2022 October


Let Me Sing of Love and Justice (Psalm 101.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/1/22  


Let me sing of love and justice,

To the Lord sing praises.

Let me sing of the love of Jesus,

Revealed in scripture phrases.


The poor and sick were lifted up,

And the lost sheep were found.

Christ is revealed in bread and cup.

In him I'm safe and sound.


Though all have sinned and fallen short,

Sinners are forgiven.

Through Christ people will find comfort,

Welcomed into heaven.


Lord, Hear My Humble Prayer (Psalm 102.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/2/22  


Lord, here, my humble prayer.

Let my cry reach you.

My soul to you I bare,

That you will see me through.


I turn to you alone.

No one else is there.

You hear my deepest groan,

In my dark despair.


I don't know just when,

You will respond to me.

I will be restored then,

For all eternity.


Let My Soul Bless the Lord (Psalm 103.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/3/22  


Let my soul bless the Lord,

Bless God's holy name.

Let my soul bless the Lord,

Let's all do the same.


Let my soul bless the Lord,

For all God has done.

Let my soul bless the Lord.

Praise the holy One.


Let my soul bless the Lord,

In whom, my life begins.

Let my soul bless the Lord,

Who forgives all my sins.


I Will Sing to the Lord (Psalm 104.33)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/4/22  


I was singing to the Lord,

For as long as I live.

I will sing praises to God,

While I am still alive.


I will lift up my prayer,

And to God bare my soul.

God, with mercy and care,

Will again make me whole.


I will follow the Lord,

And love and God loves me.

The Lord will be adored,

For all eternity.


Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 105.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/5/22  


Give thanks to the Lord.

Make the Lords deeds known to all.

Sing praises to the Lord.

For miracles great and small.


Give thanks to the Lord,

For the things done in ancient days.

Sing praises to the Lord,

For being with us always.


Give thanks to the Lord,

Who led Israel by the hand.

Sing praises to the Lord,

Who led them to the promised land.


Give thanks to the Lord.

Who sent to the world Jesus.

Sing praises to the Lord,

Whose grace and mercy saves us.



Give Thanks for the Lord Is Good (Psalm 106.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/6/22  


Give thanks for the Lord is good.

God's faithful love endures forever.

So let it be understood,

God won't forsake us ever.


As far as east is from the west,

God removes all of our sins.

By the love of God we are blessed,

And new life in Christ begins.


Let us praise the Lord forever.

Let us always sing God's praise.

From Christ’s love nothing can sever.

We will worship God always.


Give Thanks to the Lord When You Pray (Psalm 107)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/7/22  


“Give thanks to the Lord when you pray,

For the Lord's love lasts forever.”

That's what those redeemed by the Lord say.

The Lord abandons them never.


How did into the desert some did roam,

And there, they could not find their way.

They could not find their way home.

There their lives were slipping away.


God heard their cry and their distress.

They were delivered from their fate.

God answered them, and them did bless.

Back to safety, God led them straight.


Some had gone out on the high seas,

Where storms arose with mighty waves.

In fear, they fell down on their knees.

God called the storm, for the Lord saves.


Lord, I’ll Give Thanks to You (Psalm 108.3)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/7/22  


Lord, I'll give thanks to you,

Among all the nations,

And I'll make music too,

With great celebrations.


For all you've done, I'll sing,

And give you all the praise.

To you offerings I'll bring,

And worship you always.


With joy praises are poured,

Upon your holy name.

You're worshipped and adored,

As our faith we proclaim.


We celebrate your grace,

For you have set us free;

In heaven made us space,

For all eternity.


I Will Give to the Lord Thanks (Psalm 109.30)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/9/22  


I will give to the Lord thanks,

Among a great crowd.

For above all the Lord ranks,

I'll praise God aloud.


In every situation,

Each and every day,

There's cause for celebration.

Praise God anyway.


Even in the worst of days,

It could still be worse.

Take time to give God praise,

Sing to God this verse.


The Lord will restore you,

Believe the holy text.

The Lord will see you through,

In this world or the next.


God Brings the Nations to Justice (Psalm 110.6)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/10/22  


God brings the nations to justice.

The way of the Lord is true.

The way of the Lord is righteous.

God is making all things new.


In Jesus, God revealed the Way,

That all might live in peace.

When people do what God does say,

Then, finally, wars will cease.


We live in imperfection,

Until the perfect comes.

God will rule over each nation,

When the whole world succumbs.


Jesus, come fulfill your story,

For us, Eden restore.

Lead us, Jesus, onto glory,

And reign forevermore.


The Works of the Lord Are Magnificent (Psalm 111)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/11/22  


The works of the Lord are magnificent.

They are treasured, for they are heaven sent.

God's deeds are majestic and glorious.

We give thanks for all that God does for us.


God is full of compassion and mercy.

The Lord gives food to all who are hungry.

The Lord's handiwork is honest and just.

God's commandments are worthy of trust.


God's rules are forever established,

Awaiting for all to be accomplished.

From the fear of the Lord all wisdom came.

Holy and awesome is God's precious name.


Those Who Honor the Lord Are Blessed (Psalm 112)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/12/22  


Those who honor the Lord are blessed.

Their righteousness stands forever.

They give to God their very best.

God blesses each endeavor.


The faithful rise to meet the day,

Asking God what they might do.

By doing what they hear God say,

They bless God the whole day through.


May we be people of such faith,

As we serve our Lord always.

That we might faithfully live with,

The hope that we’ll see God's face.


You are invited to join us,

In God's unfolding story,

Following our Lord Christ Jesus,

On to eternal glory.


Let the Lord’s Name Be Blessed (Psalm 113)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/13/22  


Let the Lord's name be blessed,

From now until forever,

And your faith be professed,

Forever and ever.


Let the Lord's name be praised,

From sunrise to sunrise,

And all voices be raised,

To God above the skies.


Let the Lord's name be shared,

With those who feel left out,

And may their voices be spared,

When they the Lord's name shout.


When Israel Came out of Egypt (Psalm 114)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/14/22  


When Israel came out of Egypt,

By God they were equipped.

Judah was God’s sanctuary.

Israel was God's territory.


The sea parted and retreated,

At the Jordan, it was repeated.

Mountains leapt away like rams.

Hills leapt away like lambs.


Before the Lord, the earth trembled.

Before the Lord, all is humbled.

A pool of water came from the stone.

All came from God and God alone.


Idols Are Just Things (Psalm 115)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/15/22  


Idols are just things,

Made by human hands.

Their mouth never sings,

Nor can give commands.


Their eyes cannot see,

Nor can their ears hear.

Their hands cannot be,

Used to draw things near.


Their feet cannot walk.

Their noses can't smell.

Their mouths cannot talk.

They've nothing to tell.


But our God is real.

We will bless the Lord.

Let us now reveal,

That God is adored.


God Is Merciful and Righteous (Psalm 116.5)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/16/22  


God is merciful and righteous.

Our God is compassionate.

The Lord is ever more gracious,

When we are most obstinate.


Even when we're the worst sinners,

Our God has been there for us.

Through God's grace, we are the winners,

By the mercy of Jesus.


With joy, let us now celebrate,

All that the Lord's done for us.

We give thanks, for the Lord is great.

Give glory to Christ Jesus.


Sins are completely forgiven,

When we ask the Lord for grace,

And we catch a glimpse of heaven,

Glow in each penitent face.


Praise the Lord, All You Nations (Psalm 117)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/17/22  



Praise the Lord, all you nations.

Praise God, all generations.


God's faithful love for us is strong.

God's faithfulness lasts forever.

We glorify God with our song.

Our gratitude shall cease never.



God was there before all else was.

There God was in the beginning.

We celebrate all that God does,

Now for God, we are souls winning.



Oh God, we come to worship you,

With one accord, our voice we raise.

Giving thanks for all that you do,

As we sing, hear our heartfelt praise.



Give Thanks to the Lord (Psalm 118)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/18/22  


Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.

The Lord's faithful love lasts forever.

God will save us, for only God could.

Nothing can harm us whatsoever.


The Lord is for us. Be not afraid.

What can anyone do to us?

God will protect us, as God said.

We have faith in the Lord Jesus.


The stone rejected by the builders,

Has become the very cornerstone.

This belief, to some, bewilders.

Salvation comes from Christ alone.


Give thanks to the Lord, for God is good.

The Lord's faithful love lasts forever.

God will save us, for only God could.

Nothing can harm us whatsoever.


Lord, Let Your Salvation Come to Me (Psalm 119.41)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/19/22  


Lord, but your salvation come to me,

According to your promise.

May your promises always be,

True, like arrows that don't miss.


I celebrate your holy word,

And ponder all you've said.

From childhood you are message I have heard.

Your word rules my heart and head.


I repent of how I have behaved,

For I have broken your law.

But by your mercy, I have been saved.

You forgive my every flaw.


I Cried out to God (Psalm 120)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/19/22  


I cried out to God when I was distressed,

And there in my prayer, the Lord answered me.

When God answered me, my soul was so blessed,

That my prayer was heard by God Almighty.


I've lived far too long with haters of peace.

I am for peace, but they are for war.

I am praying for all wars to cease,

That people might come to learn war no more.


Wherever you are, whatever is wrong,

God's not far away. God is always there.

God is there with you, for there you belong.

All will be alright. You are in God's care.


I Raise My Eyes to the Hills (Psalm 121)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


I raise my eyes to the hills,

Where will salvation come from?

All promises God fulfills.

From God all our blessings come.


May God each they be adored,

And may our faith never fade.

Protection is from the Lord,

Beside you just like a shade.


The sun won't strike you by day,

Nor will the moon in the night.

As long as we're on the way,

With God, all shall be right.


Peace Be with Jerusalem (Psalm 122)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


Peace be with Jerusalem,

For the house of God’s sake.

So that for all of them,

Let us lasting peace make.


Pray that there is true peace.

Let those that love God rest.

That hostilities cease,

And all people be blessed.


Give thanks to the Lord's name,

Who gives mercy and grace.

To the world we proclaim,

This is God's holy place.


O Lord, Have Mercy upon Us (Psalm 123)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


O Lord, have mercy upon us,

For we have had more than enough.

We cry out to you, Jesus,

Save us from all of this stuff.


We come before you today,

Longing for your presence.

We come to hear what you say,

Give us your sustenance.


Bless us, O Lord of all,

With your unending grace.

We respond to your call,

When we go from this place.


Help us share what we've heard,

And what we've come to know.

We will proclaim your word,

Everywhere that we go.


If the Lord Hadn’t Been for Us (Psalm 124.1)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


If the Lord hadn't been for us,

Let God's holy people now say,

If the Lord hadn't been for us,

We never would have found the way.


If the Lord hadn't been for us,

When enemies threatened,

If the Lord hadn't been for us,

None would have come to defend.


If the Lord hadn't been for us,

We would have drowned in the sea,

If the Lord hadn't been for us,

And we no longer would be.


If the Lord hadn't been for us,

Let God's holy people now say,

If the Lord hadn't been for us,

We would not be here today.


As the Mountains Surround Jerusalem (Psalm 125.2)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


As the mountains surround Jerusalem,

So, the Lord surrounds all of the people.

Peace be on the people, upon all of them.

Let peace ring out from the bells in the steeple.


Give thanks to God who rules high above us,

And guides us all to follow faithfully.

Give thanks to God who sent us Christ Jesus,

Who calls us all to follow him fully.


Our Tongues Were Filled with Joyful Shouts (Psalm 126.2)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


Our tongues were filled with joyful shouts.

It was said among the nations,

“God always knows their whereabouts,

And blesses their congregations.”


We celebrate all God has done,

Come before God and let us pray.

We are blessed each and every one.

We are blessed each and every day.


Come to God with your offering.

Bring to God heartfelt words of praise.

And to the Lord let us now sing,

Forever and ever always.


Unless It Is the Lord (Psalm 127)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


Unless it is the Lord who builds the house,

The workers all waste time on construction,

Not knowing all the whats, wheres, whys, and hows,

For it will fall in utter destruction.


Children are a gift from a loving Lord,

There is no doubt about it. We are blessed.

The fruit of the womb is a divine reward,

And there is no doubt, children are the best.


Everyone Who Walks in God’s Ways (Psalm 128)

                        Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22  


Everyone who walks in God's ways,

Is truly happy always.

You will enjoy all that you do,

And all things will go well for you.


You'll be blessed in so many ways,

A long life filled with good days.

God will provide all of the best,

Among all, you will be blessed.


Children's children will be your gift,

They will all your days uplift.

That's how it is for everyone,

God bless us from Mount Zion.


From My Youth I Have Been Attacked (Psalm 129)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22


From my youth I have been attacked,

But no one has defeated me.

From the Lord nothing have I lacked.

The Lord has blessed me faithfully.


When threats and dangers start to grow,

And others gather to speak maliciously,

I give thanks to the God I know,

Praying that the Lord will save me.


I pray that someday there will come,

A time when the world with peace is filled,

And spread to all, not just to some.

Then all will be as God has willed


From the Depths To God I Cry Out (Psalm 130)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22


From the depths to God I cry out,

My Lord, listen to my plea.

You can help me. I have no doubt.

Hear my request for mercy.


My whole being waits for the Lord,

Like the night watch waits for dawn.

Upon the Lord my heart's been poured.

God is the one I wait upon.


When all is bad and even worse,

It's not always as it seems.

Remember this powerful verse,

God through Christ all sin redeems.


My Eyes Are Never Raised Too High (Psalm 131)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22


My eyes are never raised too high.

I've calmed and quieted my soul.

Most things I'm never bothered by,

Or they would surely take their toll.


Especially when times are stressed,

To God I pray for perfect peace.

Thanks be to God for I am blessed,

When all to God I can release.


God hear me when I call to you,

When I'm having one of those days.

Guide me again what I should do,

That turmoil can be turned to praise.


David Vowed unto You, Lord (Psalm 132.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22


David vowed unto you, Lord,

That he’d do what thou wilt.

All materials he had stored,

That your temple would be built.


David vowed to never rest,

Till he built a place for you,

A place where you would be blessed,

While you blessed the people too.


Yet you affirmed for the king,

Children would sit on his throne,

For you can do anything.

You are God and God alone.


Look How Pleasing and How Good (Psalm 133)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/20/22


Look how pleasing and how good,

When families can live as one,

Like one caring neighborhood,

When everything's said and done.


It is like expensive oil,

Poured on the head and beard,

On priests who to God were loyal,

Who told the people God's word.


Like Mount Hermon’s holy dew,

Into the valleys flowing,

Bringing things alive, anew,

Where God's spirit is blowing.



All You Who Serve the Lord (Psalm 134.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


All you who serve the Lord,

Bless the Lord right now!

On you God's love is poured,

As you fulfill your vow.


As you leave this place,

Go on out to share.

Look into each face,

Share God everywhere.


Enter God's house in prayer.

Lift up your hands and praise,

Serve God right then and there.

Serve God all of your days,



Lord, Your Name is Forever (Psalm 135.13)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


Lord, your name is forever!

Lord, your fame extends far out,

Both here and wherever,

Your people are about.


We celebrate on hilltops,

And in valleys down below,

Wherever we make stops,

Wherever else we go.


No matter where we wander,

No matter where we roam,

You are over yonder,

And right here at home.


God’s Faithful Love Lasts Forever (Psalm 136)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


Refrain: God's faithful love lasts forever!


Give thanks to the Lord of us all.

No matter what, God is for us.

Give thanks both the tall and the small.

Sing praise in mighty chorus.



God made the sun to rule the day,

And the moon and stars to rule the night.

God put the heavens on display.

Look up and see the Lord's delight.



Give thanks to God who split the sea.

Give thanks to God who brought us out.

Give thanks to God who set us free.

Give thanks and give a shout.



How Can We Sing Our Faithful Songs (Psalm 137)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


How can we sing our faithful songs,

In the midst of all of life's wrongs?

Israel cried in Babylon.

How could they possibly go on?


They hung their lyres up in the trees,

As they fell down upon their knees.

How could they possibly sing there,

In that land so full of despair?


All they could sing would be laments,

Filled with the worst hateful comments,

Wishing destruction for their foes,

With file words their hatred shows.


I Give Thanks with All My Heart (Psalm 138.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


I give thanks with all my heart,

To the Lord I sing my praise.

God's been with me since the start,

From the youngest of my days.


I bow down and lift God's name,

When I come to God in prayer.

I'm never then quite the same,

Whenever I leave from there.


God touches my very soul.

God Forgives and loves me so.

Broken pieces are made whole.

Set free, now I'm free to go.


Lord, You Have Examined Me (Psalm 139)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


Lord, you have examined me.

You know when I sit or stand.

You know me intimately,

What all I think and have planned.


There is no where I can go.

I can't get away from you.

Wherever I am, I know,

That you can find me there too.


Lord, you have created me.

You fashioned me together.

I was made marvelously,

Unique and like no other.


From Evil People Rescue Me (Psalm 140.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/21/22


From evil people, rescue me.

Lord, guard me from their violence.

When I'm closed in please set me free.

May my soul find sacred silence.


At times I feel I can't go on.

Obstacles block and stop my way.

When my strength is completely gone,

To you I desperately pray.


Right then I know no matter what,

When things seem to be at their worst,

I try to do things myself but,

I should have come to you Lord first.


O Lord, I Cry Out to You (Psalm 141.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/22/22


O Lord, I cry out to you.

Listen to the sound of my voice.

Guide me in what I should do,

And I will greatly rejoice.


Strengthen me for the journey,

At times the climb will be steep.

At times it will be easy,

There I will find time to sleep.


Guide me onto your right path,

For I have wandered away.

Save me from your holy wrath,

Guide me upon the right way.


I Cry Out for Help with My Needs (Psalm 142.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/24/22


I cry out for help with my needs.

I beg out loud for mercy.

Unto God my weary soul pleads.

O Lord, please deliver me.


When I find myself in the pits,

And life is overwhelming.

And I feel like calling it quits,

God's word to me is calming.


Though this seems bad, Lord, we faced worse,

And you've always helped me through.

Speak to me through a scripture verse.

Reveal to me what to do.


As you have guided in the past,

Once again guide me today.

Strengthen my faith now to hold fast,

To you, O Lord, this I pray.


O Lord, Listen to My Prayer (Psalm 143.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/25/22


O Lord, listen to my prayer,

Because of your faithfulness.

With you my desires I share,

Because of your righteousness.


Whenever I am in need,

Because of your faithfulness.

To you, or Lord, do I plead,

Because of your righteousness.


To you petitions I bring,

Because of your faithfulness.

And praises to you I sing,

Because of your righteousness.


When I am put to the test,

Because of your faithfulness.

By you I am always blessed,

Because of your righteousness.


Blessed Be the Lord (Psalm 144)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/25/22


Blessed be the Lord, my rock and fortress,

And my deliverer, and my stronghold.

By the Lord my soul is always most blessed.

With God's assurance I can be bold.


Lord, who are humans that you regard us?

Our days are much like a passing shadow.

To forgive our sins you sent us Jesus,

That your love and mercy we all might know.


We all are livestock bear healthy offspring.

May our barns be filled with produce and grain.

May we lift to you prayers of thanksgiving.

May we share our faith again and again.


The Lord Is Great (Psalm 145)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/22


The Lord is great and so worthy of praise.

God's greatness cannot be comprehended.

Each generation will praise you always.

Your mighty acts shall be never ended.


God is merciful and compassionate,

Very patient and full of faithful love.

The Lord's mercy and grace are infinite.

Love is what all God has made, is made of.


The Lord's praise, my mouth will proclaim.

God is close to everyone who calls out.

Every living thing will bless God's name.

The Lord will bless us without a doubt.


Praise the Lord (Psalm 146)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/27/22


Praise the Lord!

But my whole being praised the Lord,

Praise God as long as I live.

God's the one to be adored,

To whom all praises we give.

Praise the Lord!


Don't trust human beings,

When they die their plans are gone.

Praise God with your thanksgivings,

For God's plans go on and on.

Praise the Lord!


God who made heaven and earth,

God is faithful forever.

God declared our sacred worth,

And abandons us never.

Praise the Lord!


The Lord who loves the righteous,

And helps orphans and widows,

Looks out for each one of us,

Upon us mercy bestows.

Praise the Lord!


God Heals the Broken Hearted (Psalm 147)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/28/22


God heals the broken hearted.

Our Lord is great and strong.

God fulfills what was started.

Let us praise God with our song.


God's knowledge cannot be grasped.

Sing to the Lord God with praise.

God has led us in the past,

Leads us now and will always.


As the seasons come and go,

We proclaim God's holy name.

Though the tides both ebb and flow,

The Lord God remains the same.


Praise the Lord from Heaven (Psalm 148)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/29/22


Praise the Lord from heaven!

Praise God angels on high,

Also, the sun and the moon,

And all up in the sky.


Praise the Lord from the earth,

And in the oceans deep!

Each creature from its birth,

Until it's final sleep.


Let all praise the Lord's name,

Including rocks and hills.

Let all life do the same,

For this is what God wills.


Sing to the Lord a New Song (Psalm 149.1)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/22


Sing to the Lord a new song.

Sing God's praise with the faithful.

Sing to the Lord all day long.

For all God does we're grateful.


To the Lord offer glory.

To the Lord offer your praise.

Retail again got story.

And sing to the Lord always.


Celebrate all God has done.

With joyful hearts let us sing.

Praise the Lord the three in one,

And give thanks for everything.


Praise God in the Sanctuary (Psalm 150)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/31/22


Praise God in the sanctuary.

Praise God in the dome and sky.

Praise God in the estuary,

In all places low and high.


Praise God in the wind and the fire.

Praise God with the ram’s horn sound.

Praise God with the loot and the liar.

Let the people’s praise resound.


Praise God with loud clashing symbols.

Praise God with the pipe and strings.

In harmony the world trembles,

When to God the whole world sings.


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