2023 March


Through Your Word, O Lord, Speak to Me

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/1/23


Through your word, O Lord, speak to me,

On how to live each day,

That I'd be what you'd have me be,

Through what the scriptures say.


For there are told stories of hold,

In genesis and such,

Of faithful men and women bold

That I could learn so much.


When I thoroughly read the psalms,

There's both praise and laments,

There's punishments and soothing balms,

And your divine judgments.


The prophets speak your holy word,

Of your hope or your wrath.

Often your word just went unheard,

People chose the wrong path.


Good news we read in the gospels,

Of Christ who came to save.

Through miracles and parables,

New life lessons he gave.


We read in Acts some history,

On how the church did start.

The letters flesh out the story,

Of how each did their part.


As I read there's a place for me,

Within each scripture book.

Open my eyes that I might see,

Through your divine outlook.


While We’re on this Lenten Journey

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/2/23


While we're on this Lenten journey,

Guide us on the way,

That we may follow your footsteps,

Each and every day.


Jesus, Jesus,

Guide us on the way,

That we may follow your footsteps,

Each and every day.


You have called us as disciples,

To love God above,

And to fully love our neighbors,

With God's holy love.



Lord, by you we have been so blessed,

By all you have taught us.

We've been given our salvation.

Thank you, Lord Jesus.



Help us share with all the Good News,

That they will believe,

And forgiveness of all their sins,

They will then receive.



In God’s Name You’re Forgiven

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/3/23


In God's name you're forgiven,

For the life you've been livin’.

God has come to set you free.

Jesus died for you and me.


Though your sins be horrendous,

God's mercy’s more tremendous.

By God's grace you are set free,

To be all that you can be.


As on you God's love is poured,

By God's grace follow the Lord,

Who has shown you what to do.

Live that way your whole life through.


In the end when life is done,

Do not leave a task undone.

May God speak, your praises song,

“Well done, good and faithful one.”


Come into a Quiet Place

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/4/23


Come into a quiet place,

In the stillness of God's grace.

In peace meditate and pray.

God is present here today.


Though a Tempest brews outside,

Here you'll find a quiet guide.

Say a prayer while you sit still.

Let the Spirit your soul fill.


Breathe out all anxiety.

Breathe in holy piety.

Tumultuous thoughts let them go.

May Christ’s peace, you come to know.


Once you've had your spirit filled,

Go and be what God has willed,

That for others you might be,

One who is found serenity.


At Our Calling by Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/6/23


At our calling by Jesus,

New clarity comes to us,

What we've done and where we've been,

Let our future now begin.


We can deny the Lord's call.

We have free will after all.

Ponder on what we will miss,

By not following Jesus.


In the midst of life's journey,

There are times when we see,

Pastor struggles there will be,

Hey glimpse of eternity.


When You’re Struggling Day to Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/7/23


When you're struggling day-to-day,

Struggling just to stay alive,

Come before the Lord and pray,

That your faith in God revive.


When you don't know where to turn,

There is one thing that's for sure.

Talk with God and you will learn,

Jesus is the only cure.


If you don't know how to pray,

Open up to God your heart.

If you can't find words to say,

Silence is the way to start.


Allow God to speak to you,

Deep within your inner ear.

God will guide you what to do.

Listen and do what you hear.


When We Look at Life’s Journey

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/8/23


When we look at life's journey,

Mountain tops and valleys deep,

The paths twisty and turny,

But upon it we must keep.


God sets us on this pathway,

On and on around each bend.

We follow, by faith, God’s way.

God is with us to the end.


Though obstacles will block us,

And back we may want to turn,

We will walk by faith in Jesus,

With each step lessons we’ll learn.


On and on God will lead us,

On our spiritual quest.

Disciples follow Jesus,

And forever will be blessed.


There Are Those Times

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/9/23


There are those times when life is rough.

There are those times it's really tough.

There are those times we've had enough.

O God, we come and seek your strength.


There are those times when we're in pain.

There are those times of gloom and rain.

There are those times when all's insane.

O God, we come and seek your peace.


There are those times that we regret.

There are those times when we just fret.

There are those times we’re so upset.

O God, we come and seek your grace.


There are those times when we're in grief.

There are those times we seek relief.

There are those times of disbelief.

O God, we come and seek your help.


There are those times you give us rest.

There are those times you do your best.

There are those times we feel so blessed.

O God, we come and give you thanks.


Holy God, We Come to You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/10/23


Holy God, we come to you,

Four to you all praise is due.

With one voice our hymns we sing,

And our offerings we bring.

Holy God, we worship you,

Who creates and makes things new.


Holy God, we hear your word.

Speak to us through scriptures heard.

Guide us how our lives to live.

Speak to us your guidance give.

Holy God, you are our Lord.

You are worshipped and adored.


Holy God, we must confess.

Please forgive, our souls to bless.

Here in this most holy place,

Show us your Amazing Grace.

Holy God, we sing your praise,

Here and now and for always.


We Believe Christ Is God’s Word

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/11/23


We believe Christ is God's Word,

And his teachings we have heard.

He used parables to teach,

That his message would crowds reach,

And he shared God's word of love,

Drawing us to God above.


Jesus gave a great command,

With our all to love God and,

Love our neighbors as ourselves.

God's love he both shows and tells.

For God's love we sing our praise,

And God's love we'll share always.


We have been blessed by God's Word.

In our hearts God's love is stirred.

We received that we might give,

God's love that others may live.

May the Word we now proclaim,

Change the world in Jesus’ name.


Enter God’s House with Thanksgiving

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/12/23


Enter God's house with thanksgiving,

And to the Lord with joy let's sing.

We come before the Lord today,

And to the Lord we humbly pray.


Enter God's house with thanksgiving,

And to the Lord with joy let's sing.

And to the Lord with joy let's sing.


The Lord has called us on the Way,

To follow humbly day by day.

May we forgive; let burdens cease,

When truly we share the Lord's peace.



There Are Stories to Tell

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/13/23


There are stories to tell,

Of when we've met the Lord.

Stories that we do not share well,

That some have never heard.


Things in life do happen,

That change one's storyline.

A whole new world is revealed when,

God's light begins to shine.


Think deep upon it now,

And get straight your story.

How did you meet the Lord, and how,

To give God the glory!


Paul had his own story,

Upon the Damascus road.

He gave to God all the glory,

And through it his faith showed.


We’re Blessed with Spiritual Gifts

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/14/23


We are blessed with spiritual gifts,

God gives to each of us.

Through all these gifts we serve the Lord.

We give thanks to Jesus.


No one's been given all,

We each are only part.

But all together all parts work,

When we give from the heart.


Thank God for what you have,

And what others receive.

We have been blessed by God above,

In whom we all believe.


Around Us There Are Joys

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/15/23


Around us there are joys.

They're there for us to see.

For all of these let us rejoice,

And praise God Almighty.


Throughout our neighborhood,

We walk around today,

And for each neighbor pray for good,

That blessings come their way.


There are many bad things.

We see them on the news.

But God's Good News in our heart sings,

Inspiring our views.


Look deep within it all,

To see as the Lord sees.

Humanity, despite the fall,

Is loved, the Lord decrees.


God, Give Us Your Guidance,

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/15/23


God, give us your guidance,

On our way every day.

By faith you will lead us through it,

No matter, come what may.


We will follow your path,

Whether it's high or low.

For on our journey you lead on,

And we humbly follow.


We take it step by step,

As we follow your lead.

The journey takes as you guide,

And we are blessed indeed.


We Come before the Lord in Prayer

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/16/23


We come before the Lord in prayer,

A holy time with God to share,

And in the silence may it be,

That God will speak to you and me.


We bring to God all of our needs,

For our desires each prayer pleads.

“Thy will be done,” we do not say,

But, “do my will, do it today.”


But what if we would change our prayer,

Our willingness to God we share.

Asking God what we can do,

That might help God's will come true.


Come Celebrate the Lord Is Good

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/17/23


Come celebrate the Lord is good.

Let's worship and let's sing.

Give thanks to the Lord who gives us food,

Offer prayers of thanksgiving.


The Lord journeys with us day by day,

And leads us patiently.

For the Lord's guidance let us pray,

And follow faithfully.


We'll follow where the Lord will go,

Each step along the way.

With hope and peace, we will follow,

Come and join us today.


There Are Each Day People We Meet

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/18/23


There are each day people we meet,

Whom we can lift in prayer.

Even those we pass on the street,

Prayer for them we can share.


Prayer does not need to be aloud,

We can pray silently.

As the sun breaks out from a cloud,

God's love can shine brightly.


And by God's light we now can see,

What God reveals to us,

And be witnesses prayerfully,

In the name of Jesus.


No Matter the Road We Travel

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/19/23


No matter the road we travel,

We know God is with us.

As God walks with us all is well.

Praise be to the Lord Jesus.


There are times when the road is dark.

God will brighten the way.

Sometimes it's a walk in the park,

And “praise the Lord,” we say.


Like Jesus sometimes there's a crowd,

Sometimes he walked alone.

He humbly walked, his head was bowed,

Upon him God's light shone.


Lord, You Have Come to Speak to Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/20/23


Lord, you have come to speak to us,

To help us understand,

The way for us is Jesus.

The way that you have planned.


Help us let go of our own will,

That your will may be done.

Help us your purpose to fulfill,

That we love everyone.


For you so love the world, that you,

Send down to us Jesus.

That we might be forgiven through,

His perfect love for us.


For this we give you thanks and praise,

Our Lord God, Jehovah,

And worship you now and always,

We sing, “Hallelujah.”


We Sing the Song God Sings to Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/21/23


We sing the song God sings to us,

A song of God's great love.

God so loved us, God sent Jesus,

All praise to God above.


God gives to us God's living beat.

It pulses in our heart.

It moves us to get on our feet,

That we might do our part.


As God sings to our heart and soul,

We are forever blessed.

We’ll sing to God each day until,

God gives eternal rest.


The song we sing down here on earth,

The song God sings to us,

We’ll sing in heaven for all it’s worth,

In the heavenly chorus.


Thanks to Jesus the World’s Been Blessed

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/22/23


Thanks to Jesus the world's been blessed,

By God's life-giving love.

By God's love we have been caressed,

Praise be to God above.


God has created everything,

Giving it all to us.

For all we've received let us sing,

And give thanks to Jesus.


Take in God's wonders all around,

All that you see each day.

In creation God's hand is found,

Pointing to God today.


God, Help Us to Listen

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/23/23


God help us listen to what you say,

That we might humbly follow each day.

We'll share your good news to everyone,

That in your mercy, “thy will be done.”


We come before you, God, when we pray.

May we stay with you throughout the day.

Guide our steps forward where you would lead,

That we be of service we humbly plead.


God, you have blessed us by drawing near,

And speaking to us deep in our ear.

May our souls be filled by your true word,

As we’re directed by what we've heard.


Come, Holy Spirit, Be with Us Now

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/24/23


Come, Holy Spirit, be with us now.

Guide and direct us show us just how,

To be God's children and live that way,

By all that we do and all we say.


You have blessed us with spiritual gifts.

The common good your spirit uplifts.

Each gift is given all for the best,

Four by your spirit we all are blessed.


Just as the storms rage let your wind blow,

And to our spirits your power flow,

That we might become moved by your strength,

To follow your will to any length.


Christ Came to Jerusalem

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/25/23


Christ came to Jerusalem,

Upon a donkey he rode.

Riding as a king to them.

Palms were placed upon the road.


The people could hardly wait,

To proclaim the Lord as king.

His rule they'd anticipate,

For victory he would bring.


They shouted as he passed by.

palm branches they all did wave.

“Hosanna,” they all did cry,

For the one who'd come to save.


Christ comes to each one of us.

Think, what will we do and say?

To praise the name of Jesus,

As we worship Christ today.


What If We Did Fast and Pray

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/26/23


What if we did fast and pray?

What if we gave up food today?

Think of what it might do to us,

If we focused on Jesus.


May we know hunger is real,

As we feel what many feel.

May an insight reach our soul,

As we sit with an empty bowl.


As we lift people in prayer,

May we find ways our food to share.

Answer someone else’s prayer,

Share God's tender loving care.


At the Table Jesus Sat

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/28/23


At the table Jesus sat,

With all of his disciples,

To have an intimate chat.

We read it in our bibles.


Christ took time to wash their feet,

As one who comes to serve us.

And broke bread while they did eat,

The first communion service.


Christ told them of divine love,

During this their final meal,

Prayed for them to God above,

That they would by love be real.


Rejoice! It Is Easter Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/29/23


Rejoice! It is Easter day.

The time of waiting is done.

From the grave Christ rose today.

For us new life has begun.


Rejoice! It is Easter day.

From the tomb Christ has been raised.

Now let all the people say,

“May God almighty be praised.”


Rejoice! It is Easter day.

The highlight of Christ’s story,

Let us with thankful hearts pray,

And give to God the glory.


We Gather as Christians

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/30/23


We gather as Christians to worship the Lord,

Coming altogether to hear the Lord's word.

To offer confessions and our offerings,

And the peace of the Lord peace to our soul brings.


We gather as Christians to lift up our prayers.

United with others we lift up our cares.

And those we are lifting may by God be blessed,

For God does what God does and always knows best.


We gather as Christians when we do God's will.

By loving our neighbors God's law we fulfill.

By working together our prayers lead to deeds,

As we follow Jesus wherever he leads.


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