2022 March

 We Start this Lenten Journey (Matthew 4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/1/22 


We start this Lenten journey,

With Jesus on the way.

Journeying towards the cross,

And Resurrection Day.


The trials and temptations,

Try to cause us to turn back,

But faithfully following Jesus,

Will keep us all on track.


As he faced his temptations,

He answered with God's word.

The tempter was stopped short,

When scripture quotes were heard.


Lead us not into temptation,

But from evil deliver us.

May we resist alternatives,

As we follow Jesus.


You Are Dust

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/2/22 


“You are dust and to dust you shall return.”

Dust is made as last year’s palms burn.

A mark is made upon a hand or head,

As again these solemn words are said.


Repent of your sins with remorse and regret,

You may be dust, but you’re not dust yet.

In the Lenten journey of 40 days,

By God's love and grace, change your ways.


Take time this season to be in prayer,

As you've been blessed with others share.

You're just the person someone needs,

Be there for them in words or deeds.


A day will come when you'll be dust,

And on to glory go you must.

But till then fully live each day,

Do all you can do along the way.


O God, We Come before You Now

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/4/22 


O God, we come before you now,

Lifting in prayer each need.

In reverence we humbly bow,

As for the world we plead.


The hurts and needs are all around,

This world is in a mess!

And you may all find common ground,

And seek your holiness.


Without your help, left on our own,

We cannot find the way,

But by your grace, the way you've shown,

On it, lead us today.


We Are on the Way

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/5/22 


We are on the way,

As each step we trod,

We will reach someday,

The holy realm of God.


Some days are quite sunny,

And we can almost see,

The land of milk and honey,

Where we're longing to be.


Other days are darker,

Filled with dread and gloom,

We trudge past each mile marker,

Towards our heavenly room.


For Jesus promised to prepare,

A room where we could be,

Blessed and reunited there,

For all eternity.


We Journey into a New Season

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/5/22 


We journey into a new season,

As we head towards the tomb,

With faith we surely reason,

Through death new life will bloom.


This is a time for us to ponder,

How might we spiritually grow,

As through this Lenten time we wonder

Of what we might let go.


Rather than focusing on our desires,

Focus on Christ and Christ’s way.

The life of Christ our own inspires,

To live for him each day.


As We Go Down Separate Pathways

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/5/22 


As we go down separate pathways,

You on yours and me on mine,

We will journey the rest of our days,

Each guided by the Lord divine.


Christ’s body is made of many parts,

Some are left and some are right.

If we hold each other in our hearts,

In Christ we know we'll be alright.


By God's grace we know someday,

We'll be together by and by,

If not here upon the earth we pray,

We'll be together in the sky.


The Spiritual Journeys that We Take

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/6/22 


The spiritual journeys that we take,

Maybe arduous or physical,

Yet deeper pilgrimages we sometimes make,

Might be described as mystical.


Some of these are well organized,

With calendars well marked.

Others just happen we've realized,

When with God we’ve embarked.


If we but open up our mind,

It's not the destination,

But in the journey that we find,

God's holy revelation.


Blest Be as Ties Unbind 

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/6/22  


Blessed be as ties unbind, 

And different ways we go, 

We're still of one heart, if not of one mind, 

As grace to each other we show. 


Let us let the past be the past, 

And try to remember the best, 

For God's grace and mercy and love are so vast, 

We know that we each have been blessed. 


We pray that someday we will see, 

All earthly struggles cease, 

And forevermore we'll forever be, 

United in heavenly peace.


To You, Lord, as We Pray

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/7/22  


To you, Lord, as we pray,

We offer up this day.

We rise up like the sun,

That your will will be done.


Lord, whatever you ask,

Becomes our faithful task,

For in your holy name,

We serve all all the same.


With your love and your grace,

May we serve in any place,

We pray that then through us,

People will see Jesus.


Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 12)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/8/22  


Abraham and Sarah,

Left their old homeland,

God revealed what God saw,

That for them God had planned.


For the world they would be,

Both blessed and become blessings,

As a faithful family,

From them would come kings.


God's will for them was done,

When they left and journeyed on.

A new life was now begun,

As God they relied upon.


What if we to God said, “Yes.”

And followed God today?

How might God our world bless,

If we God will obey?


In the Beginning Was the Word (John 1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/9/22  


In the beginning was the Word.

All was created when it was heard.

God merely spoke and it was so,

From heavens above to earth below.


The Word for us came down to be,

Among us to save humanity,

Became flesh and dwelled among us,

The Messiah, the Lord Jesus.


To people Jesus spoke the word,

Disciples’ hearts by him were stirred.

They left their old lives behind and then,

Their lives were changed, they were born again.


Jesus speaks to us today,

Listen to what his words say.

They have the power to change us,

That we too might follow Jesus.


Holy and Gracious God

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/10/22  


Holy and gracious God,

We come to worship you,

Giving thanks and praise,

For all for us you do.


You have created all,

And each one of us.

And when we were lost,

You sent to us Jesus.


You have given life.

Help us so to live,

Into your great Kingdom,

Your invitation give.


Lord, Tune Our Hearts

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/11/22  


Lord, tune our hearts that we might hear,

When people prayerfully call to you.

With empathy help us to draw near

Show us what, in your name, we might do.


All around us are many hurts and needs,

None of us could ever do it all.

But each can do one or two simple deeds,

And make a difference large or small.


Each day we can surely do your will,

As we help answer a neighbor’s plea,

May we help you someone's prayer fulfill,

Prayer-doers is thus what we will be.


How Goes It with Your Soul

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/11/22  


How goes it with your soul?

Tell me really, how are you?

When things are at their worst,

And you don't know what to do.


Though you may not feel it,

You are never all alone,

For God invites you into,

The Lord's comfort zone.


Take a moment just to breathe,

Deeply breathe in God's peace,

Then let go of all the stress,

As each breath you release.


We See New Life Each Spring

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/12/22  


We see new life each spring,

As flowers bud and bloom,

For our new life we sing,

For Christ rose from the tomb.


In the winter dark and cold,

Through long nights we wait and pray,

The risen Christ we now behold,

On resurrection day.


From darkest dark to brightest bright,

God said, "Let there be light.”

God will again make all things right,

And pleasing in God's sight.


In the Name of Jesus

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/13/22  


In the name of Jesus,

We serve God faithfully.

For God has given each of us,

Our gifts for ministry.


Some are good orators,

Some live a life of prayer,

Some are administrators,

Some offer others care.


Together we're the body,

And Christ is the head.

Share your gifts with everybody,

Just as Jesus said.


Help Us, Jesus, See Your Face

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/14/22  


Help us, Jesus, see your face,

In everyone we meet,

Anytime or anyplace,

Like it's you may them we treat.


What a world it would be,

If we all would act that way.

What a difference we would see,

Throughout your world today.


Help us look and really see,

In all that God has made.

The hand of the divinity,

Is everywhere displayed.


Fill us with reverence and awe,

As we reflect back on each day,

Humbly recalling all that we saw,

And did for you today.


Jesus Asked a Woman (John 4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/15/22  


Jesus asked a woman,

To give to him a drink.

Thus started a conversation,

Where water was the link.


By a drink offered by Jesus,

Of his life-giving water,

He affirmed that she was,

Included as a daughter.


Jesus came and met her,

Simply there where she was.

How might we come together,

In the name of Jesus?


Today someone is out there,

Somewhere throughout the land.

Allow the Lord to lead you where,

You might lend a helping hand.


As We Journey through This Season

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/16/22  


As we journey through this season,

Help us draw close to you.

Help us learn your will and reason,

Lord, guide and lead us through.


We may be tempted in wildernesses,

Or overcome by fear,

But through it all you will bless us,

As to you redraw near.


We journey from winter to spring,

And remarkable growth,

As we emerge to you, we sing,

Thanks and praise we give you both.


There’s light at the end of the tomb,

If with you, we will stay.

There's hope at the end of the gloom,

On Resurrection Day.


We Celebrate All the Saints

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/17/22  


We celebrate all the Saints,

who now reside above,

their testimony paints,

a portrait of your love.


Like them may we aspire,

a life of faith to live.

May it be our desire,

to you our witness give.


Our lives are blessed today,

by those who've gone before.

In gratitude we pray,

now and forevermore.


O God, Help Us to Be

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/18/22  


O God, help us to be,

all that you see in us,

That we might become faithfully,

followers of Jesus.


We are not what we were,

in Christ we have been changed.

For in our very souls you stir,

Your will for ours exchanged.


To our old ways we've died,

that we may fully live.

In Christ all of this you have supplied,

The new life that you give.


All in the Lord’s Good Time

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/19/22  


All in the Lord’s good time,

We'll enter heavenly rest,

Ascending to glory sublime,

We'll be forever blessed.


May we all rest in peace,

As God's Kingdom becomes,

A place where earthly troubles cease,

When for us that time comes.


God commands us to rest,

And bless God on that day.

God knows that for us it's the best,

Now let us live that way.


Let us take time in prayer,

And there with God be blessed,

Resting in the arms of God's care,

Our souls can be at rest.


How Might We Share

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/19/22  


How might we share the peace of Christ,

Everywhere we go?

That others might feel heavenly love,

Here on earth below.


If we were to love our enemies,

Like never before.

In the midst of the world's conflicts,

Peace could overcome war.


Instead of tearing each other down,

What if them we'd uplift?

Might peace break out around the world,

Through God's most precious gift.


We Come Before the Lord

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/20/22  


We come before the Lord,

On this great holy day,

To hear pronounced a holy word,

And together to God pray.


We live to God in song,

Our gratitude and praise,

All glory to our God belong,

Our hands and voices raise.


For those who are in need,

Joys and concerns we share,

Forgiveness for our sins we plead,

We share all this in prayer.


Before we leave this place,

And go each our own way,

A benediction shares God's grace,

Upon our souls to stay.


Forgive Your Enemies

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/21/22  


“Forgive your enemies,”

Is what Jesus said,

In the time of Roman armies,

People lived in fear and dread.


As we then contemplate,

On all the evil done,

Of all the enemies we hate,

We are our own worst one.


Forgive yourself today,

All other enemies too,

The prince of peace shows us the way,

Ask, “What Would Jesus Do?”


Jesus Shows Us How to Live

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/22/22  


Jesus shows us how to live,

To show mercy and forgive.

We've been forgiven of our sin,

New life in Christ can now begin.


This new life that now we seek,

Calls us to turn the other cheek,

And if compelled to go one mile,

Let's go another with a smile.


Hating enemies gets us nowhere,

More wars and fighting everywhere,

Jesus asks us to try something new,

Love your enemies we're called to do.


Let go of the anger and hate,

May love be our defining trait.

Through the things we say and do,

May the love of Christ shine through.


Lord, We Lift Our Voices in Praise

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/23/22  


Lord, we lift our voices in praise,

Grateful for all you do.

The sick you heal. The dead you raise.

The hungry you feed too.


Teach us today how we might serve,

Show us what we might do.

Your grace is more than we deserve,

By grace we shall serve you.


Four in the world are many needs,

That none can do alone.

But by each of our humble deeds,

May your love be shown.


We Sing and Shout God’s Praise

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/24/22  


We sing and shout God's praise,

And wave palm branches high.

With joy to God our voices raise,

Hosanna! The Lord draws nigh.


Into Jerusalem Jesus rode,

Upon a lowly beast,

A donkey with a holy load,

To the Passover feast.


Thus a most Holy Week began,

That we remember well.

It fulfilled God's holy plan,

That the prophets did foretell.


As we retell the wonderous story,

Of what happened in those days,

We celebrate Christ’s glory,

We sing and shout God's praise.


Give Us the Strength for this Day

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/25/22  


Give us strength for this day,

And for all that we will face.

In your holy presence we pray,

For your mercy and grace.


There will be problems to solve,

And difficulties to overcome.

Give to us a mighty resolve,

Your will be done, and Kingdom come.


And this night when day is through,

We'll give thanks that you were with us.

In prayer we will return to you,

For your presence, Lord Jesus.


Lord, We Gather in this Place

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/26/22  


Lord, we gather in this place,

To hear your holy word,

And be forgiven by your grace.

We worship you, O Lord.


As sinners we come to you,

And humbly we confess,

All we've done or failed to do,

By grace our souls you bless.


We sing lifting our hearts in praise,

We commune with you in prayer.

We go to serve you all our days,

As our faith we boldly share.


We Will Follow Jesus

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/28/22  


We will follow Jesus,

Wherever he leads us,

A pie on the mountain,

Or Samaritan fountain.


To someone who's in need,

To someone we might feed,

There is something we can share,

A helping hand or caring prayer.


At the start of each new day,

Spend time with Jesus and pray.

Allow the Lord to guide you,

And show you what you can do.


Jesus Spoke to Lazarus (John 11)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/28/22  


Jesus spoke to Lazarus,

With a commanding shout,

And at the call of Jesus,

Lazarus came out.


Likewise, we have been bound,

And by old ways tied up,

Forgiveness we have found,

Through Christ’s bread and cup.


By Christ’s mercy we are set free,

No longer living old ways,

For in Christ, we now can be,

Alive for Christ always.


When Our world Seems Dark and Gray

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/30/22  


When our world seems dark and gray,

When we're overcome with grief,

Help us turn to you and pray,

For your compassionate relief.


For in your light no darkness lasts,

It revealed an empty tomb,

Like feasts that end the longest fasts,

Or dormant branches when they bloom.


No matter how bad things may be,

They are no match for you,

Through your eyes help us see,

Your faithful light shine through.


Seasons Come and Seasons Go

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 3/31/22  


Seasons come and seasons go,

Yet God remains the same.

Through ups and downs may we grow,

We pray in Jesus’ name.


In the spring, we watch things grow,

Throughout God's wondrous world.

The Creator’s hand, the flowers show,

As each bud is unfurled.


In the summer, we feel the sun,

Warm our soul and heart.

We celebrate all God has done,

And each intricate part.


In the fall, time falls short,

Along with falling leaves.

Chill is in the weather report,

One more season that leaves.


In the winter, time to chill,

As snow blankets the ground.

Yet below the snow is still,

Springs promise to be found.



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