2023 February


In the Early Morning Quiet

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/1/23


In the early morning quiet,

When the world is still asleep,

It is peaceful. Can't deny it.

A silent vigil we keep.


Darkness begins to enlighten,

Then early birds start to sing,

And the sky begins to brighten.

Sunrise shines on everything.


Thanks be to God for this new day,

And what all lies before us.

With God take holy time to pray.

Sing with the angelic chorus.


God, You Call Us on a Journey

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/2/23


God, you call us on a journey,

To humbly follow you,

That we might be what we might be,

And do what we might do.


Illumined by your scriptures,

And listening when we pray,

When all seems blocked you open doors,

And guide us on your way.


Inspire our hearts and guide our feet,

Where you want us to go.

There are people whom we will meet,

And to them your love show.


As You Forgive, God Will Forgive You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/3/23


As you forgive, God will forgive you.

As you love, God loves you.

Show your faith in all that you do.

Let your actions ring true.


In the world people are watching,

What we both do and say.

May they see us faithfully sharing,

By all we do today.


Our faith will thus be revealed for,

Actions speak much louder.

By outspoken words some implore.

Be not such a shouter.


We Come before the Lord in Praise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/4/23


We come before the Lord in praise,

for all God does for us.

The Lord is with us all our days.

Praise to the Lord Jesus.


Christ called disciples to follow him,

leave boats and come ashore.

We'll praise his name as we sing this hymn,

now and forevermore.


He taught them much through parables,

of how to live and be.

Showing God's power through miracles,

for all to plainly see.


And through his death and resurrection,

forgiveness he’d proclaim.

From sins first fall, there's now correction,

offered in Jesus’ name.


Lord, You Have Called People to Come

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/5/23


Lord, you have called people to come,

And faithfully follow you.

May we be counted now among,

Those who your Way pursue.


Like Peter, Andrew, James, and John,

Whom you called from the sea,

To leave their boats and come along,

To live their destiny.


Down through the ages you've been there,

To raise new generations,

Who would go out, their faith to share,

Among all the nations.


You are calling to us today,

That we might hear your call.

Help us now, Lord, for this we pray,

To give to you our all.


We Sing and Give God the Glory

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/6/23


We sing and give God the glory.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

God's been with us throughout history.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


God was there at the creation.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

God's love was the world's foundation.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


And God was in the Garden of Eden.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

Knew what Adam and Eve had done.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


God talked to Cain about Abel.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

And stopped the tower of Babel.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


Noah built the ark down to the last cubit.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

And got the animal pairs into it.

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!


Praise Be to Lord Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/7/23


Praise be to Lord Jesus, who forgives our sins,

And over death and evil, the victory wins.

Thanks be to the Lord, in whom new life begins.

Praise be to Lord Jesus, who forgives our sins.


Jesus called disciples to follow the Way,

And they heard his teachings listening day by day.

Walking with the Lord, he taught them how to pray,

And now Jesus calls us to follow the Way.


Help me now, Lord Jesus, as I follow you.

Guide me on my journey that I may follow through.

Show me how to live and teach me what to do,

That I might love others as you told me to.


Help me do, Lord Jesus, what you ask of me,

That I might be for you, all that I can be,

Denying myself, to serve you faithfully,

Serving my Lord Jesus for eternity.


We Are Called to Love

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/8/23


We are called to love each other, for God is love,

And so God sent to us Jesus down from above.

We celebrate that God so loves us.

We are so thankful God sent Jesus.


We find it so easy to love the lovable,

But we are also called to love other people.

Jesus calls us to love enemies,

Because we know that Christ died for these.


As you have been loved by God, go and spread God's love,

And by your actions may you show what you're made of.

To those who’re hurting, offer Christ’s peace,

That hate and anger through Christ may cease.


Sing Praise to God Almighty

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/9/23


We love because God first loved us.

We’re created in love.

In God's likeness we were made,

Love is what we're made of.


Sing praise to God almighty,

For God so loves us all,

Because God is who God is,

God is love, after all.


We find some are easy to love,

They're easy to be loved.

They are just adorable,

That they are so beloved.



Loving others can be tougher,

They rub us the wrong way.

We'd rather just ignore them,

But love them anyway.



There are those that are hard to love,

They are our enemies.

We'd rather condemn them, but,

Christ died for such as these.



We Were There

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/23


We were there when the Lord called fishermen.

We were there when the Lord called fishermen.

Oh! Each time it causes me to worship.

We were there when the Lord called fishermen.


We were there when he taught us on the mount.

We were there when he taught us on the mount.

Oh! Each time it causes me to worship.

We were there when he taught us on the mount.


We were there when he healed the man born blind.

We were there when he healed the man born blind.

Oh! Each time it causes me to worship.

We were there when he healed the man born blind.


We were there with the woman at the well.

We were there with the woman at the well.

Oh! Each time it causes me to worship.

We were there with the woman at the well.


We were there when we read it in the word.

We were there when we read it in the word.

Oh! Each time it causes me to worship.

We were there when we read it in the word.


Lift the Name of God Almighty

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/12/23


Lift the name of God almighty,

As we worship God in praise.

As one we sing in unity,

And our prayers to God we raise.


Share the love of God with others,

All those whom God has created.

In Christ’s name go and be lovers,

Even those you have hated.


Take the name of Jesus with you,

As you go upon your way.

Spread the Good News by all you do,

And how you live day by day.


Sing and Praise the Name of Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/13/23


Sing and praise the name of Jesus,

Who came down to show God's love.

For all that God has done for us,

Give thanks to the Lord above.


Jesus came to earth to teach us,

How, as disciples, to live.

We give thanks for all Jesus does,

For our sakes his life did give.


Help us live our faith like Jesus.

Help us seek to do your will.

With compassion always guide us,

That faith's journey we’ll fulfill.


Lord, I Ask for Divine Help

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/14/23


Lord, I ask for divine help,

When needs overwhelm me.

Give me strength to do your will,

Becomes my humble plea.


Hear my prayer, hear my prayer,

Please, Lord, listen to me.

By your grace I ask of you,

To respond to my plea.


In those times of grief and pain,

When I am most in need,

I come before you, my God,

To you I humbly plead.



When there are needs in the world,

Beyond what I can do,

Please do all that you can do,

When I pray and ask of you.



Upon the Mount Christ Was Revealed

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/15/23


Upon the mount Christ was revealed,

With the prophets in divine light.

Peter thought three booths he should build,

That to this sight they could hold tight.


Jesus was more than just a man,

So much more than most people see.

He embodied salvation’s plan,

And a glimpse of eternity.


We get glimpses of the divine.

May they be more than memories.

Like parables of sheep or vine,

May they become testimonies.


It's not about what we take in,

But how we share what all we learn.

God sent Jesus to take away sin.

Tell others before Christ’s return.


Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/17/23


Sing praise to God who reigns above.

All was created by God's love.

Through God's forgiveness, love, and grace,

God has blessed all the human race.


In worship sacred texts are heard,

And souls are touched by the Lord's word.

The message speaks to us today,

And for all needs we’re called to pray.


Humbly come before God in prayer.

Repent all sins and leave them there.

We are forgiven let us sing,

And offer God our offering.


As children of God who believe,

The peace of Christ we each receive.

This peace to others we are to give,

By what we say and how we live.


Lord, Help Us to Pray

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/18/23


Lord, help us to pray honest prayers.

Lead us beyond what our heart dares.

Help us to be honest with you,

And ourselves that our prayers ring true.


Prayer is not about what we say,

But about how we live each day.

Help us to put words into deeds,

That we might help another’s needs.


Lord, when we pray for forgiveness,

Asking that you our souls would bless,

Teach us we are to forgive too,

And do what we'd have others do.


The Lord Reigns

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/19/23


The Lord reigns. Let the earth rejoice!

When we read scripture or we pray,

May we listen to the Lord's voice,

And hear what the Lord has to say.


The Lord reigns, from heaven above.

Through grace the Lord will forgive us.

Speaking to us God's word of love,

Which is embodied in Jesus.


Let the earth rejoice. The Lord reigns,

Through the bleak time of winter's rest.

The Lord sends to us the spring rains.

Summer’s sun leads to falls harvest.


The Lord reigns all throughout the years,

And we are never all alone.

In times of laughter and of tears,

God reigns, when all is said and done.


God Desires to Relate to Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/23


God desires to relate to us.

It's told in God's story.

God even sent to us Jesus.

Give to God the glory.


We read that in the beginning,

God made Adam and Eve,

That in God's story's opening,

We might come to believe.


Down through the ages God has come,

To speak to those who'd hear.

Reflect upon all God has done.

To God let us draw near.


In scripture stories hear God's word.

Hear what God has to say.

As God's word those before us heard,

Hear what God says today.


From the Jordan Jesus Was Led

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/21/23


From the Jordan Jesus was led,

Into the wilderness.

Satan tried to get in his head,

Tempting unholiness.


Each time a temptation was heard,

Jesus quoted a text.

We too are strengthened by God’s word,

Within our own context.


During the forty days of Lent,

We journey with the Lord.

Reflecting on how our lives are spent,

Sin we can ill afford.


Take time to reflect today,

As we journey on the way.

Ask yourself, “What would Jesus say?”

And just do it each day.


The Lenten Journey Is Begun

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/22/23


The Lenten journey is begun,

To the cross it leads us.

We will follow until it's done.

Walk with us, Lord Jesus.


In God Almighty we believe.

Holy scriptures are read.

We’re told we’re dust, and we receive,

Ashes on the forehead.


Laments and sins are on our tongue.

We offer God our prayer.

Pensive hymns are quietly sung.

The peace of Christ we share.


In the Deepest Dark of Winter

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/23/23


In the deepest dark of winter,

There is hope yet to be found.

The seeds will soon spring forth to life,

From deep down below the ground.


Under the gloom of the dark clouds,

When the end cannot be seen,

We’ll yet find a silver lining,

And rainbows whose colors beam.


When you're overwhelmed with sorrow,

Deep down in the midst of grief.

You're not alone. God is with you,

Offering peace and relief.


There at the cross on Calvary,

Dark overshadowed the day.

For three days it shrouded followers,

‘til the first Easter Sunday.


Sharing Our Joys and Thanksgivings

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/24/23


Sharing our joys and thanksgivings,

For your mercy our soul yearns,

Before you Lord we come in prayer,

Lifting up all our concerns.


Lord, we ask for your wisdom.

Guide us on which way to go.

Give to us strength for the journey,

And to us your pathway show.


There Are so Many Hurts and Needs

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/25/23


There are so many hurts and needs,

So, what difference can we make?

How might we share good news and deeds,

And do it for Jesus sake?


When Jesus walked down here on earth,

He met people where they were,

And showed them that they were of worth,

Of a touch or a kind word.


Help us, dear Lord, to look like you,

Through your love seeing each face,

That we might do what you would do,

With your compassion and grace.


We cannot do it all today,

But there's something we can do,

And there's something we can say,

That to someone, we share you.


We Are a Part of God’s Story

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/26/23


We are a part of God's story.

All we do is for God's glory.

We love God, because God is love.

For love is what God is made of.


In the beginning God made us,

And at the right time sent Jesus.

To us God's love Christ did reveal,

That we would know God's love is real.


We celebrate all God has done,

Creating the world and everyone.

In God's image we all are made,

And God's love for us is displayed.


As you have been loved go and love.

Show others what you are made of.

That they may see the Lord through you,

In what you say and what you do.


When the Call of God We Receive

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/27/23


When the call of God we receive,

In the caller we must believe.

What by our own will, we can't do,

God’s sure will will make it come true.


Down through the ages when God spoke,

In the darkest times people awoke.

When they suspended disbelief,

God was there to their great relief.


Do people think can't be done?

If God wills it, it has begun.

If we believe with all our heart,

God will use us to do our part.


Together with our God above,

Out to the world we'll share God's love.

No matter what may block our way,

We will follow God's will today.


Holy Spirit Come upon Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 2/28/23


Holy Spirit come upon us,

As we gather and we pray.

Descend upon us like on Jesus,

Fill us with new life today.


Breathe new life into our bodies,

Bring these dry bones back to life.

Bring us, Spirit, down to our knees,

And a spirit-filled belief.


For our failings we are sorry.

Forgive us our sinful ways.

May we give to you the glory,

And give you our heartfelt praise.


Empower us that we might do,

All that for us God has willed.

With the gifts given by you,

May God's will thus be fulfilled.


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