2021 June


To God We Lift Our Songs in Praise

(tune:  Rest UMH 358)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/2/21


To God we lift our songs in praise,

We worship and we pray.

For God is with us all our days,

With things enjoy our voices raise,

For God's blessings today.


When Jesus Invited Me

(tune: Toplady UMH 361)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/2/21


When Jesus invited me,

To be in his family,

All the barriers he broke down,

Red and yellow, black and brown.

All are loved and welcomed in,

Thanks to Jesus we are all kin.


We have fathers and mothers,

And have sisters and brothers.

I am yours and you are mine.

We are all branches of Christ’s vine.

We've been blessed with all of these,

A forest of family trees.


Jesus’ love for you has shown,

That you're never all alone.

Christ is there ‘round every bend;

Will be with you to the end.

We are in Christ's family,

Now and for eternity.


I Will Always Turn to Jesus

(tune: Plainfield UMH 362)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/3/21


Whenever I am lost,

I will always turn to Jesus.

No matter what the cost,

I will always turn to Jesus.


When I am feeling low,

Or unsure where to go,

When I'm lost this I know,

I will always turn to Jesus.


When I don't know what to do,

I will always turn to Jesus.

Jesus always sees me through.

I will always turn to Jesus.



When I don't know what to say,

I will always turn to Jesus.

Silently to Christ I pray.

I will always turn to Jesus.



When I feel I'm all alone,

I will always turn to Jesus.

I am never on my own.

I will always turn to Jesus.



Because God Loves

(tune: Resurrection UMH 364)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/4/21


God loved us so that God created,

God made the world and sky above.

God did it all because God loves us,

And sent Jesus that we might learn likewise to love.


Because God loves we are not forgotten.

Because God loves Jesus was sent.

Because God loves our sins are forgiven,

And now, eternal life is ours because God loves.


There are those times when we feel unloved.

We feel alone like no one cares.

Then at our worst, the Lord lifts us up,

And carries us and our burdens, as love God shares.



We celebrate that we're forgiven,

And by God's grace new life is ours.

We live each day unto its fullest.

Our inner strength’s revealed because God’s love empowers.



God’s Love

(tune: Moody UMH 365)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/5/21


We love because we've been loved by God.

As we've been blessed, others we're to bless.

To God sing praise and even applaud,

For God's mercy and loving kindness.


Love, love, God's love,

Love from our God who created us,

Love, love, God's love,

Love that has given to us Jesus.


Love God with all of your heart and mind,

Is the first and greatest commandment.

As yourself, love all of humankind,

That all may know that love is heaven sent.



Every Day Is a Daylong Prayer

(tune: The Solid Rock UMH 368)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/6/21


Almighty God, I start each day,

In the morning to you I pray.

We talk throughout the day and then,

When it is night I say, “Amen.”


When all the day with God I share,

Every day is a daylong prayer.

Every day is a daylong prayer.


There is so much to talk about,

From joys and praise to fears and doubt.

No matter what happens each day,

God is with me then when I pray.



Take time to listen as you pray,

To take in all God has to say.

If we are in touch with God always,

Communication goes both ways.



As a Disciple

(tune: Assurance UMH 369)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/7/21


As a disciple my faith I live.

As a disciple my witness I give.

As a disciple I walk the walk.

As a disciple I talk the talk.


I will praise Jesus with this little song

I will praise Jesus all the day long.

I will praise Jesus with this little song.

I will praise Jesus all the day long.


O, what a morning! O, what a day!

To follow Jesus is what I pray.

Loving my neighbor is his command.

Doing what I can to lend a hand.



O, what a journey, Christ is the way.

Faithful disciple I'm going to stay.

When there are high spots, and when they’re low,

I know that Jesus helps me to grow.



We Only See in Part (1 Samuel 16)

(tune: St. Michael UMH 372)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/8/21


We only see in part,

Or so the prophet tells,

That, “The Lord sees into the heart.”

That's where God's Spirit dwells.


There is much more to us,

Then what will we see at first.

This was shown to us by Jesus,

In us he was immersed.


We see on the outside,

Just who has made the grade.

But the Lord sees on the inside,

And of what we are made.


Beauty is not skin deep,

Beauty’s below the skin.

But we must take more than a peep,

To see God's gifts within.


Believing in the Faithfulness of God

(tune: Promises UMH 374)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/9/21


Believing in the faithfulness of God to me,

Trying to become the best me I can be,

Following the Lord for all eternity,

Believing in the faithfulness of God.


Believing, believing,

Believing in the faithfulness of God to me,

Believing, believing,

I'm believing in the faithfulness of God.


Believing in the faithfulness of gods my call,

Faithfully living and giving it my all,

Loving all my neighbors is universal,

Believing in the faithfulness of God.



Believing God is with me I freely choose,

Following the Lord, I know I cannot lose,

Sharing with all others Christ’s loving Good News,

Believing in the faithfulness of God.



We Will Sing and Praise God’s Glory

(tune: Balm in Gilead UMH 375)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/10/21



We will sing and praise God's glory,

With all our heart and soul.

We will sing and praise God's glory,

For heaven is our goal.


Some days were filled with blessings,

Why we're blessed, heaven knows.

We shout out, “Hallelujah!”

As our cup overflows.



Sometimes it is a struggle,

We don't know what to do.

But Jesus came to lead us,

And he will see us through.



We will rejoice in heaven,

And sing for all we're worth.

But now until we get there,

We'll sing it here on earth.



I Am Blessed

(tune: Ville Du Havre UMH 377)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/11/21


Christ died on the cross to forgive all my sin.

I'm totally loved and adored.

In the name of Christ, I am freely forgiven.


I am blessed, I am blessed, by the Lord.

I am blessed, by the Lord.

I am blessed, I am blessed, by the Lord.


Though my faith has wavered, God's love is steadfast.

My faith in the Lord is restore.

Thank God I can now leave the past in the past.



As a disciple Christ has invited me.

To let go and now come aboard.

As we journey on to God’s eternity.



We Do Believe

(tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/12/21


We do believe that God is love,

God’s love is shared with us.

God sent to us love from above,

In the form of Jesus.


When we share love we share the Lord,

Who taught us how to live.

Relationships can be re stored,

When we learn to forgive.


Love God with heart, soul, and mind,

Love neighbors as you love you.

When you can do that you will find,

God's love in all you do.


O Lord, Help Us to Be Faithful

(tune: Bradbury UMH 381)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/13/21


O Lord, help us to be faithful,

As we live from day to day.

For you may we become fruitful,

Help us on your path to stay.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

You are life, truth, and the way.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

You are life, truth, and the way.


We are on life's eternal journey,

Lord, help us to follow you.

Guide us to be who we will be,

Help us then to follow through.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

Help us do all we can do.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

Help us do all we can do.


Gracious Lord, forgive our failures,

For the times we've fallen short.

All that we have and are, are yours,

But we need your full support.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

We seek mercy from your court.

Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesus,

We seek mercy from your court.


Guide Me Today

(tune: Adelaide UMH 382)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/14/21


Guide me today, Lord, guide me today.

Help me to follow, is what I pray.

As I read scripture help me to see,

Chapters and verses to instruct me.


Guide me today, Lord, guide me today.

By you I'm gifted a role to play.

Help me to be there doing my part,

Sharing your love with another’s heart.


Guide me today, Lord, guide me today.

Help me find the words that I might say,

To help another easing their pain,

All for your Kingdom, another to gain.


With Thanksgiving We Come before God

(tune: Beginnings UMH 383)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/15/21


With thanksgiving we come before God,

We've been so blessed by God above.

For God so loved us from the beginning,

God sent Jesus to show God's love.


God is faithful, we’re not forgotten,

In the darkness God is the light.

At the tunnel's end, a new beginning,

God brings the dawn after the night.


Throughout our lives the Lord's been with us,

Where e’er we go the Lord is there.

We are so blessed by the Lord's creation,

God's fingerprints are everywhere.


Jesus Did Not Just Still the Storm (Mark 4)

(tune: Beecher UMH 384)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/16/21


Jesus did not just still the storm,

It was just another test.

Things were faced in whatever form,

Teaching was what he did best.

When out upon a restless sea,

Disciples’ hearts with fear were filled.

While Jesus rested peacefully,

When he rose faith was instilled.


There are times when we are afraid,

We don't know what can be done.

Trust God in whom all things were made,

Put your whole faith in the One.

Jesus can calm storms in your life,

Experience shows that's true.

When you're in turmoil or strife,

Let Christ instill faith in you.


In Our Lives Storms Will Rise (Mark 4)

(tune: St. Michael UMH 388)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/17/21


In our lives, storms will rise,

We may react with fear.

Look for the Light in those dark skies,

The Lord will there appear.


Jesus was fast asleep,

He woke and saved the day.

“Peace, be still!” He said to the deep,

He says it still today.


Whatever fear you face,

You're never all alone.

It is just the right time and place,

For Christ’s light to be shown.


At the end of your rope,

To Christ for help reach out.

For you he'll instill faith and hope,

Believe in Christ! Don't doubt.


Thank God for Your Blessings

(tune: Holiness UMH 395)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/18/21


Thank God for your blessings,

With God be in prayer.

Reflect on everything,

That you and God share.

The Lord is your soul mate,

There through thick and thin,

Be open and honest,

Confess every sin


Thank God for your blessings,

Your sins Christ forgives.

God has wiped your slate clean;

Another chance gives.

Live life for God's glory,

Be what you can be.

Walk humbly with your God,

For eternity.


Thank God for your blessings,

Which the Lord bestows.

By God you've been gifted,

Your cup overflows.

God has been there with you,

Whenever you need.

God now goes before you,

Just follow God's lead.


O Lord, My Soul Is Troubled

(tune: Angel’s Story UMH 396)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/19/21


O Lord, my soul is troubled,

There's turmoil and there's strife.

My heart and soul are aching,

From anguish in my life.

I come into your presence,

To let go and let you,

Reign in my life forever.

Your grace will see me through.


Whenever I am in need,

You are my All in all.

You always walk beside me,

You lift me when I fall.

Help me to always follow,

Your guidance on the way.

I'll be forever grateful,

To take it day by day.


Lord, thank you for your patience,

When I have been so slow,

To grasp what you're revealing,

And know what I should know.

I know others are struggling,

I lift them up to you.

Help me to be a helper,

To do all I can do.


Forgive Me for My Sins

(tune: Need UMH 397)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/20/21


Forgive me for my sins,

God, hear my plea.

I ask for your mercy,

To be set free.


Forgive me, O forgive me,

When I sin forgive me.

I humbly come and ask for,

Your grace and mercy.


Forgive me for my sins,

I beg of you,

For I can't save myself,

That I can't do.



Forgive me for my sins,

I ask for grace.

By your redeeming power,

My sins erase.



We Are Blessed by God Almighty

(tune: Galilee UMH 398)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/21/21


We are blessed by God Almighty,

Who has made all that is made.

God shares with us all creation,

All around God’s love’s displayed.


From the macro to the micro,

Very large to very small,

We sing praises and give thanks that,

The Lord God has made them all.


We are made in God's own image,

God's likeness in human form.

When we failed to live up to it,

God sent Jesus to reform.


God has made us and put us here,

In the right time and right place.

To be what God made us to be,

To extend God's loving grace.


Take My Heart and Take My Soul

(tune: Messiah UMH 399)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/22/21


Take my heart and take my soul,

I yield them to your control.

You gave me this life at birth,

Help me live for all I'm worth.

May I serve you all my days,

And to you give all the praise.

Help me be all I might be,

To serve you most faithfully.


There are times when life is tough,

There are times I’ve had enough.

In those times you are right there,

Holding me in love and care.

No matter what is the task,

You are there if I but ask.

You are there in word and deed,

Supplying my every need.


I Am Blessed by Every Blessing

(tune: Nettleton UMH 400)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/23/21


I am blessed by every blessing,

that the Lord be stows on me.

there is No Fear or second guessing,

God will always faithful be.

sing with me a song of praising,

for all that the Lord has done.

the Lord's grace is so amazing,

God's love is for everyone.


you can join the celebration,

praising God you, too, can do.

take some time in meditation,

name the blessings God gives you.

give to God all of the glory.

give to God all of the praise.

you are part of God's great story,

bless the Lord all of your days.


Lord, I Want to Feel Your Healing (Mark 5)

(tune: I Want to Be a Christian UMH 402)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/24/21


Lord, I want to feel your healing,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to feel your healing, in my soul,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to feel your healing, in my soul.


Lord, I want to share the healing,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to share the healing, in my soul,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to share the healing, in my soul.


Lord, I want to be forgiven,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to be forgiven, in my soul,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to be forgiven, in my soul.


Lord, I want to be forgiving,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to be forgiving, in my soul,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want to be forgiving, in my soul.


Lord, I want a joyous feeling,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want a joyous feeling, in my soul,

in my soul, in my soul.

Lord, I want a joyous feeling, in my soul.


Every Time I Feel the Spirit

(tune: Pentecost UMH 404)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/25/21


God is with me every day;

Hears what I say when I pray.

In the silence I can hear,

God whispering in my ear.


In those times when I'm afraid,

For God's strength I’ve always prayed.

In those times when I feel stressed,

Talking with God I am blessed.


When I can't find words to say,

God hears my heart when I pray.

Every thought the Lord will hear,

When I pray God's always near.


We Love Because God First Loved Us

(tune: Seek Ye UMH 405)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/26/21


We love because God first loved us.

Love God with all your heart.

And love your neighbor as you love yourself,

To each God's love impart.


We've been so blessed by our loving God.

To God we sing our praise.

We are blessed to be blessings in the name of God.

Share God's love with all always.


Forgive others as you have been forgiven.

Jesus has set you free.

Do unto others as you'd have them do to you.

Blessed forever you'll be.


I Thank the Lord for All

(tune: Gift of Love UMH 408)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/27/21


I thank the Lord for all around,

The skies, the clouds, the seas, the ground,

God made it all out of pure love.

For love is what we're all made of.


Take holy time to look today,

God didn't make the world this way.

God made it like heaven on earth,

It was pure as a baby's birth.


God's creation we've polluted,

Our desires so convoluted,

We have destroyed by reckless deeds,

To satisfy our selfish needs.


Forgive us, Lord, for what we've done,

To your marvelous creation.

You declared that all was good,

Help us today do what we should.


When Times of Difficulty Rise

(tune: Gerald UMH 410)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/28/21


When times of difficulty rise,

And we are wrecked with pain,

We lift our prayers with pleading cries,

For healing once again.

Bestow upon us hands of love,

We need your healing touch.

Reach out to us, Dear God above,

For you love us so much.


The world is hurting everywhere,

There is so much suffering.

Help us to show how much we care,

In our relief we bring.

Help us to be the helpers who,

Take a disciple’s role,

That we might offer others you,

Who heals body and soul.


Give God All Thanks and Praise

(tune: Boylston UMH 413)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/29/21


Give God all thanks and praise.

Bless God who blesses you.

Love God and your neighbor always.

That's what we're called to do.


Bring to the Lord today,

All of your hurts and pains.

Share with God all you need to say,

Remember that God reigns.


God will remember you,

And all the needs you share.

Just let God do what God will do,

For you are in God's care.


This Is the Day

(tune: Germany UMH 415)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/30/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

It is a gift from the Lord above.

What you do is your gift to God.

Do what you can to share God's love.


This is the day to begin again.

Confess your sins and change your ways.

Ask God's forgiveness and mercy,

God listens when each Sinner prays.


This is the day to start your new life.

Deny your will, may God's be done.

Day by day draw closer to God.

With the first step the journey's begun.


We Are Following the Shepherd

(tune: Jacob’s Ladder UMH 418)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 6/30/21


We are following the Shepherd,

We are following the Shepherd,

We are following the Shepherd,

Disciples of Christ.


We are loving God and neighbor,

We are loving God and neighbor,

We are loving God and neighbor,

Disciples of Christ.


We are blessed to be a blessing,

We are blessed to be a blessing,

We are blessed to be a blessing,

Disciples of Christ.


We are making more disciples,

We are making more disciples,

We are making more disciples,

Disciples of Christ.


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