2023 July
Christ Calls Disciples
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/1/23
Christ calls
disciples everywhere,
To be of one heart
and mind,
To go out into the
world to share,
With all of humankind.
Today listen for
the Lord's call,
Upon your very
You’ll not be
called to do it all,
But simply do your
When all the parts
together come,
The body will be
We'll see what
Christ’s church can become,
When we each play
our role.
We may not see it
here on earth,
But in the by and
We will see each
part for what it's worth,
When Christ’s church
is raised on high.
We’re Called
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/2/23
We’re called to
love all our neighbors,
And treat them all
the same.
We’re called to
welcome everyone,
In the Lord Jesus’
We're called to
faithfully follow,
Wherever Jesus
We're called to
use all of our gifts,
To help meet our
neighbors’ needs.
We’re called to
let our own light shine,
And not hide it
We’re called to
show others our faith,
And always live
that way.
We’re called to
learn what Jesus said,
And thus grow by
God's grace.
We’ll be called to
journey home one day,
To see Jesus, face
to face.
We Rise and Sing
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/3/23
We rise and sing
our praise to God,
Give thanks unto
the Lord.
By God's grace and
mercy we are blessed,
Upon us love is poured.
Throughout this
day let us share Good News,
Of what God's done
for us.
For from our sins,
we've all been saved,
We’ve received
That forgiveness
came through Jesus Christ,
Who died and rose
We too can die to
sin and live.
Give thanks to the
Lord. Amen.
the World There Are Opportunities
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/5/23
In the world there
are opportunities,
The love of Christ
to share.
With spiritual
ears listen for pleas,
When called upon
just be there.
Each day there are
things we might do,
To make a
difference somewhere.
With the gifts the
Spirit’s given you,
Be the answer to
someone's prayer.
Give thanks for
each opportunity,
That God today
gives you.
In each situation
you can see,
God at work in all
you do.
At the day's end
reflect upon,
What difference
did you make?
You were there
when needed by someone,
And you did it for
Jesus’ sake.
God Gives to Us
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/6/23
God gives to us
life-giving breath.
Celebrate being
Christ gives power
to overcome death.
All this we do
God gives to us
the gift of love,
With thanks God's
love receive.
Love everyone whom
you can think of,
All this we do
The most precious
gift God gives to us,
That sin, by grace
through our Lord Jesus,
All this we do
There Come those Times
When We’re in Need
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/8/23
There come those
times, when we're in need,
When we’re at our
wits’ end.
God hears us and
then with God-speed,
Answers to prayers
God will send.
When you're at the
end of the rope,
And don't know
what to do,
Pray that God will
give both strength and hope,
That Christ will
see you through.
With faith and
hope in Christ be bold,
In Christ you can
do all things.
In the end when
your story is told,
All glory to God
it brings.
O God, We Pray
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/10/23
O God, we pray,
“thy kingdom come.”
Right here upon
the earth.
Help us to see
that it’s in us,
And see our sacred
Jesus talked of
the mustard seed,
A little, tiny
A little yeast
within the dough,
Lifts all with its
In us, Lord, may
your kingdom come.
We are your
harvest field.
May your seed of
faith in us grow,
When to you, O
Lord, we yield.
May we see you
whenever we,
Look on each
other's face,
And spread your
kingdom wherever,
We go out from
this place.
Lord, Help Us Share Our
Faith in You
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/11/23
Lord, help us
share our faith in you,
By what we do and
And may your love
come shining through,
By how we live each
For there are
those who don't know you,
But we know they
know us.
Through loving
actions that we do,
May we show them
Give us the
courage to proclaim,
Good News to all
the earth.
We do this all in Jesus’
Who's given us
Through grace,
forgiveness we've received,
By grace may we
Our lives were
changed once we believed,
For you we daily
We Celebrate that God Is
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/13/23
We celebrate that
God is near,
Whenever we're in
And there is
nothing that we fear,
When God is here
Give thanks and
praise to God above.
Give glory to
God's name.
God watches us
with eyes of love,
Not with judgment
or blame.
For in a world of
guilt and sin,
God sent to us
That inner peace
might dwell within,
The hearts of all
of us.
Take time today to
praise the Lord,
For all that God
has done.
For you are loved
and are adored.
You are God's precious
Lord, You Spoke of a
Mustard Seed
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/14/23
Lord, you spoke of
a mustard seed,
That turned into a
Help us reach out
to meet a need,
Give us a holy
You have given a
That your will we
might know.
In your image you
made us, for,
In you we're meant
to grow.
Every day help us
strive to be,
What you have made
us for.
Help us to glimpse
With you forever
Down here on earth
we're practicing,
For what is yet to
Eternal praises we
will sing,
In your heavenly kingdom.
We Are Blessed
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/16/23
We are blessed by
the love of God,
Who takes away our
We are blessed by
the Holy Spirit,
Whose power dwells
We are blessed by
the Lord Jesus,
Who died and rose
We are blessed by Christ’s
holy church,
For this we say,
We are blessed by
the things in life,
That glimpses of
God show.
We are blessed by
the challenges,
That help us all
to grow.
We are blessed by
God every day.
To God give thanks
and praise.
We are blessed by
God every way,
When we walk God's
We Come before the Lord
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/18/23
We come before the
Lord above,
Whene’er we stop
and pray,
And we are blessed
by the Lord's love,
And called to live
that way.
Upon our hearts
there are concerns,
That to the Lord
we bring.
For grace and
mercy our heart yearns,
The Lord hears
And there are joys
upon our hearts,
Which to the Lord
we bring.
For all of life
and all its parts,
We share with thanksgiving.
When Trouble Comes into
Our Life
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/19/23
When trouble comes
into our life,
We know that
people care.
When we are
weighed down by stress or strife,
Pray-ers lift us
in prayer.
There have been
times when we have prayed,
Unsure of what to
Or what difference
our prayers have made,
Still to the Lord
we pray.
Differences are
made in us,
Who turn to God in
Praying in the
name of Jesus,
Invokes God's
loving care.
Jesus taught us
how we should pray,
Modeled in the
Lord's prayer.
Converse with God
throughout the day,
Each joy and
sorrow share.
What Is Your Most
Precious Treasure
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/20/23
What is your most
precious treasure?
What to you has
great value?
How does eternal
life measure,
When compared to
that for you?
Buried treasure in
a field,
For one it was
that one thing.
To buy it and have
the deal sealed,
He went and sold
How about the
merchant of pearls,
Who found the most
precious one?
On seeing that one
his head whirls.
He had to have it,
bar none.
Today take the
time to reflect,
On what's most
precious to you.
Search your soul,
and I do suspect,
You'll do what you
need to do.
Going about the
coming days,
Go and figure this
all out.
Then change your
life and change your ways,
Heaven’s what it's
all about.
We Are Blessed by the
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/21/23
We are blessed by
the fellowship,
The church to all extends.
It extends to
For Christ’s love
never ends.
We have been drawn
into the fold,
Enfolded by Christ’s
We have been
nurtured in the faith,
And blessed by God
Today we are
called to go and reach,
All those who feel
left out.
And draw them in,
that they might know,
God loves them.
There is no doubt.
There Are Some People
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/22/23
There are some people in
our lives,
Who are blessings to us,
Like aunts, uncles,
husbands, or wives,
But none more so than
Jesus not only talks the
And tells us how to live,
But shows us as he walks
the walk.
Of himself he freely
Jesus Said, Give Them
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/25/23
Jesus said, “give them
When the large crowd was
The disciples said they
had nothing,
To this they'd all agree.
But Jesus had a plan,
To model problem solving.
If each were to do as
each one can,
They all receive God's
God's help is not always
To those who help
God helps those who make
the decision,
To give their very best
Miracles there will be,
Don't wait first they may
seem strange.
Believers become a
When perspectives start
to change.
Jesus Fed a Large Crowd
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/26/23
Jesus fed a large crowd,
With a few fish and bread.
Miracles happen in Jesus’
Hungry people are fed.
Jesus came to teach us,
All problems can be
With Jesus 's help all
things can be done,
By faith, if we’re so
Reflect on all you've
And the things you’ve
learned to do.
Give thanks and praise to
God above,
For God will see you
We Praise the Lord Our
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/27/23
We praise the Lord our
For all the Lord has
We lift our hearts to God
in praise.
Praise to the holy one.
We are here because of
In whose image we are
God calls us to be what
we can be,
And not to be afraid.
We praise the Lord our
For all the Lord has done.
Throughout our days God
is with us,
God bless us everyone.
Jesus Had Compassion
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/28/23
Jesus had compassion,
He fed all who were
He healed the sick and
raised the dead,
That believers we might
Today what are your
Bring each one to the
God wants to hear what's
hurting you,
That all things may be
Today what are your joys?
For each one sing God's
As God answers each of our
May we thank God always.
Sing Your Praise to Jesus
Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 7/29/23
Sing your praise to
For all he has done.
The Word at creation,
When all was begun.
The Word became human,
Born in Bethlehem.
Shepherds came to bless
Angels had told them.
Sing your praise to
For all he has done.
He came down to bless us,
Bless us everyone.
Sing your praise to
Who called fishermen,
To come to learn to fish,
For men and women,
How to spread the Good News,
Here and everywhere.
Lives would thus be
As God's love they'd
Sing your praise to Jesus,
Parables he told,
Showing the disciples,
God's realm to behold.
He spoke of seeds and
God’s salvation plan,
Finding lost sheep and the,
Good Samaritan.
Sing your praise to
Whom Peter denied.
Judas had betrayed him,
On the cross he died.
But then three days
He rose from the grave,
Offering us new life,
By him we are saved.
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