2022 September


As for Me, I Will Hope Always (Psalm 71)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/1/22  


As for me, I will hope always,

To God I will sing praise.

I will tell the gods riches deeds,

That supply all our needs.


The Lord almighty blesses us,

Through the words of Jesus.

And by his resurrection we,

We'll live eternally.


Join in with me and sing this song,

Praise the Lord all day long.

No matter what the day might bring,

Praise to God we will sing.


Lord, Let There Be Abundant Grain (Psalm 72)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/2/22  


Lord, let there be abundant grain,

In the pastures. Let it wave.

Bless the earth with abundant rain,

By your hand, our lives you save.


Lord, let there be all that we need.

For this we most humbly pray.

For each plant with lifegiving seed,

We give thanks to you today.


Lord, let fruits flourish in season,

Each harvest in abundance.

We praise your name for this reason,

Your glorious providence.


God Is Good to Israel (Psalm 73)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/3/22  


God is good to Israel,

To those who have pure hearts.

But me? My feet have stumbled.

I move with fits and starts.


I have envied the arrogant.

The wicked are well off.

They aren't weighed down like others.

Even on God they scoff.


But me? It is good for me,

To be near the Lord God.

I will speak of God's good works.

For each I will applaud.


God, the Day Belongs to You (Psalm 74.16)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/4/22  


God, the day belongs to you,

And also, the nighttime too.

You made both the moon and sun.

Back when creation was begun.


You set all earth's boundaries.

Creating all as you please.

Each season got its limit.

That all might live in it.


What wondrous works God has done,

Everything under the sun.

Come join together. Sing God's praise,

And worship the Lord always.


We Give Thanks to You, God (Psalm 75.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/5/22  


We give thanks to you, God, we give thanks.

Your marvelous deeds are declared.

We gather in worship and sing your praise.

Our prayers and petitions are shared.


In worship we read your holy word.

We remember your mighty deeds.

We give thanks for your mercy and love,

And how your grace meets all our needs.


When Promising the Lord, Take Care (Psalm 76.11)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/7/22  


When promising the Lord, take care,

That you'll fulfill it fully.

For you shall be judged then and there,

If it's been done faithfully.


It is not just what we believe,

For it matters what we do.

It is not just what we conceive,

But also, our follow through.


By others may your faith be known,

Through your actions and your prayers.

And may your faithfulness be shown,

In the Lord of Life who cares.


We Will Remember the Lord’s Deeds (Psalm 77.11)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/7/22  


We will remember the Lord's deeds,

Wondrous acts from times past.

Making a path through the Sea of Reeds,

A way to freedom at last.


In the wilderness, nothing to eat,

No water was to be found.

Manna and quail were at our feet,

Water from a rock on the ground.


When we've wandered, you've been there,

Helping us to find the way.

We are blessed by your loving care.

We rejoice and give thanks today.


Tell the Next Generation (Psalm 78.4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/8/22  


Tell the next generation,

The wondrous work that God has done.

Tell it to every nation,

To all peoples under the sun.


Down throughout our history,

God has faithfully been with us,

Sometimes veiled in mystery,

But then God sent us Jesus.


Jesus revealed God's glory,

Through miracles and signs.

Jesus taught us God's story,

Through last sheep and fruitful vines.


And then he breathed the Spirit,

Upon each one he would send.

To speak to all who hear it,

The Good News would never end.


We Are God’s People After All (Psalm 79.13)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/9/22  


We are God's people after all,

Sheep of the Lord's pasture.

God is great and we are small,

With God we will endure.


Tough times don't last, tough people do,

Or so the saying goes.

Our faith in God will see us through,

To joy beyond our woes.


Do not give up. Hold onto God.

You're held in the Lord's hands.

By God's grace go out and spread,

God's peace throughout the lands.


Restore Us, Lord God (Psalm 80.19)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/10/22  


Restore us, Lord God.

Make your face shine.

That we can be saved,

By your hand divine.


We've sinned against you.

We've fallen away,

By the things that we do,

And the words that we say.


But when we repent,

Of our sinful ways,

There's no punishment,

And you we give praise.


From heaven above,

By your mercy and grace,

You show us your love,

For the whole human race.


God Feeds Us the Finest Wheat (Psalm 81.16)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/11/22  


God feeds us the finest wheat.

Satisfies us with honey sweet.

The fruit of the vine fills our cup.

With thanks to God, we lift it up.


For all our needs God does provide.

For all of our sins, Christ has died.

And as in faith he rose again,

The gate to heaven is now open.


There he sits upon his throne,

In calls to him all of his own,

That we might from our laborers rest,

For we will be forever blessed.


Rise Up God (Psalm 82.8)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/12/22  


Rise up God! Judge the earth.

You hold the world in your possession.

You grant to us your divine worth.

Hear our humble confession.


We have failed you so many ways,

By the things that we have done.

We have sinned both nights and days,

Since creation was begun.


Please, Lord, set us straight today.

Help us to follow you,

That we might walk your holy way,

And do all that we can do.


God, Don’t Be Silent (Psalm 83.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/13/22  


God, don't be silent.

Don't be quiet or still.

Speak and give guidance,

That we might do your will.


Give us your instruction,

That we might truly be,

Your faithful disciples,

For all eternity.


Share with us your wisdom.

Fill us with your Good News.

Give to us your power,

To change don'ts into dos.


Better Is a Single Day (Psalm 84.10)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/14/22  


Better is a single day,

In your company,

Then a thousand days,

Spent elsewhere any.


It's a joy to be with you,

Following your way.

Your love sees us through.

We rejoice today.


You give to us our rest,

As we gather here.

We are in you blessed,

When we feel you near.


Faithful Love and Truth Have Met (Psalm 85)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/15/22  


Faithful love and truth have met.

Righteousness and peace have kissed.

The Lord's Mercy has paid the debt.

Our sins have been remissed.


Yes, the Lord gives what is good,

And the Lord's land yields its produce.

The Lord gives to us our food.

The Lord gives all for our use.


Celebrate and praise the Lord,

For the Lord's generosity.

May the Lord's name be adored,

Now and for all eternity.


Lord, Listen Closely to Me (Psalm 86.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/15/22  


Lord, listen closely to me,

For I am poor and in need.

I pray to you on bended knee,

For your mercy, I plead.


Lord, give to me an answer.

Reveal to me your sign.

Now, my faith reassure,

By your grace divine.


Moving forward guide me,

Along your sacred way,

That I might always be,

Faithful day by day.


People Praise God as They Sing (Psalm 87.7)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/16/22  


People praise God as they sing,

“The source of my life is you!”

And to God they pray and bring,

Themselves as an offering that's due.


For all we have and all we are,

Are God's gifts given to us.

For our sins we do not despair,

Salvation comes through Jesus.


Our troubled souls. Jesus does lift,

Setting us on the way.

By his everlasting gift,

We receive new life each day.


God be with you every day,

In all you say and do.

Ask for guidance as you pray,

Fully live your whole life through.


Lord, I Cry Out to You (Psalm 88.13)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/17/22  


Lord, I cry out to you,

First thing in the morning.

To you, my prayer gets through.

As the day is dawning.


Lord, I call out to you,

In the midst of the day,

Asking what I should do.

For your wisdom, I pray.


Lord, I pray to you,

When I lay down at night.

For all that we've been through,

With you all is alright.


We Will Sing of God’s Love Forever (Psalm 89.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/17/22  


We will sing of God's love forever,

Down through the generations.

Praising God over and over,

Here and throughout the nations.


We will praise God's mighty deeds,

Miracles new and old.

We will plant the fruitful seeds,

As each story is retold.


We will proclaim God's Good News,

To those who've not yet heard.

Offering our enlightened views,

Upon God's holy word.


Lord, Our Help Has Come from You (Psalm 90)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/18/22  


Lord, our help has come from you,

Each day, our whole lives through,

Down through the generations,

And out among the nations.


You return people to dust,

Like yesterday when past,

Like grass fresh in the morning,

Yet dried up by the evening.


At best, we may live to seventy,

If we're strong, maybe eighty.

Teach us to number our days,

That we may know your wise ways.


All Who Love God Will Be Delivered (Psalm 91.14)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/19/22  


All who love God will be delivered,

All who call upon God's name.

God will answer everyone,

Giving mercy to the same.


Whenever we're in trouble,

The Lord will see us through.

Whenever we can't find the way,

God comes to our rescue.


God will give to us long life,

A most prosperous one.

When we look back where we've been,

We'll see all God has done.


Lord, by Your Works You’ve Made Me Glad (Psalm 92.4)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/20/22  


Lord, by all your works, you've made me glad.

By all you've done, I sing for joy.

You are my rock when things go bad.

You have given me life to enjoy.


I give thanks for all you've created.

You have made the most wondrous things.

To you I am ingratiated.

For all you’ve done, my heart sings.


I come to worship to sing your praises,

For everything you've done for me.

I will follow you all my days,

Now and for all eternity.


The Lord Is Robed in Majesty (Psalm 93)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/21/22  


The Lord is robed in majesty.

The Lord Almighty reigns.

The Lord on high is mighty,

Above the hills and plains.


Mightier than the waves on the sea,

Mightier than the flood waters,

The Lord is high and mighty.

Rejoice you sons and daughters.


The Lord rules with mercy.

The Lord’s decrees are sure.

The Lord on high is mighty.

The Lord reigns forevermore.


The Lord Has Become My Stronghold (Psalm 94.22)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/23/22  


The Lord has become my stronghold.

My God is the rock of my refuge.

In praise of the Lord, I become bold.

In a world of small problems, God's huge.


The Lord will be my protector,

Whenever I find I'm in need.

The Lord is thus the main character.

The Lord will be there for me indeed.


Come, Let’s Worship and Bow Down (Psalm 95)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/25/22  


Come, let's worship and bow down,

Before the Lord, our maker, kneel.

The Lord’s Majesty renown,

Whose love in our hearts we feel.


Don't harden your hearts again,

Like you did at Meribah.

In disbelief, way back when,

In the desert of Massah.


Learn lessons on Faith journey,

Of what all the Lord can do.

For struggles always will be,

Times for our faith to renew.


Let Heaven Celebrate (Psalm 96.11)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/26/22  


Let heaven celebrate.

Let the earth rejoice.

Let the sea lie prostrate.

Or roar with great noise.


Let all the countries side,

Also celebrate,

And let the forest wide,

Shout, “The Lord is great!”


Let all creation show,

The Lord’s majesty.

That the whole world might know,

God is almighty.


The Lord Rules (Psalm 97.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/27/22  


The Lord rules. Let the earth rejoice!

Let all the people celebrate.

Together sing with one voice.

Let all shout, “the Lord is great!”


We celebrate the Lord is one.

Three and one, the Trinity.

Before Creation was begun,

The Spirit moved over the sea.


And then, just when the time was right,

All was made by the spoken Word.

Nothing happened in God's sight,

Till that empowering Word was heard.


Sing to the Lord a New Song (Psalm 98.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/28/22  


Sing to the Lord a new song,

For the Lord has done wondrous things.

With praises sing all day long,

For each blessing the Lord brings.


Celebrate all God has done,

And is still doing today.

So, before this day is done,

With thanksgiving, let us pray.


To the Lord, lift up your praise.

Let your heartfelt praises ring.

Praise the Lord for all of your days.

To the Lord, a new song sing.


Magnify the Lord Our God (Psalm 99.9)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/29/22  


Magnify the Lord. Our God!

Because the Lord our God is holy.

Clap your hands and applaud.

Worship the Lord our God solely.


The Lord our God is almighty,

Worthy of our thanks and praise.

Now and for all eternity,

Worship the Lord our God always.


The Lord our God in heaven reigns.

Even before a creation.

And now through us, the Lord proclaims,

Good News to every nation.


Because the Lord Is Good (Psalm 100.5)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 9/30/22  


Because the Lord is good,

The Lord's love lasts forever,

Just as it always should,

Faithful forever and ever.


Because the Lord is good,

God's love remains a given.

Whenever we repent to God,

Our sins shall be forgiven.


Because the Lord is good,

We always will be blessed.

All will be well as it should,

When to God, we have confessed.


Because the Lord is good,

Though our efforts are so few,

When we have done all that we could,

The Lord will see us through.


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