2021 July


Draw Me Closer

(tune: I Am Thine UMH 419)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/1/21


I am in the world, but not of the world.

In your Kin-dom now I dwell.

I don't set my face on this earthly place.

Clinging heaven, over hell.


Draw me closer, closer to your heavenly throne,

For to you I humbly plea.

Draw me closer, closer to your heavenly throne,

Where I’ll spend eternity.


Hear my cry, O Lord, as I pray to you,

In the distress of this day.

I am deep in need of your steadfast love.

Give me strength, to you I pray.



Help me to prepare for eternal life,

To be with saints gone before.

All my loved ones who now reside with you,

I will join forevermore.



Speak to My Heart, O God

(tune: Trentham UMH 420)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/2/21


Speak to my heart, O God,

that your voice may be heard.

When I read scriptures speak to me,

through words from your holy word.


Speak to my heart, O God,

through words that others speak.

In cries for help may I hear you,

call me to help the weak.


Speak to my heart, O God,

Through stories in the news.

That I might do something to help,

and turn don'ts into do’s.


Lord, I Have Heard Your Call

(tune: Diademata UMH 421)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/3/21


Lord, I have heard your call,

To humbly follow you,

To always give to you my all,

In all I try to do.

Give me the strength today,

A difference to make.

That what I do and what I say,

Help someone's first step take.


Lord, I have heard your call,

To call to others, too.

Today give me the wherewithal,

To help them follow you.

Help me to reach all those,

Beyond my comfort zone.

As the disciple that you chose,

I can't do this alone.


Lord, I have been so blessed,

That you've invited me,

To help reach out to all the rest,

That they might followers be.

Surrounded by your love,

May your love, hate expel.

That all might know you reign above,

And in their lives as well.


This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

(tune: Azmon UMH 422)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/4/21


This is the day the Lord has made.

Rejoice in it. Be glad!

The Lord's creation is displayed.

It's all there to be had.


Explore the wonders around you.

See all there is to see.

Some you have seen, others are new,

Views of the divinity.


As you step out upon God's earth,

Or breathe in the Lord's air,

All made by God has sacred worth,

God's present everywhere.


The Peace of Christ

(tune: Maitland UMH 424)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/5/21


May the peace of Christ be with you,

Throughout this holy day.

Peace be with you in all you do,

And in the words you say.


The world desperately needs peace.

What might we do today?

That all wars and conflicts might cease,

For this now let us pray.


There Are Spiritual Blessings (Galatians 5)

(tune: Llangloffan UMH 425)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/6/21


There are spiritual blessings,

Bestowed by God above.

That we might bear spiritual fruit,

Of which the first is love.

Scripture tells us, “God is love.”

And love is God's decree.

Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul,

Treat neighbors lovingly.


Joy, the Spirit gives to us,

Like a sunrise at dawn.

The Spirit blesses us with peace,

That we might pass it on.

Patience is the kind of gift,

That must be waited for.

But kindness and goodness abound,

For those who God adore.


Faithfulness is slow to grow,

It takes practice and time.

Gentleness is quite a gift,

A quality sublime!

All’s wrapped up with self-control,

Our fruit basket’s complete.

As God has blessed us with them all,

Share them with all you meet.



We Are Blessed with Spiritual Gifts

(tune: Germany UMH 427)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/8/21


We are blessed with spiritual gifts,

Given to us by God above.

These are gifts most freely given,

As an expression of God's love.


These gifts have been given to us,

That by them others might be blessed.

Just how we use our gifts today,

Is part of our spiritual test.


Each gift if we do not use it,

But allow it to waste away,

In the end we may lose it,

So put it to good use today.


In These Times

(tune: CWM Rhonda UMH 428)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/9/21


In these times when we are hurting,

God, we come and pray to you.

That with mercy you will aid us,

And show us what we can do.

Give us strength and give us power,

That this challenge we’ll come through.

That this challenge we’ll come through.


Life is full of daily struggles,

Each can seem a daunting task.

When it seems that we're not able,

God will help, if we but ask.

God is there to help us triumph.

God will help, if we but ask.

God will help, if we but ask.


As I Begin This Brand New Day

(tune: Maryton UMH 430)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/10/21


As I begin this brand-new day,

God, for your guidance I do pray.

Show me today what I might do,

As your disciple, just for you.


So many people are in need,

Help me to follow where you lead.

Alone I can't help everyone,

Give me the strength to help someone.


Put me in the right time and place,

To help someone and to show your grace.

Help me to be your hands and feet,

For that one you want me to meet.


We Are Called to Be Disciples

(tune: Charlestown UMH 433)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/12/21


We are called to be disciples,

To live our faith every day.

Teach us how to share the Good News,

In all that we do and say.


Lord, to you we lift our voices,

Offering our prayers and praise.

To you we sing our thanksgivings,

Lord, we worship you always.


As we read your holy scriptures,

And your message for our hearts,

Inspire us to go and serve you,

That we all might do our parts.


The peace of Christ we pass around,

To those who have gathered here.

Help us pass it on to others.

Help us overcome our fear.


God, This Is Your Creation

(tune: Llangloffan UMH 435)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/13/21


God, this is your creation,

We are to take care of,

We call on every nation,

To treat the world with love.

Much of it we've made a mess,

Beauty we've turned to blight.

This to you we do confess,

Help us to make things right.


Show us steps that we can take,

To fully honor you.

Help us now for the world's sake,

To do what we can do.

If we reduce consumption,

And reuse everything,

We'll begin restoration,

As we each do something.


Of the problem, we're a part,

But we can also be,

The solution, if we start,

Living more stewardly.

There are things that we can do,

To put our faith in play,

That we might be disciples who,

Make a difference today.


In Christ We’re One (Ephesians 2)

(tune: Llangloffan UMH 437)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/14/21


In Christ we’re one,

A part of God's creation.

All those left out,

Are fully welcomed in.

Not us and them,

In Jesus we're all us.

By Jesus’ blood,

We're all freed from our sin.

Help us repent,

Our sin of separation,

To now reach out,

And draw all them within.


Help us, O Lord,

To remove all barriers.

That we may see,

People the way you see.

We may divide,

By artificial boundaries,

That separate,

Those who are not like me.

We each are loved,

Created in your image.

Your will be done,

May we be one, in Thee.


When You’re at the End of Your Rope

(tune: Duke Street UMH 438)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/15/21


When you're at the end of your rope,

Lift up a prayer and there hang on.

Then rely on your faith and hope;

The Lord Almighty call upon.


God hears the cry of all in need,

God shares the call to those tuned in.

Who will respond and intercede?

They can relate for there they've been.


As you have found help on your way,

As God has guided your way through,

Whom might you help encourage today?

God will guide you what you might do.


By Love the Lord Created All

(tune: St. Agnes UMH 445)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/16/21


By love the Lord created all,

That we might fully be,

Responsive to the Spirit’s call,

And love God faithfully.


We give thanks for the family,

Of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Brothers and sisters all are we,

For whom he sacrificed.


We are called to proclaim Good News,

To those who have not heard,

That Christ forgives and Christ rescues,

According to God's word.


Guide Me on the Journey

(tune: Slane UMH 451)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/17/21


Guide me on the journey as I follow you,

Be ever present in all that I do,

Not my will only, but your will be done,

Lay aside my sins that this race may be won.


With people I engage, may I share your love,

Also your mercy and grace from above,

That others might know of your mercy and grace,

And your good news is shared all over the place.


In this world filled with such trouble and sin,

May I open doors that Christ may come in.

May the light of Christ shine out in the dark.

This is the journey on which I embark.


To God Give Thanks and Praise

(tune: Olivet UMH 452)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/19/21


To God give thanks and praise!

God is with us always.

All needs are met.

When to God we've confessed,

We're forgiven and blessed.

Help us remember, lest,

We might forget.


God is both good and great,

On this now meditate.

Thanks be to God!

Praise God in song and voice.

Following God's our choice.

Let us sing and rejoice.

Let us applaud!


I Sing Your Praise

(tune: More Love to Thee UMH 453)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/20/21


I sing your praise, O God.

I sing your praise.

Glorifying your name

All of my days


Your glorious name I raise

O God, I sing your praise

I sing your praise

I sing your praise


By you, O God, I'm blessed

You I adore

I'll sing your praise aloud




All that you've done for me

I will proclaim

I will lift up to all

Your blessed name



For You Are Loved (Ephesians 3)

(tune: Open My Eyes UMH 454)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/21/21


Love is rooted and grounded in,

God whose love does overcome sin.

Love will always the victory win.

That is the way it's always been.


Come before God in holy prayer.

Everything with God you can share.

Leave all your sins and burdens there,

For you are loved!


Let faith in God in your heart grow,

God and God’s love to fully know.

Share God's Good News where e’er you go,

Out to others let God's love flow.



Glory to God; God's will be done.

Through love God's victory is won.

In us God’s good work has begun.

In Christ’s love we shall be one.



In Those Times

(tune: Trust in Jesus UMH 462)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/23/21


In those times of our worst struggles,

When we don't know what to do.

You are there, right there beside us,

Opening doors we can pass through.


Jesus, Jesus, you have been there.

By your grace we have been freed.

You have blessed us every day, Lord,

In each time and in each need.


In those times when all goes just right,

With words of praise, we come to you.

Thank you, Lord, for being with us,

We are blessed by all you do.


Lord, Speak to Me

(tune: Canonbury UMH 463)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/24/21


Lord, speak to me your living word.

Your wisdom and advice are sage.

Gems are there again to be heard,

Treasured verses upon each page.


Lord, speak to me through your children.

Their young minds to us can reveal.

More than any theologian,

How as your children to be real.


Lord, speak to me through community.

Where we encourage each other.

That your disciples, we might be,

As we each love one another.


Lord, speak to me that I might share,

Your loving word for each to hear.

And spread the Good News everywhere,

That you will draw each lost one near.


We Share God When We Share Love

(tune: Canterbury UMH 465)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/25/21


We share God when we share love.

All love comes from God above.

By love God created all,

And sent Jesus, us to call.


Jesus came that we might be,

Fully from our sins set free.

We've been given a fresh start.

Love others with all your heart.


Share the Lord's Good News today,

With each soul along the way.

On your journey look and find,

Everywhere you can be kind.


Sing and Rejoice

(tune: Trust and Obey UMH 467)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/26/21


As we gather to pray,

On this the Lord’s day,

We are grateful for all God has done.

With God’s love in our hearts,

We will each sing our parts,

Our voices blending into one.


Sing and rejoice,

Use your outside voice.

Offer your praise to Jesus,

As you sing and rejoice.


God blesses us each day,

With wonders on display.

We are blessed with more than we deserve.

God forgives all our sins.

In Christ new life begins.

We are blessed by the Lord whom we serve.



When a neighbor’s in need,

Of a kind, loving deed,

Help us be where we’re needed to be.

To be your hands and feet,

For whomever we meet,

That a glimpse of your Kin-dom we’ll see.



This Is the Day

(tune: Hursley UMH 468)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/27/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

In it God's wonders are displayed.

To God let's give our thanks and praise,

For today and all of our days.


We believe that the Lord is great,

This in worship we celebrate.

And we affirm the Lord is good,

And try to follow as we should.


I Believe in the Trinity

(tune: Elizabeth UMH 469)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/28/21


I believe in the Trinity,

God present in three ways.

God who creates, redeems, sustains.

God is with us always.

God sent Jesus to show us God's love.

God sent the Spirit from above.

God sent Jesus,

'Cause God loves us,

I believe.


God has created everything,

That includes you and me.

God has given to us the gift,

Of creativity.

God's given you a unique task,

To find out what, of God just ask.

God's given you,

Something to do.

I believe.


We Have Been Blessed by God

(tune: McAfee UMH 472)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/29/21


We give thanks for all God has done.

We have been blessed by God.

By Christ eternity’s been won.

We have been blessed by God.


Give thanks to the Lord Jesus.

We have been blessed by God.

By Christ’s resurrection

We have been blessed by God.


We come and sing God's praises for,

We have been blessed by God.

And we will sing forevermore.

We have been blessed by God.



We follow Jesus at his call.

We have been blessed by God.

And good news is proclaimed to all.

We have been blessed by God.



We share God's love, that's how we live.

We have been blessed by God.

What we've received, to others give.

We have been blessed by God.


In Your Name

(tune: Precious Lord UMH 474)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/30/21


Lord, I come to this place,

Seeking your loving grace,

To receive mercy and peace.

All my sins now forgive,

That for you I might live.

In your name I'm alive, I'm set free.


In your name send me out,

To proclaim all about,

Of your love even for one like me.

Though I am unworthy,

Here I am all to see.

In your name I'm alive, I'm set free.


On This Holy Lord’s Day

(tune: St. Margaret UMH 480)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 7/31/21


Come before the Lord with singing.

We come to worship God today.

Hear the steeple bells all ringing,

Calling the faithful now to pray,

On this holy Lord’s Day.


We come together as a body,

To follow Jesus on the way.

That we might be what we might be,

Listening to what the scriptures say,

On this holy Lord’s Day.


The benediction leads us out,

That we might be the church today,

To show the world what God's about,

By what we do and what we say,

On this holy Lord’s Day.


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