

Jesus died.


He was buried in the tomb,

Sealed tight with a stone.

Disciples felt abandoned,

Feeling left alone.

They had had such high hopes,

Palm branches waving high.

They could not imagine,

Jesus would die.


All now is dead quiet,

No sound fills the air.

Left alone with feelings,

Of grief and despair.

All that's left are memories,

What Jesus did and said.

Joy is ripped from their souls,

Jesus is dead.  


Come Celebrate Today

(tune: In Dulci Juilo UMH 224)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/3/21


Come celebrate today,

Christ arose on Easter day!

Jesus rose up from the grave, Good News!

From our sins he came to save.

Christmas he came from the womb,

On Easter he came from the tomb.

Christ’s reborn today!

Christ’s reborn today!


Come celebrate today,

Christ arose on Easter day!

To the women, angels shared, Good News!

Do not fear nor be scared.

You can spread the Good News, too.

By what you say and what you do.

Christ arose today!

Christ arose today!


Come celebrate today,

Christ arose on Easter day!

Live for Christ who died for you, Good News!

He rose to show what we can do.

There are those who need to know,

Spread seeds of faith that they may grow.

Christ’s alive today!

Christ’s alive today!  


We Have Been Blessed by God Above

(tune: Orientis Partibus UMH 227)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/6/21


We have been blessed by God above.

God sent us Jesus to show us God's love,

And the Holy Spirit as a dove.

We have been blessed by God above.


God offers to us mercy and grace.

Jesus died on the cross in our place.

That all our sins Jesus would erase.

God offers to us mercy and grace.


We can talk with God in prayer.

We can pray anytime, anywhere.

Whenever we listen our God is there.

We can talk with God in prayer.


What is God calling you to do?

There is a reason God created you.

And by God's grace, God will see you through.

What is God calling you to do?


Peace Be with You

(tune: W Zlobie Lezy UMH 229)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/7/21


Peace be with you, and spread through you,

To be shared with everyone.

We're believers, faith receivers,

In Jesus new life's begun.

From our doubting, faith's rerouting,

New life's sprouting, we are shouting,

Christ has risen like the sun!


Peace be with you in all you do,

As you spread to all Good News.

From Christ hear it, share the Spirit,

Rise up out of comfy pews.

Tell the story of Christ glory,

Peace be with you and flow through you,

As you spread to all Good News.


Disciples in the Upper Room

(tune: St. Louis UMH 230)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/7/21


Disciples in the Upper Room,

On Resurrection Day,

Received the love and peace of Christ,

And all he had to say.

They were not all together,

For Thomas was not there.

The others told what they had seen,

Their faith he could not share.


Jesus had breathed the Spirit,

That they all might receive,

The Good News to share with the world,

To all who would believe.

If they would be forgiving,

The sins would not remain.

But if they did retain the sins,

Their sins they would retain.


A week later Thomas was there,

When Jesus reappeared.

Thomas believed in what he saw,

And Jesus he revered.

Jesus was strong to point out,

Seeing’s not believing.

Blessed would be those who’d come to be,

Believing without seeing.


O Come, All Believers

(tune: Adeste Fideles UMH 234)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/8/21


O come, all believers,

God's mercy receivers.

O come into God's presence and be in prayer.

Be blessed in this holy time you share.

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence and be in prayer.


Offer your petitions,

Without conditions.

Speak open and freely as God knows your heart,

Then listen to God guide you to do your part.

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence and be in prayer.


We have been so blessed.

God hears each request.

God Almighty is tuned into us,

And loved us so much to send us Jesus.

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence,

O come into God's presence and be in prayer.


As We Read in God’s Holy Word

(tune: Christmas UMH 236)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/9/21


As we read in God's holy word,

And meditate and pray.

The word of God speaks out to us.

Hear what God has to say.

Hear what God has to say.


The words were written long ago,

In a context back then.

It's helped readers down through the years,

And now speaks once again.

And now speaks once again.


Allow God’s word to dwell in you.

Read it as the Lord's gift.

May the Lord's love flow through you, too,

By it, your life uplift.

By it, your life uplift.


Sing We Now of Jesus

(tune: French Carol UMH 237)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/10/21


Sing we now of Jesus,

Who showed us how to love,

Our neighbor like ourselves,

And our God above.


We are to love,

With heart and soul and mind.

We're to love like Jesus,

All of humankind.


We remember Jesus,

Gathered the children near.

Loving them completely,

To him they all are dear.



Often we see Jesus,

Helping those in need.

Ministering to them,

Both in Word and deed.



When we look at Jesus,

Hanging on a cross.

Our salvation we gain,

As his life is lost.



But when we see Jesus,

Risen from the grave.

We give thanks to Jesus,

Who came our souls to save.



Share the Good News

(tune: Mendelsson UMH 240)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/11/21


Share the good news, “Christ is risen!”

We're set free, our sins forgiven.

We have been bound up in sin,

But now new life can begin.

The early church proclaimed good news,

For the Gentiles and the Jews.

Who needs to hear it today?

Ask God to show you the way.

Share the good news, “Christ is risen!”

We're set free, our sins forgiven.


Some people have not yet heard,

To them no one’s shared the word.

They are still left in the dark,

For them you might be the spark.

Proclaim to them the Good News,

To make a difference you must choose,

Not to be afraid to tell,

Through actions show your faith as well.

Share the good news, “Christ is risen!”

We're set free, our sins forgiven.


We Will Follow Jesus

(tune: Gartan UMH 242)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/12/21


We will follow Jesus,

Where he leads us, we will go.

We believe in Jesus,

By our actions, our faith we show.


We listen to Jesus,

What he taught and what he said.

We will sing of Jesus.

We’re his body and he's the head.


We will proclaim Jesus,

Telling others who need to hear.

We will lift up Jesus,

Who loves all to draw them near.


We Believe

(tune: The First Noel UMH 245)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/13/21


In a world that's filled with guilt and shame,

We find forgiveness in Jesus’ name.

By the love of God Jesus was sent,

That new life be given when we repent.

We believe, we believe, we believe, we believe,

From Jesus, pardon from sin, we receive!


When life is hard, or we have a tough day,

Just turn to Jesus and let us pray.

And then when things are at their best,

Offer thanksgiving for being so blessed.

We believe, we believe, we believe, we believe,

From Jesus, pardon from sin, we receive!


We are so blessed by God above,

God is for us a God of love.

Invite Christ into your very heart,

A new life in Christ you will start.

We believe, we believe, we believe, we believe,

From Jesus, pardon from sin, we receive!


Joy to the World the Lord is Raised (Luke 24)

(tune: The First Noel UMH 246)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/14/21


Joy to the world the Lord is raised!

New life we celebrate!

The disciples were all amazed,

Love had overcome hate.

Love had overcome hate.

Love had, love had overcome hate.


Just when they thought it all was done,

Jesus was crucified.

Christ revealed the victory was won,

The law of death defied.

The law of death defied.

The law, the law of death defied.


Death’s no longer the end of life.

For those who do believe.

Jesus reveals an afterlife.

That we will now achieve.

That we will now achieve.

That we, that we will now achieve.


Christ opens each disciple's mind,

To show what we must do.

To spread Good News to humankind,

Forgiveness of sins, too.

Forgiveness of sins, too.

And the forgiveness of sins, too.


To Get Closer to God

(tune: Christmas Song UMH 249)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/15/21


To get closer to God,

Read the Bible each day.

Then reflect on the word,

Taking time to pray.

Open up your heart,

And open your mind.

Discover what guidance,

And insights you'll find.


The scriptures were written,

By believers back then.

Yet still speak to us,

As we read them again.

Experience reveals,

We've been here before.

Gods journeyed through history,

And is with us once more.


At first a scripture,

May not make much sense,

But meditate deeper,

Let the study commence.

Talk with other seekers,

To see what they see.

Then add the perspective,

Of the community.  


We Are Called to Follow Jesus

(tune: Irby UMH 250)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/16/21


We are called to follow Jesus,

What he did and what he said.

To then lay aside our ego,

And follow his will instead.

We will give him thanks and praise,

Rejoicing all of our days.


From our sins Jesus sets us free,

We are forgiven by Jesus.

God sent him to love and teach us,

We love 'cause God first loved us.  

Celebrate what God has done,

Sending us God's only Son.


So, Go Tell It on the Mountain

(tune: Go Tell It on the Mountain UMH 251)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/18/21



So, go, tell it on the mountain,

Over the hills and everywhere.

Go, tell it on the mountain,

That Jesus Christ is alive!


Disciples feared and trembled,

There in the upper room,

Until Christ stood before them,

Dispelling fear and gloom.



They just could not believe it,

When Jesus did arrive,

They thought it all was over,

But now he is alive!



Jesus opened up their minds,

To understand new birth,

And they should share the story,

Good news for all the earth!



In the Beginning Was the Word

(tune: Kings of Orient UMH 254)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/19/21


In the beginning was the Word.

Nothing happened till it was heard.

“It was good,” when it happened,

God's blessing was conferred.

Word of wisdom, Word of care.

Word that's proclaimed everywhere,

Help us hear it, help us share it,

This is our heartfelt prayer.


In God's time the Word became flesh,

In a stable in a creche,

One new life gave life to all.

Creation to refresh.

Word of wisdom, Word of care.

Word that's proclaimed everywhere,

Help us hear it, help us share it,

This is our heartfelt prayer.


In the Morning When I’m in Prayer

(tune: Wareham UMH 258)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/20/21


In the morning when I'm in prayer,

God is with me as I sit there.

A time to prepare for the day,

For God's loving guidance I pray.


Throughout the day when I'm in prayer,

Asking for God's mercy and care,

I lift up things as they arise,

That what is needed God supplies.


In the evening when I'm in prayer,

To prepare for sleep I leave it there,

For in God's hands throughout the night,

God lovingly holds each prayer tight.


We Celebrate Life by the Way We Live

(tune: Lord of the Dance UMH 261)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/21/21


We celebrate life by the way we live.

As God gives, we faithfully give.

As children of God, we are blessed.

We live for God and we do our best.


Live then, that is why you were made.

Fully live and do not be afraid.

As you have been loved by our God above,

You have been blessed by God's perfect love.


It all began so long ago,

By God's Word creation began to grow,

In the nothing, only God could see,

And as God called, each came to be.



Then in the garden one rule was made,

Our selfish will was fully displayed.

We chose our will over God's will,

And that separation separates us still.



God so loved the world, and so Christ was sent,

That our eyes might be opened and we repent.

As we gaze on the cross and what Christ has done,

Through the death of Christ our new life's begun.



I Am the Good Shepherd

(tune: Land of Rest UMH 269)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/22/21


“I am the Good Shepherd,” Christ said,

Drawing disciples nigh.

“I know my sheep and they know me,

For them I’m willing to die.


There are others not of this fold,

I must gather them too.

There will be one shepherd, one flock,

For this God sent me to do.


For God's love I lay down my life,

That I might take it up.

Through me the flock will have new life,

In the bread and the cup.


We Will Follow Jesus

(tune: Au Claire De La Lune UMH 273)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/23/21


We will follow Jesus,

Wherever he leads.

Learning to be loving,

And doing good deeds.

We will help the sick,

And feed the hungry.

Will follow Jesus,

and like him try to be.


We will learn from Jesus,

Read his Word each day.

And then listen to him,

Every time we pray.

We’ll be blessed by God,

When others we do bless.

Sins will be forgiven,

When sins we confess.


Let Me Tell Stories of Jesus

(tune: Stories of Jesus UMH 277)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/23/21


Let me tell stories of Jesus,

And of his love.

How that first Christmas God sent him,

From heaven above.

As a disciple,

I'll always be,

A faithful follower,



Share miracles that he has done,

Large crowds were fed.

And tell the stories of Jesus,

Raising the dead.

He walked on water.

He called the sea.

He called disciples,

Like you and me.


Let me tell stories of Jesus,

Folks need to hear.

How Jesus loves and forgives them,

Making it clear.

Not complicated,

Simple is best,

By sharing Jesus,

People are blessed.


We Celebrate the Lord of Lords

(tune: Ellacombe UMH 278)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/24/21


We celebrate the Lord of Lords,

Who reigns with God above.

He rose from the dead to give new life,

And rules with grace and love.

We have new life because he lives,

And now for him we live.

As he gave himself for each of us,

Our all to him we give.  


In good times and in trouble,

We never are alone.

He is the Shepherd we’re the sheep,

He claims us as his own.

He leads us through dark passageways,

To find a safe pasture.

We're safe wherever he leads us,

Of that we can be sure.


We Shout Out Hallelujah

(tune: St. Theodolph UMH 280)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/24/21



We shout out, “Hallelujah!”

For all that God has done.

As Christ rose up triumphant,

The victory is won.


We celebrate he is alive,

He has overcome death.

And we will sing his praises,

Even to our last breath.



He is the way, the truth, the life,

He guides us on the way.

He leads us with compassion,

Each and every day.



The Prince of Peace he truly is,

He offers our souls peace.

He forgives us of all our sins,

Our guilt and shame release.  



In Times of Tribulation

(tune: Passion Chorale UMH 286)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/26/21


In times of tribulation,

When we are filled with doubt,

Spend time in prayer with Jesus,

He always helps us out.

Pour out all of your troubles,

Say all you need to say,

Allow Jesus to hold you,

And lift you as you pray.


For Christ has been there with us,

He knows of pain and loss.

We know that on Good Friday,

He journeyed to the cross.

Jesus knows persecution,

Some tried to put him down.

They even whipped and stripped him,

And made a thorny crown.


But even on his worst day,

God had a greater plan.

Though we can’t see the future,

We know that our God can.

God sees beyond the tunnel,

God’s never-ending light.

With faith we keep on moving,

Keep faith God’s end’s insight.


This Is the Day

(tune: Selena UMH 287)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/27/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

Take time to simply look around.

God's diversity is displayed.

God's presence everywhere is found.

We celebrate all God has done.

God has created everyone.


Look at the beauty of the earth.

Notice the great diversity.

God values all with sacred worth.

Give thanks to God for all you see.

From nothing God called all to be.

And we’re caretakers, you and me.


Look at the beauty of the sky.

Watch at the rising of the sun.

Notice the clouds as they float by.

Celebrate all that God has done.

Watch as the stars come out at night.

Watch and take in each glorious sight.


I Was There

(tune: Selena UMH 288)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/28/21


I was there when Christ called me to believe. (I was there.)

I was there when Christ called me to believe. (I was there.)

O, thank God, now I'm a believer. (Thank God, Thank God, Thank God.)

I was there when Christ called me to believe. (I was there.)


I was there where Christ needed me to be. (I was there.)

I was there where Christ needed me to be. (I was there.)

O, thank God, now I'm a believer. (Thank God, Thank God, Thank God.)

I was there where Christ needed me to be. (I was there.)


I was there as the hands and feet of Christ. (I was there.)  

I was there as the hands and feet of Christ. (I was there.)  

O, thank God, now I'm a believer. (Thank God, Thank God, Thank God.)

I was there as the hands and feet of Christ. (I was there.)  


I'll be there when Christ calls me to come home. (I'll be there.)

I'll be there when Christ calls me to come home. (I'll be there.)

O, thank God, now I'm a believer. (Thank God, Thank God, Thank God.)

I'll be there when Christ calls me to come home. (I'll be there.)


I Am the Vine (John 15)

(tune: Selena UMH 290)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/29/21


“I am the Vine,” Jesus said,

And so, we are connected.

We are the body, Christ’s the head,

We go where we're directed.

Remain in Christ faithfully,

Be the best branch you can be.


We are called to bear good fruit,

By remaining in the Vine.

From the Vine we are a shoot,

Bearing fruit by God's design.

Remain in Christ and grow strong,

Producing fruit all day long.


Alone we can do nothing,

Lest we wither up and die.

Linked we can do anything,

When on Christ strength we rely.

As disciples we can be,

Bearing much fruit faithfully.  


When I Am Feeling Low

(tune: Wondrous Love UMH 292)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 4/30/21


When I am feeling low, I will pray. I will pray.

When I am feeling low, I will pray.

When I am feeling low,

And my tears start to flow,

To God in prayer, I go. I will pray. I will pray.

To God in prayer, I go. I will pray.


When I am struggling, I will pray. I will pray.

When I am struggling, I will pray.

When I am struggling,

And my heart cannot sing,

To God my prayers I'll bring. I will pray. I will pray.

To God my prayers I'll bring. I will pray.


When I have a bad day, I will pray. I will pray.

When I have a bad day, I will pray.

When I have a bad day,

And don't know what to pray,

I'll praise God anyway. I will pray. I will pray.

I'll praise God anyway. I will pray.


When I am feeling blessed, I will pray. I will pray.

When I am feeling blessed, I will pray.

When I am feeling blessed,

And my soul is at rest,

God's presence I'll attest, as I pray. As I pray.

God's presence I'll attest, as I pray.  


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