2022 August


How Precious Is Your Steadfast Love (Psalm 36.7)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/1/22  


How precious is your steadfast love,

O Lord, of all creation!

It rains down from the heavens above,

On every land and nation.


Your love comes upon everyone,

Though only some believe it.

Bless us today to show someone,

To whom we might reveal it.


As we've been loved, so let us love,

And pass it on to others.

For all is who you are God of,

All are sisters and brothers.


Trust in the Lord (Psalm 37)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/2/22  


Trust in the Lord, and always do good,

That you may live the way that you should.


Delight in the Lord and you will be blessed.

Spend time with God and each Sabbath rest.


Wait for the Lord. Follow the Lord’s way.

God will lift you, when to God you pray.


Sing to the Lord join the melody.

Shout, “Alleluia!” To God all praise be.


Believe the Lord - all that the Lord says,

Be faithful and true, that God you may bless.


I Confess My Iniquity (Psalm 38.18)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/3/22  


I confess my iniquity,

I am sorry for my sin.

In your mercy, Lord, forgive me,

And revive my soul again.


I am lifted up by the Lord,

From the depths of where I’ve been.

By grace my life has been restored.

I praise the Lord once again.


Please help me, Lord, to change my ways,

So a new life might begin.

That I may serve you all my days,

Praise God again and again!


O Lord, Hear My Prayer (Psalm 39.12)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/4/22  


O Lord, hear my prayer.

To you my needs I share.

Heal my broken soul.

In you I am made whole.


I too for others plead,

Praying for all in need.

Lord, heal them also,

That your grace they might know.


When we are in pain,

Our prayers are not in vain.

As our healing starts,

God's peace will fill our hearts.


Pray for each other,

Each sister and brother.

May their struggles cease,

When we share the Lord’s peace.


May All Who Seek the Lord Rejoice (Psalm 40.16)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/6/22  


May all who seek the Lord rejoice.

“Great is the Lord.” Shout with one voice.

As the Lord is always for us,

Sing God's praise in mighty chorus.


Worship the Lord now and always,

Come to the Lord with hymns of praise.

Confess for your sins unto the Lord,

You're forgiven. Your life is restored.


We Are Blessed (Psalm 41)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/6/22  


We are blessed when we consider the poor,

When we reflect on other people's needs.

We do what we can and even do more,

Through our acts of kindness and loving deeds.


We meditate and holy contemplation,

We sing to God our praise and thanksgiving.

Blessed be the Lord of all creation,

From everlasting to everlasting.


As a Deer Longs for Flowing Streams (Psalm 42.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/7/22  


As a deer longs for flowing streams,

My soul longs for God, so it seems.

I'm overwhelmed with guilt and grief,

My soul cries out for divine relief.


I remember those golden days,

Walking in all the Lord's ways.

I was so blessed. My life was good.

Everything was as it should.


But the joys of life then turned cold,

Unlike the wondrous days of old.

Pains and struggles now abound,

I'm lost and praying to be found.


The Lord who seeks and saves the last,

Gave up his life, the utmost cost.

That I might come to see his face,

Restored, forgiven by his grace.


O My Soul (Psalm 43)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/8/22  


O my soul, why are you cast down?

Why in darkness do you despair?

God’s great light on you has shown,

That God is always there.


God, guide me to your dwelling place,

To your holy sanctuary,

That I might behold your grace,

And for a moment tarry.


Renew my strength in that moment,

That I might be uplifted,

And once again be confident,

That by you I am gifted.


We Have Heard with Our Own Ears (Psalm 44.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/10/22  


We have heard with our own ears,

O God, our elders have told us,

What you have done down through the years.

All praise be to the Lord Jesus.


You led Abraham and Sarah long ago,

And promised them a great future.

You showed them the land where they would go.

Their faith in you was always secure.


With Joy My Heart Overflows (Psalm 45.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/11/22  


With joy my heart overflows.

Joyful words come from my lips.

The peace of God my soul knows.

No Weevil from my tongue slips.


Praising God I’ll sing each day.

I'll give thanks for each blessing.

To the Lord I’ll humbly pray,

Thanking God for everything.


God has been so good to me.

Every need God has addressed.

Blessings everywhere I see,

And I live a life so blessed.


God Is Our Refuge and Strength (Psalm 46)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/11/22  


God is our refuge and strength,

Exalted among all of the nations.

God will go to any length,

To lead us not into temptations.


Therefore, we will never fear,

Though the whole earth should change.

For the Lord our God is here,

Strength for weakness to exchange.


God says to me, to be still,

And to know that God is God,

And that I should do God's will,

To spread Good News abroad.

All People Clap Your Hands (Psalm 47)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/11/22  


Old people clap your hands.

Shout to God with songs of joy!

God's blessings spread throughout the lands,

For all God's children to enjoy.


Sing praises to God, sing praises.

Sing praises with a psalm.

Our downcast spirits God raises.

We’re securely held in God's palm.


Great Is the Lord (Psalm 48)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/11/22  


Great is the Lord,

And greatly to be praised,

Worshipped, and adored.

By God's grace we're amazed.


We have been blessed,

And we have been forgiven.

God sent us the best,

Jesus came down from heaven.


Let us sing out,

And praise God's holy name.

Sing out and shout,

To the one who for us came.


In olden days,

He came to live among us.

We give him praise,

His praise and thanks to Jesus.


He came to save,

Our sins to the cross he carried.

Up from the grave,

He rose up after three days.


Great is the Lord,

Move forevermore will be,

Worshipped and adored,

Now and for all eternity.


In Times of Trouble, I Shall Not Fear (Psalm 49)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/11/22  


In times of trouble, I shall not fear,

For the Lord will see me through.

Through it all the Lord is near,

Guiding what I should do.


All who trust solely on their wealth,

And of all their riches boast,

Would give all away to restore their health,

Or whatever they prize the most.


Of a would-be follower Jesus would ask,

To sell all and give it all away.

It would be a monumental task,

He just could not live that way.


Reflect on your life and take stock.

To follow Christ what will you give?

Like others before you, walk the walk,

That now and forever you might live.


Every Creature in the Forest (Psalm 50)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/12/22  


Every creature in the forest,

All the cattle on the hill,

All birds in the air or nest,

All abide by God's will.


Unlike the other creatures,

People aren't so compliant.

They're defiant of their teachers,

Rather than obedient.


Though created in God's image,

They do not do what is right.

Wisdom does not come with age,

They do evil in God's sight.


Teachers, Lord, your wisdom,

How we might do your will.

And enter your peaceful kin-dom,

Our God-given purpose to fulfill.


Have Mercy on Me, O God (Psalm 51)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/13/22  


Have mercy on me, O God,

According to your steadfast love.

Blot out my transgressions,

Rain down mercy from heaven above.


Wash me from my iniquity,

And cleanse me from my sin.

My sin is ever before me,

For I feel every transgression.


Teach me wisdom deep in my heart,

Truth in my inward being.

Purge me and I shall be clean,

By your merciful cleaning.


Create in me a clean heart,

Put a right spirit within me.

Don't cast me away but forgive,

For your spirit is most holy.


I Am Like a Green Olive Tree (Psalm 52.8)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/14/22  


I am like a green olive tree,

In the midst of the House of God.

I'm blessed by all you've done for me,

Lord, I’ll proclaim that your name is good.


Though turmoil is all around me,

In your presence I am at peace.

Though I am my own worst enemy,

From my chains I find release.


I am not always faithful,

I often falter day by day.

But the Lord is always graceful,

Guiding me along the way.


God Looks Down from Heaven (Psalm 53)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/15/22  


God looks down from heaven,

On all of humankind,

Seeking a glimpse of wisdom,

Wisdom of any kind.


Fools believe in their hearts,

And say, “there is no God.”

They commit evil acts,

Not one of them good.


Deliver us, O God.

Restore us unto you,

Then we will be glad.

Blessed by all you do.


O God, Hear My Prayer (Psalm 54)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/16/22  


O God, hear my prayer,

To my words give ear.

Petitions I share,

To me now draw near.


Troubled is my soul,

Evil is at hand.

By grace make me whole,

Able to withstand.


Always be my guide.

I'll follow your way.

With you by my side,

Your will I’ll obey.


I’m Distraught by My Enemies (Psalm 55)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/16/22  


I'm distraught by my enemies,

Making so much noise.

There is great shaking in my knees,

I've lost my strength and poise.


The fear of death overwhelms me.

I am always afraid,

Of all the failure that might be,

You know the plans I’ve made.


If I had the wings of a dove,

I would surely fly away.

For I am so afraid of,

All that stands in my way.


Almighty God I call upon,

For the Lord will save me.

By faith in God all fear is gone,

For all eternity.


In God Alone I Trust (Psalm 56.11)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/17/22  


In God alone I trust,

In God, whose word I praise,

God, who is faithful and just,

And trustworthy always.


Others may be deceitful,

And try to do me harm,

But God, who's always faithful,

Will keep me safe and warm.


In every situation,

Through each trial and test,

By God's mitigation,

Always I am most blessed.


Be Merciful to Me, O God (Psalm 57.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/18/22  


Be merciful to me, O God,

Be merciful to me.

For in you my soul takes refuge,

Saved by grace I’ll always be.


Every day there are temptations,

Difficulties galore.

Yet I am blessed, for by your grace,

I'm saved forevermore.


I will celebrate your mercy,

Which you so freely give.

Forever I will praise your name,

And in your presence live.


The Righteous Will Rejoice (Psalm 58.10)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/19/22  


The righteous will rejoice,

And praise the Lord above.

They will lift up their voice,

And give to God their love.


But what of those who sin?

The Lord will pass judgment.

In the end God will win,

God will be triumphant.


Repent of every sin,

That from God separates.

Let a new life begin,

Behold the golden gates.


O God, You Are My Fortress (Psalm 59.17)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/20/22  


O God, you are my fortress.

I sing praises to you.

A refuge in my distress,

To you all praise is due.


When I'm overwhelmed by things,

You are Lord overall.

And so, my spirit sings,

To you these things are small.


When I struggle at length,

And problems are too great,

I rely on your strength,

Your love overcomes hate.


Give Victory and Answer Us (Psalm 60.5)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/21/22  


Give victory and answer us,

That we may be rescued.

For you have sent the Lord Jesus.

With the Lord all is good.


As your people we celebrate,

All things that you have done.

Your gracious love overcame hate,

Over sin grace has won.


To you we give our thanks and praise,

For all you've done before.

We will rejoice all of our days,

Now and forevermore.


O God, Hear My Cry (Psalm 61.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/22/22  


O God, hear my cry.

Listen to my prayer.

On you I rely,

my petitions I share.


Times are difficult,

each and every day.

A personal assault,

seems to come my way.


I am lost without you,

frail and weak alone.

All things with you I can do,

with you all can be done.


Truly in God My Soul Finds Rest (Psalm 62.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/22/22  


Truly in God my soul finds rest.

My salvation comes from the Lord.

I am each day by God blessed.

My faith is renewed and restored.


To the Lord I will sing my praise,

And rejoice for all the Lord's done.

Through the Lord my prayers I will raise.

My God the victory is won.


My eternal life I entrust,

To the Lord who came to save.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,

But eternal life I’ll have.


God, My Soul Thirsts for You (Psalm 63)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/23/22  


God, my soul thirsts for you,

As in a dry and thirsty land,

Where no water is near at hand.

It is you that I pursue.


I've seen you in the sanctuary,

My lips praise you all day long.

I tell your story with my song.

I've seen your power and glory.


I proclaim your grace day and night.

You will protect me with your wings.

For my salvation my heart sings.

With you, Lord, all will be alright.


Let the Righteous Rejoice (Psalm 64.10)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/24/22  


Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord,

When through God's grace their lives are restored.

Let all whose hearts are in the right place,

Give praise to the Lord for the Lord's grace.


But those who are wandering or are lost,

Return to the Lord at any cost,

Turning from their ways of wrong and sin,

To open their hearts and let Jesus in.


But all the doubters come to believe,

That through Jesus new life they'll receive.

May they be moved from darkness to light,

And by the Lord may they do what is right.


Holy God of Zion (Psalm 65.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/25/22  


Holy God of Zion,

to you even silence is praise.

When promises are kept,

your will is done somehow some ways.


For you who hears our thoughts,

and knows what is in every heart,

receive our prayers and thoughts and deeds,

as we each humbly do our part.


In silence we are blessed,

when we come into your presence.

We are touched in our very souls,

by your holy eminence.


Shout Joyfully to God, All the Earth (Psalm 66.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/26/22  


Shout joyfully to God, of the earth.

Shout joyfully for all you’re worth.

Sing praises to the glory of God's name.

Sing praises let the whole world do the same.


For all that the Lord has done for us,

Especially sending us Jesus,

Who taught his disciples how to live,

And died salvation to us give.


Give thanks for all that the Lord has done.

Through Jesus the victory is won.

Alleluia! Praise the Lord above!

Who first loved us and calls us to love.


Let God Bless Us and Grant Us Grace (Psalm 67)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/27/22  


Let God bless us and grant us grace,

Shining upon her scarred face.

In order that God's way be known,

And we choose God's way for our own.


God, let all the people thank you,

For all you have done and will do.

Let all the people celebrate,

Let all the people on you wait.


Let God continue to bless us,

Through the teachings of Jesus.

In God Almighty we believe,

And God's mercy we receive.


Join the Great Procession (Psalm 68)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/28/22  


Join the great procession,

Coming to the Lord,

Offer your confession,

Let your soul be restored.


The acolytes with fire,

And singers lead the band,

The preachers who inspire,

With liturgists at hand.


Into the sanctuary,

They come down the aisle.

It's extraordinary,

All in a double file.


It's a testimony,

To their faith in the Lord,

Quite a ceremony,

For God who’s so adored.


Save Me, God (Psalm 69)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/30/22  


Save me, God,

For the waters have reached my neck.

Help me, God,

For my life's a complete wreck.


Save me, God,

For enemies persecute me.

Help me, God,

That blessed forever I shall be.


Save me, God,

For I had hoped for sympathy.

Help me, God,

From friends I could not find any.


Save me, God,

You know I wept while I fasted.

Help me, God,

For that too I was insulted.


Let All Who Seek the Lord Rejoice (Psalm 70.4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 8/31/22  


Let all who seek the Lord rejoice,

Let them say, “God is great!”

God, give them strength in heart and voice,

As they upon you wait.


Let all who seek the Lord today,

Say, “God is Lord of all!”

Let all then humbly to God pray,

And upon God's name call.


Let all who seek the Lord be found,

Let them say, “God is love!”

May they spread God's love all around,

Passed down from God above.


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