2022 February

The Earth Is the Lord’s

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/2/22 


The earth is the Lord’s.

We're the caretakers.

Take care how we treat it,

For it is the Maker’s.


We’re to take care of,

The land, air, and seas,

All of the creatures,

And all plants and trees.


We're responsible,

For the way we live,

In God's creation,

And the care we give.


Let's be good stewards,

As caretakers take care,

Of God's creation,

On this world we share.


In This World of Challenges

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/3/22 


In this world of challenges,

Of turmoil, and of strife,

We give thanks that God is here,

Offering abundant life.


We can be more than we've been.

Today we can be found,

On the wrong path sorely lost,

God can help us turn around.


Stop today and take a look,

And where it is you're going.

Make a course correction and take,

The path that God is showing.


Even on God’s path of life,

Oranges will come your way.

Keep the faith. You're never alone

When you’re on God's highway.


I Believe I Can Do All Things (Philippians 4.13)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/4/22 


I believe I can do all things,

In Christ who strengthens me.

No matter what life brings,

Just serve God faithfully.


When at the end of your rope,

When things seem impossible,

In God put all your faith and hope,

For God all things are possible.


When in dark places you can feel,

The Lord's loving embrace.

God's presence and strength are real,

Between that rock and that hard place.


We Pray for One Another

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/5/22 


We pray for one another,

For those who are distressed,

That God will walk beside them,

And their lives will be blessed.


When difficulties happen,

We can't always be there,

But through God's Holy Spirit,

We can be there in prayer.


Prayer makes a difference,

Not just for the prayee,

By being aware of other’s needs,

These prayers also affect me.


Through renewed awareness,

Of needs we lift in prayer,

God calls us into action,

Through this sacred time we share.


Where Might We Find God Today

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/6/22 


Where might we find God today,

As we observe and as we pray?

Look for evidence great and small,

See God's will behind it all.


Where might we find this God of love,

On earth below or the heavens above?

Wherever we seek, there may we find,

God in whose image made humankind.


Where might God find us today,

In what we do and what we say?

Add this right time and right place,

Might we feel God's loving embrace.


We’ve Been Blessed by God’s Love

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/7/22 


We've been blessed by God's love,

We give thanks to God above.

In God's image we're each unique,

In each person God's image seek.


God first loved us that we might be,

God's handiwork for all to see,

And through the works of our own hands,

May Good News spread throughout the lands.


For there are those who don't know love,

Nor know about the Lord above.

Through loving actions that we do,

May God's love come shining through.


Find ways each day to share God's love,

For love is what God's made of.

So, offer God's love every day,

To all you meet along the way.


Can There Be a Perfect Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/9/22 


Can there be a perfect day,

When everything goes right?

When all you do and all you say,

Are perfect in God's sight.


When God's love we are sharing,

All for Jesus’ sake,

On to perfection we're going,

With each step we take.


Today we can be better,

Than the day before,

And all our tomorrows,

Now and forevermore.


God Is Love and Gives It Freely

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/10/22 


God is Love and gives it freely,

To people far and wide.

Jesus modeled God's love for us,

As on the cross he died.


There are times when we don't feel loved.

Sometimes are dark and lonely.

We are overwhelmed with guilt and grief.

We pray and wish, “If only…”


If only, God, we had had the faith,

To choose and follow you,

Even in the worst of times,

Your love would have shone through.


Paul Wrote About God’s Great Love

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/22 


Paul wrote about God's great love,

And how nothing can it sever.

Like faith and hope it never ends,

For God's love lasts forever.


God's love brought the world to life,

When none but God existed.

God's love brought to us new life,

When we'd sinned and resisted.


God's love is so much more than,

The evil things we've done,

That God can bring salvation,

Through the death of God's own Son.


You Are Gifted by God’s Grace

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/22 


You are gifted by God's grace,

And here in this time and place,

You're to use your gifts for good,

For neighbors in your neighborhood.


Pray about each hurt and need,

And what might be a holy deed,

That you might do in God's name,

By that deed your faith proclaim.


Extend God's love with all your heart.

Don't take credit, just do your part.

Do what God created you to do.

Serve God by just being you.


God Has Been Praised

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/22 


God has been praised,

For thousands of years.

God is our strength,

Over worries and fears.


The Lord is our shepherd,

Nothing we lack.

E’en in dark valleys,

For God's got our back.


We celebrate that,

God’s with us always,

As the Holy Spirit,

Guides us in God's ways.


Give thanks to God,

For all God has done.

Proclaim the Good News,

Today to someone.


When Life Becomes a Challenge

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/22 


When life becomes a challenge,

With problems everywhere,

Turn your focus to the Lord,

For God is always there.


When life is just fantastic,

And things are at their best,

Turn your focus to the Lord,

Thank God you've been so blessed!


In all those in between times,

Of ordinary days,

Turn your focus to the Lord,

And give to God your praise.


This Will Be a Great Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/12/22 


This will be a great day,

For God's glory is on display.

Watch and see all the Lord does,

Then give praise and thank Jesus.


Some just see the old same old,

But there are wonders to behold.

Allow God to reveal to you,

Things for God that you can do.


You will be in the right place,

To share the blessings of God's grace.

Let God's love flow through you,

By kind words and deeds you do.


You might just make someone's day,

By what you do or what you say.

You'll be a blessing for someone who,

Will be a blessing back to you.


We Love Because God First Loved Us

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/14/22 


We love because God first loved us.

We love because of Jesus,

Who loved enough for him to die,

God's grace thus to justify.


Today give thanks for God's great love,

Shower down from heaven above.

As we've been loved we're commanded to,

Love God, our neighbors, and ourselves, too.


May everyone see God's love in you,

By how you act and by what you do.

Let people know God loves them too,

Let God's love come shining through.


When I Am Lost

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/15/22 


When I am lost God guides me along,

When I am weak God’s strength is strong.

Without God's help my abilities are few,

But with God's help anything I can do.


Opportunities rise each day that I live,

Asking my help which I can freely give.

Wherever I am a difference I can make,

As I offer my gifts all for the Lord's sake.


Let God direct you. Be of service today.

Ask God for guidance as you humbly pray.

For all believers God's will will come true,

Working together see what God can do.


We Are Called by Jesus

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/16/22 


We are called by Jesus,

As disciples on the way,

And in the name of Jesus,

We’re called Christians today.


We are one big family,

With one another sharing,

That as members we might be,

Tender loving and caring.


Many times we freely give,

And likewise we receive,

God's love through Jesus Christ,

That others might believe.


Of All There Is or Could Be

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/17/22 


Of all there is or could be,

Thank you, God, for creating me.

Humbly I come before you,

Asking what you'd have me do.


I'm just a small part of your will,

But with our purpose to fulfill.

Each day helped me do my part,

To do your will with all my heart.


Guide my path throughout the day,

And all I do and all I say.

When I am needed help me be there,

To offer someone your love and care.


I may not be able to do a lot,

But I will give it all I’ve got.

Each day help me answer your call,

When Jesus asks to give it all.


The Holy Spirit Lives in Me

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/18/22 


The Holy Spirit lives in me,

Empowering me to be,

A faithful follower of the Lord,

Who’s to be worshipped and adored.


The Holy Spirit is in my heart,

Helping me to do my part,

That God's love I can share,

Spreading Good News everywhere.


The Holy Spirit leads me on,

This holy way I walk upon,

And guides me each step along the way,

Always with me day by day.


Lord, Help Me Listen When I Pray

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/19/22 


Lord, help me listen when I pray,

To all you wish to me to say.

Help me stop bending your ear,

That your voice I might hear.


Prayer is a two-way street,

Where two hearts can truly meet.

I can share what's on my own,

And your heart's desire for me be known.


Speak and teach my inner heart,

Thy will be done. I'll do my part.

Guide me in my times of prayer,

To follow through these times we share.


O Lord, Today We Pray for Peace

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/22 


O Lord, today we pray for peace,

That in your name all wars will cease.

Today in me let this now start,

With the strife within my heart.


Remind me that I'm to forgive.

Help me now that way to live.

Help me show others your grace.

Let your love hatred replace.


When we've each chosen our own ways,

We get entrapped in our own maze,

And we are hopelessly lost until,

We choose to do your holy will.


Help us choose to now do good,

For our earthly neighborhood,

Treating others as we would,

Want to be treated, as we should.


Holy God We Praise Your Name

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/21/22 


Holy God, we praise your name,

And sing out of your glory,

For your grace has saved us all,

We sing and share our story.


We sing of times of wandering,

When we were completely lost.

Jesus found us and gave us life,

On the cross he paid the cost.


We were both sinners at the time,

When he died to save us all,

We're beloved and forgiven,

We are raised up from the fall.


So, we sing and celebrate,

All that God has done for us,

Giving us life and life renewed,

By sending us Jesus.


As We Lift Our Voice to Sing

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/22/22 


As we lift our voice to sing,

Praises to the Lord we bring.

For all that the Lord has done,

God's love blesses everyone.


God's love for each of us does feel,

For us the Lord's love is real.

There are some who just don't know,

Our job is God's love to show.


In all you do today show love,

And thus reveal the Lord above.

Reach out to people where they've been,

Reach out a hand. Draw people in.


Jesus Was Transfigured (Luke 9)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/23/22 


Jesus was transfigured,

On a mountainous place.

The disciples saw,

A glow upon his face.


They also saw there with him,

Two prophets from the past.

Peter wished to set up camp,

But that vision wouldn't last.


They heard the voice of God,

Calling them to listen,

To the words of Jesus,

Whose face began to glisten.


A vision of God's Kingdom,

With those who've gone before,

Was revealed to them that day,

Treasured forevermore.


Each day keep an eye out,

For what you just might see,

A moment you might treasure,

For all eternity.


Lord, Show Us What to Do Today

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/25/22 


Lord, show us what to do today,

To make a difference in some way.

What for someone might we do,

That your love comes shining through?


Lord, so many do not know you,

Who you are and what you do.

We've been too silent we confess.

Help us now our faith profess.


When someone's hurt or grieving,

We can be there relieving,

Offering them hope and grace,

Through us may they see your face.


With a smile and a kind word,

Your Good News can be heard.

Through loving deeds great or small,

Our actions can say it all.


In Times of Struggle

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/26/22 


In times of struggle; times of war,

When the world's in pain.

May there be war no more,

And there be peace again.


With our own selfish desires,

Personal wars are waged.

Burning like ravaging fires,

Our souls become enraged.


In two our hearts bring peace,

That passes all understanding.

May these wars forever cease,

When with you we are standing.


We Celebrate the Lord of Lords

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 2/28/22 


We celebrate the Lord of lords.

We praise the King of kings.

The Lord is Lord of us all,

All blessings the Lord brings.


God is the God of all who mourn,

And all who are in need.

Gods the provider of all things,

Sustaining us indeed.


Jesus calls us to come along,

To walk on God's highway,

And invite others to come too,

As He shows the way.


When we stumble on the path,

Unsure of where we're going.

We put our trust in the Lord,

Who's all seeing and all knowing.


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