2021 September


Jesus the Healer (Mark 7)

(tune: National Hymn UMH 567)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/2/21


Jesus, the Healer, touched so many lives,

And to this day many lives Christ revives.

Those who can't hear or do not listen well,

Do hear Him and now to all the world tell.


A woman who was not part of the fold,

Her daughter would not be healed, she was told.

Jesus came only to help Israel,

She replied that dogs got the crumbs that fell.


That day the faith was opened up to all,

Hadn’t God so loved the world after all.

Not just the eyes and ears were opened up,

All were forgiven by the bread and the cup.


We are not forgiven 'cause of our birthright,

We are blessed by God who makes all wrongs right.

Not just Messiah of one creed or race,

But of the world in each and every place.


Share this Good News with everyone you meet,

Throughout the world, up and down every street.

Jesus is Lord and not just for some,

But for us all. Yes, each and every one.


Praise God with All of Your Heart

(tune: Italian Hymn UMH 568)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/3/21


Praise God with all of your heart.

Each day with praising start.

Give God the praise!

God who's created all,

On this celestial ball,

Who is rain is eternal,

Now and always.


Praise God with all of your soul.

May this be your life's goal.

Give God the praise!

God who has given us,

The Messiah Jesus,

To now disciple us,

All of our days.


Praise God with all of your mind,

God's blessed all humankind.

Give God the praise!

We are able to think and,

We can all understand,

And obey God's command,

To love always.


Praise God with all of your might,

During both day and night.

Give God the praise!

Be what we were made for,

Worship God and adore,

Now and forevermore,

All of our days.


We Are Blessed

(tune: Message UMH 569)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/4/21


We are blessed as followers of Jesus,

Who continue to share the Good News.

Who live out our faith in Jesus,

And get up out of our pews,

And get up out of our pews.


For we cannot be sedentary,

We are each called by God above,

To go out into all the world,

To share with others God's love.


We can make a difference where we are.

There are needs everywhere around.

We also can go other places,

For so to, there needs are found,

For so to, there needs are found.



We can take time in prayer for each other,

That's a way for us to be there.

To lift people up in our hearts,

We can reach out in prayer,

We can reach out in prayer.



We Have Been Blessed by the Lord

(tune: Lancashire UMH 571)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/5/21


We have been blessed by the Lord,

To go and be blessings.

To help strangers become friends,

By doing helpful things.

We may just do a little.

We can offer a prayer.

We can offer them comfort,

By just our being there.


By working all together,

A difference can be made.

Many hands and feet always,

Respond when prayers are prayed.

Attentive to the Spirit,

Live life serving the Lord.

As faithful disciples may,

God always be adored.


We Are Christ’s Disciples

(tune: St. Gertrude UMH 575)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/6/21


We are Christ’s disciples,

Following Christ each day,

As we share the Good News,

All along the Way.

We are not discouraged,

Christ will see us through.

He'll guide us onward and,

Show us what to do.


We are Christ’s disciples,

Following Christ each day,

As we share the Good News,

All along the Way.


Down throughout the ages,

The faithful have gone,

Wherever Christ sent them,

They would journey on.

Now it is our journey,

To take up the cross,

For all gains in Christ’s name,

Overcomes each loss.



Jesus Told Parables (Luke 16)

(tune: Festal Song UMH 576)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/7/21


Jesus told parables,

To get His point across.

If people did not comprehend,

They were at quite a loss.


A steward wasted funds,

Of his master’s estate.

For this he would be dismissed,

What would become his fate?


He was too weak to dig,

And was too proud to beg.

What could he do to thus survive,

On what his hope to peg?


He called in creditors,

And gave each one a break.

Thus when his position ended,

A future he did make.


We each are at a place,

Where something we can do.

What goes around comes back around,

Good deeds return to you.


Praise the Lord

(tune: Rhondda UMH 577)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/8/21


Praise the Lord who reigns forever,

Lord of Lords and king of kings.

God is with us, come whatever,

That to us this old world brings.

We will sing and give God glory,

From God we receive all things.

From God we receive all things.


We give thanks to God Almighty,

From whom all our blessings flow.

That we are part of God’s story,

Praises to God we’ll bestow.

We will sing and give God glory,

Here and wherever we go.


God is for us, who's against us,

Is not greater than our Lord.

Who has given us Jesus,

That our life would be restored.

We will sing and give God glory,

For our heavenly reward.

For our heavenly reward.


We Can Come to God in Prayer

(tune: Unser Herrscher UMH 578)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/9/21


We can come to God in prayer,

Anytime and anywhere.

God is always listening,

For each prayer that we might bring.

We can come to God in prayer,

Listen to God. Just be there.


Take the time to pray today,

Say all that you have to say.

Be quiet so you can hear,

What God whispers in your ear.

We can come to God in prayer,

Listen to God. Be aware.


You might be the one God needs,

Pray and follow where God leads.

God might send you out somewhere,

To answer someone else’s prayer.

We can come to God in prayer,

Listen to God. Go and share.


Christ Gives the Eternal Victory

(tune: Lancashire UMH 580)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/10/21


Christ gives th’ eternal victory.

Life does overcome death.

We'll join with Saints and glory,

After our final breath.

The trials and temptations,

Have plagued us for so long.

We'll join the heavenly chorus,

To praise the Lord in song.


No matter what the trouble,

Threatening us below.

Jesus will overcome it.

We are saved by Who we know.

Do not be overwhelmed by,

The things you can't control.

Believe in Jesus who will,

Up Yonder called the roll.


When time on earth has ended,

And we pass through the gates.

We will then see quite clearly,

Eternity awaits.

We'll be welcomed by family.

We'll be welcomed by friends.

We'll celebrate forever,

What comes when this life ends.


Lord, We Pray

(tune: Beach Spring UMH 581)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/11/21


Lord, we pray in times of tragedy.

Lord, we pray in times of need.

In our grief and in our sorrow,

For your healing love we plead.

Be with all who’re devastated,

And with those who are in pain.

When it is just too much for us,

We turn to you once again.


In a world with so much turmoil,

In a world of hate and fear,

By our love and by our actions,

May the world know you are near.

You have called us to be peacemakers,

In a world with little peace.

May we help beat swords to plowshares,

That animosities may cease.


We Are Called to Be Disciples

(tune: Abbot’s Leigh UMH 584)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/12/21


We are called to be disciples,

Following Jesus on the way,

Studying his life's example,

We should live from day to day.

Christ's command is to be loving,

First to God and then to all.

We are blessed to be a blessing,

Daily answering Jesus’ call.


We can offer a loving kindness,

Even do a simple deed,

To help someone who is struggling,

By helping to meet their need.

We might be at the right time and place.

Do not let that chance be missed.

As a follower of Jesus,

In Christ’s name go and assist.


The Blessed Love of God

(tune: Lattimer UMH 585)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/13/21


The blessed love of God,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed love of God,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed love of God,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on!


The blessed Peace of Christ,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed Peace of Christ,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed Peace of Christ,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on!


Each spiritual fruit,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Each spiritual fruit,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Each spiritual fruit,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on!


The blessed Good News,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed Good News,

I'm gonna pass it on.

The blessed Good News,

I'm gonna pass it on.

Pass it on. Pass it on. Pass it on!


Each Day Share What’s on Your Heart

(tune: Munich UMH 598)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/14/21


Each day share what's on your heart,

The Lord hears every prayer.

No matter what is going on,

The Lord is always there.

If things are going alright,

Give thanks for a great day.

If things are troubling your heart,

Take holy time to pray.


In your prayers also listen,

Hear what the Lord might say.

Be open to receive God's word,

For you to hear today.

As you pray, hear what you say,

May God grant clarity.

That prayers might lead to actions,

And acts of charity.


Our Forgiveness of Sins

(tune: Words of Life UMH 600)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/15/21


Always give thanks to Jesus for,

our forgiveness of sins.

Jesus gives to us o’er and o’er,

our forgiveness of sins.

We give thanks to Jesus,

who came to give us,

your forgiveness, my forgiveness,

our forgiveness of sins.


We can now live a new life by,

our forgiveness of sins.

For us Jesus’ death did supply,

our forgiveness of sins.

Our faith in Christ is sure,

Christ for us did secure,

your forgiveness, my forgiveness,

our forgiveness of sins.


we can now live a blessed life through,

our forgiveness of sins.

Jesus offers to me and you,

our forgiveness of sins.

our sins God fully knows,

by grace Jesus bestows,

your forgiveness, my forgiveness,

our forgiveness of sins.


A Master Left Servants in Charge (Matthew 25)

(tune: Winchester Old UMH 603)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/15/21


A master left servants in charge,

While he did go away.

Amounts were small, medium, and large,

That he gave them that day.


At last, the master did return,

To settle each account.

Each of the servants had a turn,

To offer their amount.


The first servant, the one who had,

The five talents received,

Doubled the amount, not too bad,

His master was quite pleased.


The second did what he could do,

Two talents became four.

His master was pleased with him too,

With these two he'd gained more.


The third did not do anything,

Just hid his gift away.

The master charged he did nothing,

But then had this to say.


Those who have more will receive,

Those without will lose out.

Wise words to all who believe,

Believe and do not doubt.


“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

May we receive such praise.

From God what more could we want,

At the end of our days?


Help Us Lord

(tune: Beach Spring UMH 605)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/16/21


Help us, Lord, through difficulties,

And the tough times in our lives.

When we are caught up in the struggles,

Your grace then our strength revives.

When we are at the end of our rope,

And don't know what next to do.

Doors may close but windows open,

You help us to then pass through.


When our days are filled with anguish,

And with unbearable pain,

We know you are right here with us,

Strengthening us once again.

Help us, Lord, to be refocused,

Not on us but upon you.

Show us how to make a difference,

In all that for you we do.


In Those Times of Sorrow and Grief

(tune: Land of Rest UMH 613)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/17/21


In those times of sorrow and grief,

When we are at a loss.

Focus your thoughts upon Jesus,

And His death on the cross.


The worst of days became the best,

As Jesus erased our sins.

We now can live our lives anew,

Through death new life begins.


As Jesus arose from the tomb,

Alive on Easter day.

When our time comes, He'll take us home,

For Jesus is the Way.


Lord, We Come into Your Presence

(tune: For the Bread UMH 614)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/18/21


Lord, we come into your presence,

Lifting up our voices in praise.

Fill us with your gracious essence,

That we might share you always.


We live in a world divided,

People need you now more and more.

In you we should be united,

Thy will be done we implore,


Lord, you bless us with forgiveness,

Showering down mercy and grace.

Lord, to us you are most gracious,

We feel your loving embrace.


Today God’s Love We Glorify

(tune: Hursley UMH 616)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/19/21


Today God's love we glorify.

God's gracious love we magnify.

Since we believe God first loved us,

We love in the name of Jesus.


There are occupants on this earth,

Who do not know how much they're worth.

God loved them so much that Christ came,

That they would have life in His name.


This is the Good News we can share,

That for each person God does care.

But of this fact how will they know,

If God's great love we never show?


So, live your life following Christ.

Give your all like he sacrificed.

By the Lord we have been blessed,

Now for the Lord give your best.


This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

(tune: Dove of Peace UMH 617)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/20/21


This is the day the Lord has made,

A gift given to you.

Find ways to praise the Lord today,

In everything you do.

In everything you do.


This is the day the Lord has made,

I will rejoice and sing.

It is a blessing to be alive,

Thank God for everything.

Thank God for everything.


This is the day the Lord has made,

Who gives us grace and peace.

You are wonderfully made by God,

Will wonders never cease?

Will wonders never cease?


This is the day the Lord has made,

A gift given to me.

I’ll praise the Lord forevermore,

For all eternity.

For all eternity.


May We Feel the Lord’s Presence

(tune: Let Us Break Bread UMH 618)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/21/21


May we feel the Lord's presence in our hearts.

May we feel the Lord's presence in our hearts.


When the Lord fills our hearts,

Then we all can do our parts,

To help to fulfill God's will.


May we feel God's forgiveness in our hearts.

May we feel God's forgiveness in our hearts.



May we feel the love of Jesus in our hearts.

May we feel the love of Jesus in our hearts.



May we feel love for our neighbors in our hearts.

May we feel love for our neighbors in our hearts.



Zacchaeus Was a Little Man (Luke 19)

(tune: Old 100th UMH 621)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/22/21


Zacchaeus was a little man,

To see Jesus he had a plan,

He would climb up into a tree,

Then from there the Lord he could see.


Jesus saw him sitting there,

Invited him a meal to share,

Jesus entered his life that day,

All changes when Christ comes our way.


Zacchaeus’ life was changed that day,

Listen to what he had to say,

“If I’ve cheated, I’ll repay,

And give half of my wealth away.”


Today Christ comes looking for us,

Our lives will be changed by Jesus.

We will not be who we were before,

We'll live for Christ forevermore.


We Come Before God in Worship

(tune: Eucharistic Hymn UMH 624)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/24/21


We come before God in worship,

As we live faithfully always.

We give honor to God Almighty,

We glorify and give God praise.


We give thanks to God for good things,

By them our lives are blessed each day.

God shares with us a fruitful harvest,

With thanks ingratitude we pray.


God Has Given Jesus to Us

(tune: Picardy UMH 626)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/25/21


God has given Jesus to us,

To forgive us for our sins.

Jesus offers life beyond death,

O’er death the victory He wins,

That we can live our lives fully,

New life in Christ now begins.


Give glory and thanks to God,

By whom we are truly blessed.

Though we’ve broken God's commandments,

Not just the ten but all the rest.

Although we did not deserve it,

In Jesus God gave the best.


Begin each day with devotions,

Come into God's presence with praise.

Read again the holy scriptures,

To guide us all of our days.

Meditate on what God's saying,

And praise God now and always.


Sing Praise to God

(tune: Gift of Love UMH 643)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/25/21


Sing praise to God for all God's done,

We have been blessed. The victory’s won.

We follow Christ where’er he leads,

And sing His praise in words and deeds.


No matter what, where’er we go,

God goes before, down here below.

But then one day will be called home,

Up there beyond the celestial dome.


Until that time live every day,

Like it's your last, live life that way.

Each day rejoice and give God praise,

For God is great, now and always.


In Our Prayers

(tune: Hyfrydol UMH 648)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/26/21


In our prayers we come before God,

Who always listens to our prayers.

Freely we can lift petitions,

God responds to each of our cares.

When we offer our hearts’ desires,

Holy compassion God shares.


When searching for discernment,

Seeking wisdom for what to do.

Asking God for divine guidance,

God who calls us will guide us through.

As we clearly state our problems,

God's perspective comes into view.


In our prayers we give praise to God,

Who listens to all we say.

We are blessed by God Almighty,

Every step along the way.

We know that God is for us,

And is with us every day.


Children Came Near to See Jesus (Mark 10)

(tune: Maryton UMH 654)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/28/21


Children came near to see Jesus,

But the disciples made a fuss.

They tried to keep children away,

But Jesus rebuked them that day.


“Yes, let the children come to me.”

Young disciples they too would be.

God's Kingdom's open too old and young,

Praises to God that day were sung.


Children can show us all the way,

To come to Jesus when we pray.

Let go of the past. Start today,

To be open, “what do you say?”


We Rejoice that God Is for Us

(tune: Abbott’s Leigh UMH 660)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/29/21


We rejoice that God is for us,

And concerned about our fate.

We are called to repent and follow,

To change before it's too late.

God's great love will go before us,

Lighting the path, revealing the way.

God will guide us how to follow,

If we listen when we pray.


The Scriptures Speak to Us (Hebrews 4:15)

(tune: St. Michael UMH 662)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/30/21


The scriptures speak to us,

If we open our eyes.

We don't have a high priest,

Who cannot sympathize.


When we fall short and sin,

Our high priest is Jesus.

He has worn our shoes,

Was tempted just like us.


No the world's against us,

Jesus’s for us always.

Atoning for our sins,

Even on our worst days.


Just believe in Jesus,

Who does believe in you.

Through all of life's trials,

Jesus will see you through.


Children Came to Be with Jesus (Mark 10)

(tune: Sicilian Mariners UMH 671)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/30/21


Children came to be with Jesus,

But disciples blocked their way,

Not wanting Christ to be bothered,

They sent the children away.

But the Lord instead rebuked them,

Making time for them that day.


Jesus did not just come for some,

But the Lord came for us all.

Not just for us who are grown up,

But also for those who’re small.

We give things that we’re all included,

Jesus is Lord over all!


We are to be open like children,

Willing and able to receive.

That the teachings of the master,

Will help each one to believe.

As we welcome all to come in,

God's whole Kingdom we’ll perceive.


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