2023 November


Twinkle Was a Little Star

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/1/23


Twinkle was a little star,

Who led wise ones from afar,

Up above a manger bed,

To where shepherds had been led.

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,

Shine your light right where you are.


Twinkle, twinkle little star,

When you're needed, there you are.

Up above you shine so bright,

Showing how to share God's light.

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,

Shine your light right where you are.


Twinkle, twinkle little star,

May we be just like you are.

Doing all that we can do,

To let God's light to shine through.

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star,

Shine your light right where you are.


We’ve Been Asked

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/3/23


We've been asked, “What do you say?”

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

May we live our life that way,

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

Always knowing what to say.

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.


May we be appreciative,

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

May that be the way we live,

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

Words of thanks we freely give.

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.


Lord, help us to be grateful.

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

Of love we have a plateful.

Thank you, God, and thanks, again.

Our blessings are bountiful.

Thank you, God, and thanks by ten!


God Hears Us When We Sing

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/4/23


God hears us when we sing,

Giving our thanks and praise.

We bring to God our offering.

We worship God always.


God sees us when we do,

The things that God has asked,

And how we treat our neighbors too,

To love them we've been tasked.


God knows what's on our heart,

And how we truly feel.

Confess your sins. Make a new start.

Be honest and be real.


God feels something is wrong,

When covenants we break.

For everything to God belongs,

All things new God can make.


Hear the Word That Christ Taught

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/6/23


Hear the word that Christ taught,

Of the bridesmaids learning,

We are either ready or not,

For the groom’s returning.


Some had oil in their lamps,

Others on empty ran.

While for the long haul some were champs,

The others had no plan.


It's a different story,

If their oil they had shared.

All would enter into glory,

For all would be prepared.


Each Day to God We Bring

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/7/23


Each day to God we bring,

A multitude of prayers.

To God we lift up everything,

Because we know God cares.


God cares so much for us,

That we might fully live,

God sent to us our Lord Jesus,

For us his life he'd give.


Christ died and rose again,

That we might rise as well,

To go and share the Good News when,

Other people we tell.


So go and share today.

There's something you can do.

Ask God to guide you as you pray,

And God will see you through.


To God We Say Thank You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/8/23

(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)


To God we say thank you.

To God we say thank you.

For all that God does do,

To God we say thank you.


All our blessings we count.

All our blessings we count.

There is a large amount.

All our blessings we count.


To God we say thank you.

To God we say thank you.

For all that God does do,

To God we say thank you.


Drink in Holy Moments

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/9/23


Drink in holy moments,

tasting all the flavor,

then with time God's love supplements,

these moments we savor.


Our lives are full of change,

Time moves both fast and slow.

As feelings go there's a wide range,

When seasons come and go.


Take some time to look back,

To see how far we've come,

And celebrate the past that's past,

For it's where we've come from.


Now look around today,

For this is where we are.

‘Twill be part of our past someday,

It is so good so far.


Now look ahead also,

With anticipation,

God shows the way we are to go,

Promising salvation.


Give Thanks to God Above

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/11/23


Give thanks to God above.

Yes, and give it every day.

For we have been blessed by God's love,

So, thank God when you pray.


Give thanks by what you do.

Touch someone's life today,

That through you God's love might shine through,

Illumining the way.


Give thanks by what you say,

That God's word might be heard.

Go spread the good news come what may,

That God's Word be conferred.


Lord, Hear Our Prayer of Thanksgiving

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/12/23


Lord, hear our prayer of thanksgiving,

Which we bring to you today.

When we sin, you are forgiving.

You take all our sins away.

We give thanks, Lord. We give thanks, Lord,

For all you do every day.


With Unique Gifts the Lord Made You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/13/23


With unique gifts the Lord made you.

With God’s blessing you were made.

So that whatever you may do,

God's glory will be displayed.


Fulfill today the Lord's requests.

Jesus saves, but God invests.


Believe that God believes in you,

And gives to you your purpose.

Praise God through everything you do.

Put in a word for Jesus.



You yourself are the Lord's plan A.

Know that there is no Plan B.

Sharing Good News in the world today,

Is all up to you and me.



When We’re in the Midst of Grief

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/14/23


When we're in the midst of grief,

And we cannot find relief,

In the depths of darkest night,

God can shine the purest light.


From the emptiness of our cup,

God alone can fill it up.

Empty cups can be refilled,

When we do what God has willed.


There is time for us to weep,

And vigils for us to keep,

But then there's time to rejoice,

How you live life is your choice.


Find the purpose in your pain,

That you'll fully live again.

Your loved ones are watching you,

What for them might you now do?


I believe loved ones can see,

From their place in eternity.

They'll rejoice when seeing you,

Living your life for them too.


Were there dreams your loved one had,

Things that would have made them glad?

Everyday they’re now with you.

Do the things they'd love to do.


In the Darkness Devoid of Light

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/15/23


In the darkness devoid of light,

There shone a star to pierce the night.

O’er shepherds, angels sang above,

Proclaiming the news of God's love.


The shepherds went to Bethlehem,

To see what had been told to them.

A baby in a manger laid,

God's love in a barn was displayed.


They shared the Good News they’d received,

And what it was they now believed.

About this miraculous birth.

God dwells among us now on earth.


As this wondrous story’s retold,

May a miracle we behold,

Like shepherds might we now perceive,

How we can share what we believe.


We Come to God Our Thanks to Bring

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/18/23


We come to God, our thanks to bring.

We celebrate with thanksgiving.

For all God's done and is doing,

We come to God, with thanks we sing.


Each day to God we humbly pray.

We are so grateful everyday.

We pray for guidance on the way,

And help that on God's path we’ll stay.


Christmas Is Coming

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/19/23


Christmas is coming, God, help us prepare.

Start with our hearts for it starts right there.

It's more than the tree, the candles, or wreath,

It starts with a star and a manger beneath.


Christmas is coming there's so much to do.

Pray that God grants ample peace unto you.

Live life each day with heartfelt gratitude,

Filled with a joyful Christmas attitude.


Christmas is coming bringing us along,

A time of carols with joy in each song.

Say, “Merry Christmas” to people you greet.

Share Christmas with everyone that you meet.


O Lord, to You I Pray

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/20/23


All the word, to you I pray,

Help me be thankful today.

Read my appreciation show.

Thanks for the gifts you bestow.


Your gifts are plentiful,

I am truly grateful.

Your generosity shows me,

Just how loved I must be.


On Christmas We Sing, Christ Is Here

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/21/23


On Christmas we sing, Christ is here,

And celebrate all that is dear.

Through what we do and what we say,

Make every day Christmas Day.


In a World of Darkness and pain,

Share the light of the Lord's reign.

We pray and ask that the Lord may,

Make every day Christmas Day.


As you go on throughout the year,

Look for signs that Christmas is near.

Christ will guide you along the way.

Make every day Christmas Day.


Christmas Is Coming

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/22/23


Christmas is coming prepare your heart,

To be ready we must do our part.

More than preparing our homes and our tree,

Prepare your hearts to receive God's glory.


We do not know the day or the hour,

When God will come with almighty power.

And then change everything on that day.

That will be ready, now let us pray.


Pray that God will give us eyes to see,

Campuses of the Lords eternity.

Into the darkness God's light will shine.

Watch for encounters with the divine.


Each day look for a meaningful sight,

Something wonderful that just might,

Make Christmas real to your delight,

And dispel all darkness by its light.


Advent Is a Special Season

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/24/23


Advent is a special season,

To prepare for Christmas.

To be ready is the reason,

As we wait for Jesus.


Lord, help us to prepare our hearts,

That you might come to dwell.

We wait for all your love imparts,

That good news we might tell.


Help us point out the signs we see,

That reveal you to us.

At the right time and place may we,

Proclaim the Lord Jesus.


Christmas Is Caring

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/25/23


Christmas is caring,

Christmas is sharing,

People caroling,

Joy to the world sing,

God's love descending,

As the newborn king.


On this Christmas Day,

What more can we say?

Jesus is the way,

To him let us pray,

Celebrate today,

For it’s his birthday.


Listen to the Angels

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/27/23


Listen to the angels,

Singing, “Hallelujah!”

Listen to the ringing church bells,

Resonating through ya’.


Listen to the children,

They are so expressive.

Listen to all the people when,

In Christ they fully live.


Listen to the carols,

While wrapping each present.

Listen to the actors in their roles,

In the Christmas pageant.


Listen to those hurting,

Desperately in need.

For them what might we do to bring,

Christmas through word and deed.


Listen to your own heart,

How Christmas makes you feel.

Try every day to do your part,

To help make Christmas real.


For People Who Are Feeling

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/29/23


For people who are feeling,

A loss deep in their heart,

There is a path of healing,

We each can be a part.


When there is a tragic loss,

When a loved one’s taken,

There is a terrible cost,

Our whole world is shaken.


It is in our darkest days,

Of grief and tragedy,

God leads us through sorrows ways,

Unto eternity.


While All the World Seems So Merry

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 11/30/23


While all the world seems so merry,

I am in a world of grief.

Thoughts of Christmas make me wary,

Nothing seems to bring relief.


The stores are filled, toys on each shelf,

Folks chat merrily on their phones.

I withdraw unto myself.

Grief resides deep in my bones.


Unlike the shepherds on a hill,

When angelic light had shone,

Grief has served me a bitter pill,

I feel I am all alone.


As astrologers watched the sky,

A new star was born that night.

Here in my pain and grief may I,

Be revived by God's pure light.


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