2021 May


There Is Much Turmoil in the World

(tune: Martyrdom UMH 294)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/1/21


There is much turmoil in the world,

And so, we pray for peace.

That in the midst of constant war,

Death and destruction cease.


In a world full of hurt and pain,

God's will will be done somehow.

We who follow the Prince of peace,

Have much work to do now.


Offer the world the Peace of Christ.

That faith will overcome greed.

And peace will prevail o'er all the earth,

Lifting up all those in need.  


In the Quiet of Each Morning

(tune: Rathbun UMH 295)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/3/21


In the quiet of each morning,

I begin each day in prayer.

Reading scripture; meditating,

God and I commune right there.


When I find myself in trouble,

Problems are just everywhere.

God's peace overcomes the turmoil,

When I turn to God in prayer.


There are times when I'm elated,

Then my joy I want to share.

So, I thank God for each blessing,

Praising the Lord in my prayer.  


We Celebrate All Mothers

(tune: St. Christopher UMH 297)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/4/21


We celebrate all mothers,

Today on Mother's Day.

With grateful hearts and thanks,

For all the mothers now we pray.


For we have been so blessed by each,

Who've helped to raise us up.

And we are who we are today,

'Cause they did not give up.


Mothers have been there with us,

When we were feeling sick.

They helped us to feel better,

And back on our feet quick.


When we have needed some support,

Our mothers have been there,

Helping make sure we are cared for,

With tender loving care.


As We Have Been Loved by Jesus

(tune: Hamburg UMH 298)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/6/21


As we have been loved by Jesus,

He commands us to love others.

We are no longer his servants,

We are his sisters and brothers.


We abide in him and his love,

And we experience full joy.

We are to go and bear good fruit,

For everyone then to enjoy.


As God loves Jesus, he loves us,

And in his name, we love others.

We celebrate this gift of love,

On this special day for mothers.


Happy Mother's Day!


In God’s Word

(tune: Near the Cross UMH 301)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/8/21


In God's word we find a word.

Speaking to us today.

How we each might live our lives,

If we follow God's way.


In God's word, in God's word,

God is speaking to me.

Words of challenge, grace, and love,

Come from God Almighty.


As you read it also pray,

That God would speak to you.

Meditate upon the word,

Showing you what to do.



Read it over and again,

To you what words stick out?

Take to heart just what it says,

Believe it without a doubt.



Nothing's new under the sun,

Others have been there too.

As you read what they have done,

What's it saying to you?



Celebrate What Christ Has Done

(tune: Easter Hymn UMH 302)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/9/21


Celebrate what Christ has done,

Forever the victory’s won.

Resurrection from the grave,

He has risen, us to save.


Sin’s burden on us is gone,

On the cross Christ took upon,

All the world's turmoil and pain,

That the world is reborn again.


We celebrate this new birth,

Share Good News throughout the earth.

Jesus died and lives again,

Alleluia and Amen.


When People Are Suffering (James 5)

(tune: Lancashire UMH 303)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/10/21


When people are suffering,

Then they should be in prayer.

And if people are cheerful,

Sung praises they should share.

By prayer we are connected,

To one another's needs.

The love of Christ is present,

Through our actions and deeds.


We are not isolated,

We are a family,

Who cares for one another,

And all humanity.

When one is sick and dying,

They're not to be alone.

With oil they are anointed,

To them Christ’s love is shown.


Reach out to one another.

Give all you have to give.

Confess your faults and failures,

That sins we might forgive.

For we are held in bondage,

When guilt and shame we feel.

But we can then be set free,

When to Christ we appeal.


On This Day of Christ’s Ascension (Luke 24)

(tune: Regent Square UMH 304)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/11/21


On this day of Christ’s ascension,

Into heaven he is raised.

He offers a benediction,

As gathered disciples gazed.

They were there filled with elation,

God was glorified and praised.


Jesus offers us a blessing,

That with others we would share.

By this our faith we're professing,

Letting people know we care.

The Good News we joyfully bring,

To all people everywhere.

In Jerusalem it started,

To be shared with all the earth.

From his followers Christ departed,

Prepping for the church’s birth.

So, we cannot be half-hearted,

We share Christ for all we're worth.


We Are Praying for Each Other

(tune: W Zlobie Lezy UMH 307)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/12/21


We are praying for each other,

That God's mercy may abound.

For the hurting and the struggling,

May God's peace for them be found.

We are praying for our neighbors,

That they may know of God's love.

We are praying for the whole world,

May peace come down like a dove.


We are listening while we're praying,

That God's guidance may be heard.

We are pondering while we're reading,

For a message from God's word.

Help us Jesus be attentive,

Always listening to your voice.

For your guidance on the journey,

We give thanks, and we rejoice.


There Are Those Who Ride Among Us

(In Celebration of Rev. Edgardo Rivera’s Superintendency)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/12/21


There are those who ride among us,

In the circuits of our Lord,

Helping all to stay connected,

Keeping each of us on board,


Calendars crammed full of meetings,

Securing appointments year to year,

District superintendents,

Superintend both far and near.


Trying to keep the order,

Using words that are found within,

Memorized chapters and verses,

Of the Book of Discipline.


The collecting of statistics,

Keeping track of those details,

Though monumental it's only part,

Of what this job entails.


Being a pastor to the pastors,

Shepherding those who tend the sheep.

They rejoice with those rejoicing,

And they weep with those who weep.


“Well done, good and faithful servant!”

“How goes it with your soul?”

We thank you for your service,

In this servant-serving role.


Praise God Almighty

(tune: Judas Maccabeus UMH 308)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/13/21


Praise God Almighty,

And Jesus, God's Son,

Who with the Holy Spirit,

Are the Three in One.

Praise to the Creator,

And the Redeemer,

Who with the Sustainer,

Saves every sinner!


Praise God Almighty,

And Jesus, God's Son,

Who with the Holy Spirit,

Are the Three in One.


God as three persons,

Is the Trinity.

Who in love formed us,

To be whom we can be.

We have been so blessed,

By God's ability.

Always there for us,

When God needs to be!



(tune: Ackley UMH 310)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/14/21


We have received the Good News,

That Jesus Christ is Lord.

And he is to be followed,

And worshipped and adored.

As Christians we profess it,

By what we do and say,

And sometimes we just sing it,

Throughout the day.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice and sing today,

For Christ invites all to believe,

To join him on the way.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice with all your heart.

For when you finally do believe,

New life in Christ will start.


So many people struggle,

Without the Lord today.

I wish that I could reach them,

Knowing just what to say.

To share with them my journey,

How I came to believe.

That they may know forgiveness,

and love receive.



Sing and Give Thanks to the Lord

(tune: Llanfair UMH 312)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/15/21


Sing and give thanks to the Lord,

Who is worshipped and adored.

God all-knowing and all-seeing,

Has brought all into being.


In love God created us,

And then sent to us Jesus.

With the power to forgive sin,

And o’er death the victory win.


We follow God's sacred text,

Preparing for what comes next.

God's raised those who've gone before,

We'll join them forevermore.

We Are Blessed by the Lord

(tune: French Carol UMH 311)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/16/21


We are blessed by the Lord,

By Jesus we’re so blessed.

God so loved us so much,

God sent to us the best.

We are so blessed,

To you blessings we bring

God so loved us so much,

This Good News we must sing.


In a world that's hurting,

Suffering in much pain.

We share love and care to

Those needing peace again.

We bear Good News,

For others now to hear.

Of the love of Jesus,

To Overcome their fear.


You are loved by Jesus,

Who died on the cross.

Your sins are forgiven,

Your gain won by Christ’s loss.

But then he rose,

The grave could not contain.

We will rise like Jesus

Christ who lives again.


I Open My Bible Each Day

(tune: Garden UMH 314)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/17/21


I open my Bible each day,

Just to hear what God has to say.

And then as I read,

God speaks to my need.

With thanks to God I pray.


Read the Good Book now,

It will tell you how,

If you follow it every day.

As you read God's word.

God's deep love is heard.

To guide you on the Lord’s way.


There are times when we are unsure,

Of what the Lord wants us to do.

Open up the book,

Take a deeper look,

God's guidance will shine through.


Read the Good Book now,

It will tell you how,

If you follow it every day.

As you read God's word.

God's deep love is heard.

To guide you on the Lord’s way.


Come, Spirit, Come

(tune: Truro UMH 318)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/18/21


Come, Spirit, come, on us again,

Like on the Day of Pentecost.

Show us your vision like back and then,

To help us reach the least and lost.


On this journey help us press on,

As faithfully we run this race.

By your vision our souls are drawn,

Following your amazing grace.


The prophet Joel had seen this day,

The elderly and young would see.

Following faithfully come what may,

Show us what your Kin-dom might be.


Christ Arose

(tune: Christ Arose UMH 322)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/19/21


Upon the earth Christ walked,

Jesus my savior.

And with people he talked,

Jesus my Lord.


Up into heaven Christ arose,

And his blessing on us overflows.

Christ arose to heaven to send the Spirit here,

To help us spread Good News for all to hear.

Christ arose. Christ arose.

Alleluia, Christ arose!


Christ helped disciples see,

Jesus my savior.

What all that they could be,

Jesus my Lord.



Christ is the church’s head,

Jesus my savior.

We follow what Christ said,

Jesus my Lord.



For the church Christ did pray,

Jesus my savior.

That we'd follow the way.

Jesus my Lord.



With Jesus we will be,

Jesus my savior.

For all eternity,

Jesus my Lord.



The Holy Spirit Came (Acts 2)

(tune:  St. Magnus UMH 326)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/20/21


The Holy Spirit came upon,

Disciples gathered there.

The Spirit turned the power on,

For them Good News to share.


The Spirit sent them to the street,

With tongues of flame above.

To speak to all whom they would meet,

Of God's mercy and love.


Some thought that they had too much wine,

To be speaking that way.

But they were filled with power divine,

Saying all they could say.


The power of the Spirit’s here,

For us our faith to share.

The Spirit sends us far and near,

Share Good News everywhere.


Sing Praise to God Above

(tune:  Diademata UMH 327)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/21/21


Sing praise to God above,

For all that God has made.

Creation is an act of love,

Our Creator conveyed.

The stars and moon and sun,

Adorned up in the sky.

All were created by the One,

We worship now on high.


Down hereupon the earth,

God's handiwork we see.

Each plant and animal has worth,

As each was made to be.

We see the hand of God,

In all that God has made.

For all God's done we now applaud,

How God's love is displayed.


God loved the world so much,

Jesus was sent to us.

To embody the Master's touch,

The word made flesh - Jesus.

He taught us how to live.

He taught us how to love.

He sacrificed his life to give,

Us grace from God above.


To God We Are Precious

(tune:  Wolfe UMH 328)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/22/21


To God we are precious.

God shows love to us each day.

we are blessed to have communion as we pray.

we can share God's love with others,

by what we do and what we say.

to God we are precious.

God shows love to us each day.

Faith Is a Very Precious Gift

(tune:  Stockton UMH 337)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/23/21


Faith is a very precious gift,

For when you are down and out.

It has the power to uplift,

And overcome each doubt.


Only believe, only believe, believe and don't doubt.

God will help you, God will help you, God will help you out.


When you find yourself in trouble;

Solutions you have none.

With God's help your strength will double,

With God all can be done.



Even when people don't believe,

Know God believes in you.

In prayer God's plan you can receive,

To know just what to do.



This Is the Day

(tune:  Hursley UMH 339)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/24/21


This is the day the Lord has made.

See all the wonders that God has displayed.

Today let us give thanks and sing,

For God has made everything.


Take time to praise God for this day.

As you've been blessed, bless God as you pray.

From the dust you have been made too,

God has created the wonder that's you.


What can you do on this wondrous day?

How might you share it and what might you say?

Whose sole might your witness uplift?

To someone's day you might be God's gift.

Softly and Tenderly the Lord is Calling

(tune:  Thompson UMH 348)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/25/21


Softly and tenderly the Lord is calling,

Summoning that we might be,

Faithful disciples who are humbly serving,

Serving the Lord faithfully.


Serve God, serve God, serve God in all that you do.

Earnestly, tenderly the Lord is calling,

Calling and inviting you.


We have been called by the Lord God Almighty,

That we might share the Good News.

Like the prophets of old, you and I might be,

Called to get out of our pews.



What might you do if the Lord goes before you?

Leading you on the Lord’s way.

Deny yourself take up the cross before you,

Faithfully live day by day.



By faith we entered the family of God,

We are a part of the flock.

Go now for there is a journey we must trod,

If we will just walk the walk.



Come into the Lord’s Presence

(tune:  Wolfe UMH 349)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/27/21


Come into the Lord's presence,

Be filled with God's mercy and love.

And the Peace of Christ will be yours today,

Freely offered from the Lord above.


Open your heart up to Jesus,

Confess all the things you have done.

They will be erased as you're filled with grace,

And you'll know the joy of salvation.


Share the good news with others,

For they need to hear your witness.

Tell of your relationship with Jesus,

And all that you have to profess.


What Would Jesus Do

(tune:  Pass Me Not UMH 351)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/28/21


What would Jesus do I wonder?

To him I humbly pray.

Help me always be attentive,

To what you have to say.


Jesus, Jesus, to you I humbly pray.

Help me always be attentive,

To what you have to say.


I can do all things in you, Lord.

Lord, you strengthen me.

When by life I am overwhelmed,

To you I humbly plea.



Give me guidance and direction,

In all that I might do,

And do it all for your glory.

All I do's for you.



We Will Be in Prayer

(tune:  Surrender UMH 354)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 5/28/21


If you let us know your struggles,

We will surely pray for you.

If you're sick or someone's grieving,

Saying prayers is what we do.


We will be in prayer, we will be in prayer,

Whenever there is a need to,

We will be in prayer.


When there's joy and celebration,

We will give our thanks and praise.

We are grateful for God's blessings.

Thanksgiving to God we raise.


When we have a need for guidance,

Not sure what we ought to do.

Once again we go to Jesus,

Asking what would Jesus do?



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