2023 June


We Celebrate That God Is One

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/1/23


We celebrate that God is one,

And above God that there is none.

God the creator made everything.

So, to the Lord our praises we bring.


At the right time God sent us Jesus,

God in the flesh to connect with us.

He taught us all how we should live,

And on the cross his life he did give.


The Holy Spirit from heaven came down,

Like a mighty wind with a powerful sound.

Timid disciples became bold.

How to strangers the Good News they told.


We Celebrate Our Unity

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/2/23


We celebrate our unity,

And also our diversity.

In Christ we are all made one,

The people of God under the sun.


Disciples offered the good news,

To the gentiles and the Jews.

In Jesus name go out and share,

With all the people everywhere.


In the Morning I Arise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/3/23


In the morning I arise,

Morning glory fills my eyes.

I am blessed for this I prayed,

This is the day the Lord has made.


Then when there is midday sun,

Again, I pray to the Holy One,

Four divine strength my strength to gird,

I thank the Lord I'm always heard.


In the evening when down I lay,

Again, to the Lord I bow and pray.

For this whole day I have been blessed.

May God grant me a night of rest.


God, in Your Mercy

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/4/23


God, in your mercy, bless my heart and soul.

Help me bless others by all that I do.

Doing your will is my primary goal,

That all things I do will glorify you.


Throughout this world are many hurts and needs.

So many need help just to stay alive.

Grant me the strength to do your holy deeds,

To help others that in your name they thrive.


Without you, Lord, there's nothing I can do.

Problems are bigger than myself alone.

But by grace all is possible with you.

By each thing I do may your name be known.



Go, Make Disciples

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/6/23


“Go, make disciples,” is what Jesus said,

For that's exactly what the Lord had done.

We can lead others as Jesus has led.

We can do this as each one reaches one.


We have been blessed by those who have loved us.

They have walked with us and shown us the way.

We have been blessed by our Lord Christ Jesus.

Let us love others for the Lord today.


May the world be blessed by all that we do.

One at a time may people's lives be changed.

And may Christ’s love through us come shining through,

May our priorities be so arranged.


Lord, Bring Us into Your Glory

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/7/23


Lord, bring us into your glory,

As we come to worship you.

Help us now set all else aside,

By your grace our souls renew.


As scriptures are proclaimed to us,

May we take to heart your word.

By your Spirit inspire us,

To reflect on what we've heard.


When we worship down here on earth,

Heavenly glimpses may we see.

Worship here prepares us all for,

How we'll spend eternity.


When the time comes to depart here,

We’ll be welcomed by your grace,

And all those who've gone before us,

Will welcome us face to face.


There Are Times

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/8/23


There are times when we are doubtful,

Times filled with uncertainty.

There are times when we are hopeful,

Looking to eternity.


There are times when things are painful,

And we're in a world of pain.

There are times when all is peaceful,

In the realm of the Lord's reign.


There are times when we're so faithful,

Always following the Lord.

There are times when we are joyful,

As we journey heavenward.


There Are Times We’re in Denial

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/9/23


There are times we're in denial,

Minimizing wrong and sin,

And by willful deceit and guile,

We try to hide our sin within.


As with John down at the Jordan,

Hear the call and conviction.

For surely the Lord's mercy can,

Wash away all confessed sin.


As each day we wash or shower,

That our bodies may be clean,

When we confess, at that hour,

Our souls are then made pristine.


Lord, Bring Us into Your Glory

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/10/23


Lord, bring us into your glory,

When our earthly journey ends.

Woven through our whole life story,

Your love faithfully attends.


By you we came into being,

Our lungs took in their first breath,

And now by faith we are seeing,

Eternal life follows death.


You've been with us every day,

Each day you have blessed our life.

Be with us now on this day,

Entering the afterlife.


In This World of Joy and Gladness

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/11/23


In this world of joy and gladness,

The Lord is always adored.

In this world of pain and sadness,

We cry out unto the Lord.


In those times when we're elated,

Give God an affirming shout!

In those times most complicated,

Everything will all work out.


In this life with its ups and downs,

We know God is with us still.

In this life with its smiles and frowns,

All in all, we’ll do God's will.


Help Us, Lord, to Ponder and Ask

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/13/23


Help us, Lord, to ponder and ask,

To serve you, what might we do?

Reveal to us a humble task,

That we might do to serve you.


We're each given ability,

To serve you by what we do.

By faith and with humility,

We do it all to serve you.


Each of us can make a difference,

To serve you, what might we do?

With an attitude of reverence,

May we do it to serve you.


Show us what we can do today.

To serve you, what might we do?

So, that your will we will obey,

And do it all to serve you.


Lift Up the Name of Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/14/23


Lift up the name of Jesus.

Share with all the Good News,

And listen to all others,

To hear their points of views.

For some will want to know more,

Others will be unsure,

Share your convictions as you,

Connect with him or her.


Lift up the name of Jesus,

With everything you do.

May Jesus be revealed by,

What people see in you.

You may just have a moment.

You may not have too long,

To share your faith and to show,

That to Christ you belong.


What All Might We Do for Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/15/23


What all might we do for Jesus,

By all that we do and say?

That as your humble disciples,

Lord, help us to live that way.

May we always love our neighbors,

Even those who aren't like us,

That they may feel your love as we,

Pray in the name of Jesus.


Lord, We Your People

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/16/23


Lord, we your people are seeking your will,

That faithfully your will we might fulfill.


Hear this our fervent plea, may it forever be,

May it forever be, Lord, in your mercy.


Lord, we your people are lost and afraid.

Forgive us for all the mistakes we've made.



Lord, we your people are turning from sin,

Seeking your mercy that heals from within.



Lord, we your people are praying for peace,

That in this world of yours turmoil will cease.



With Great Jubilation

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/17/23


With great jubilation we sing to the Lord,

On to perfection we daily move toward.

May we love our neighbors as you first loved us,

And do everything in the name of Jesus.


Reflecting upon all the lives of your Saints,

When added together a portrait of love paints.

For each is remembered for how they served you,

Following their examples may we serve you too.


Help us demonstrate to those following us,

How to live out our lives following Jesus.

And when our life here on this earth is all through,

Bring us on to heaven to live there with you.


We Sing to God on High

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/19/23


We sing to God on high,

Who reigns in heaven above.

We celebrate that by grace God,

Created us in love.


We sing to God on high,

For when the time was right,

God sent to us the Lord Jesus,

To make everything alright.


We sing to God on high,

Offering heartfelt praise.

As a community of faith,

We worship God always.


Sing Praises to the Lord

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/20/23


Sing praises to the Lord,

The One whom we adore.

Jesus who died, was crucified,

And rose forever more.


Jesus calls us to serve.

Lift each other in prayer.

With a loud shout, the Lord calls out,

Us to go out and share.


Go and spread the Good News.

May Christ’s peace be with you.

Go serve Jesus, who has called us,

By all you say and do.


Jesus calls disciples,

To follow faithfully,

And to proclaim, in Jesus’ name,

For all eternity.


Open Your Eyes to See

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/21/23


Open your eyes to see,

The wonders to behold.

Each face reflects the face of God,

Faces both young and old.


God has created you,

And been with you since birth.

Go out and live your life for God.

Go give it all you're worth.


God has gifted you,

With each ability.

Use each one to glorify God,

Be who God made you to be.


Sing praises unto God.

God's love resides in you.

Love God, and neighbor as yourself,

By all you say and do.


Begin Each Day with Praise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/23/23


Begin each day with praise.

A new day has begun.

Reflect and share. Thank God in prayer.

For all that God has done.


Before anything else,

Come into God's presence.

Give God this day, and let us pray,

With holy reverence.


As you arise give thanks,

For last night's peaceful rest.

Rise with the sun, God is not done.

This day give God your best.


Out in the Wilderness

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/24/23


Out in the wilderness,

To John the people came.

With sins confessed people were blessed,

Never to be the same.


The Baptist spoke about,

The One who was to come.

Without a doubt, praise God and shout.

At hand is God's Kingdom.


We lift the name of John,

Who preached and taught of Christ.

From there went on, when called upon,

His life he sacrificed.


Give Thanks unto the Lord

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/25/23


Give thanks unto the Lord,

For the gift of this day.

Faithfully live and to God give,

You're all throughout the day.


Today always be aware,

Help those who are in need.

God put you there that you might share,

Your faith through a word or deed.


Somehow some way today,

Someone we'll need your help and,

Just watch and see, there you will be,

To lend a helping hand.


How Goes It with Your Soul

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/26/23


How goes it with your soul?

How are you deep inside?

What can I do to assist you,

To now be sanctified?


What all is eating you?

What needs to be confessed?

Right now today, to the Lord pray,

And be forgiven and blessed!


If you have had enough,

Begin to change today,

And as you feel brokenness heal,

Be blessed and live that way.


When the Night Watch Has Passed

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/27/23


When the night watch has passed,

Thus begins each new day.

With a night's rest we are refreshed,

To live for God today.


Whatever this day brings,

Whatever we may face,

For all these things our stirred soul sings,

Praise God for mercy and grace.


Today what might we do,

To help another soul?

What God shows you, go and pursue,

May service be your goal.


With Joy We Greet the Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 6/28/23


With joy we greet the day.

It is from God I'm gift.

And come what may, rejoice today,

As in prayer this day we left.


What will this new day bring,

Now that yesterday is past?

To the Lord sing. Let praises ring.

This day is here at last.


What wonders will we see,

What blessings to behold?

For you and me where will God be,

When this day's story’s told?


Know that we're not alone,

For the Lord is with us,

By God we're known, our path is shown.

Give thanks to the Lord Jesus.


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