2023 October


We Celebrate the Lord Above

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/1/23


We celebrate the Lord above,

Who blesses us with love.

God gives to us the very best.

In Christ we are all blessed.

In Christ we are all blessed.


The Lord has promised good to us,

All who follow Jesus,

And live according to his ways,

And worship him always.

And worship him always.


We come before the Lord and pray,

Faithfully every day,

Knowing our prayers are always heard.

God hears our every word.

God hears our every word.


In Spirit and Truth Worship God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/3/23


In spirit and truth worship God.

Come worship God in prayer.

Make worshiping God your lifestyle,

Anytime and anywhere.


Sing praises to God in your heart,

Or with your outside voice.

Share God's love with people you meet,

That they all might thus rejoice.


God loves us. Yes, God loves us all.

We have been blessed to know.

To share this Good News with the world,

In Jesus’ name we go.


Worship God each and every day,

Knowing that God loves us.

To others we can show God's love,

All in the name of Jesus.


Because of Christ We’re Here Today

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/5/23


Because of Christ we're here today.

With Thanksgiving to God we pray.

We hear God's word spoken to us,

Teaching how to follow Jesus.


Our life before was filled with sin,

Until we let the Lord come in,

And now our lives are filled with grace,

The peace of Christ shows in our face.


The Good News of Christ we receive.

We share that others might believe,

And come to follow Jesus too.

For in Christ God makes all things new.


Sing Praises to the Lord Above

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/7/23


Sing praises to the Lord above,

Who down upon us showers love.

God so loved the world and loved us,

Enough to send to us Jesus.


Someday we'll get to heaven above.

We’ll live forever in God's love,

With those who have gone on before,

Will worship God forevermore.


For All God Does Give Thanks and Praise

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/9/23


For all God does give thanks and praise.

Worship the Lord now and always.

We know that God truly loves us,

Enough to send the Lord, Jesus.


Jesus who came the world to save,

Jesus for us his life he gave.

Christ taught disciples how to grow.

Christ called disciples to follow.


Upon the cross Christ paid the cost,

That immortal souls not be lost.

On righteousness he did restore,

That we might live forevermore.


We’re a Part of God’s Family

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/10/23


We're a part of God's family.

All are welcome like you and me.

We celebrate when lost are found,

Reunited on holy ground.


Good News is proclaimed unto all,

Invited to the banquet hall.

Today we’re each the honored guest.

Praise the Lord in whose name we're blessed.


Today whom might we each invite,

To perceive through God's holy light,

That they are loved and welcomed in,

And in Christ a new life begin.


God, Grant to Us Your Love and Care

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/12/23


God, grant to us your love and care,

That we might share you everywhere.

That those who do not yet know you,

May see you through the things we do.


May others be so blessed by us,

As we share the peace of Jesus.

Through each act of grace and mercy,

May people the Lord come to see.


Give thanks to God who reigns above,

And showers down upon us love,

And gives a glimpse of what's in store,

Heaven awaits forevermore.


We Praise God for All God’s Done

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/12/23


We praise God for all God’s done,

For God blesses everyone.

God shares with us love and grace,

Everywhere and every place.

That’s why to God now we sing.

Thank you, God, for everything.


Jesus Told Us What We Should Do (John 13)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/13/23


Jesus told us what we should do,

“A new command I give to you.”

The rule above any other,

Is just to love one another.


By this then everyone will know,

As your discipleship you show,

People will know you follow me,

As you love others faithfully.


So go and love in Jesus’ name,

And you will never be the same.

The love of Christ has transformed you.

Go share that love through all you do.


When Life is Just Too Hard and Tough

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/15/23


When life is just too hard and tough,

And we feel we have had enough,

When we're at the end of our rope,

Hang on to God, who gives us hope.


When doors are closed, no way to go,

Watch as God opens a window.

God shows us a way to pass through,

Because God can make all things new.


So, rise and shine, give God the praise.

God is with us now and always.

If we’ll just stop and say a prayer,

We’ll know that God is always there.


The Pharisees One Day Did Ask

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/16/23


The Pharisees one day did ask,

Is it lawful to pay the tax?

Christ replied with a knowing nod,

Give all to Caesar and to God.


All we have is not really ours,

All we're paid for our working hours,

As creator, all is the Lord’s,

To whom all giving goes towards.


The Lord loves a cheerful giver,

So, with joy all gifts deliver.

As you are able, do your part.

Give all to God with all your heart.


God Loves All the Cheerful Givers

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


God loves all the cheerful givers,

Who let their gifts like blessings flow,

Like water in mighty rivers,

Going out where they need to go.


As you have been blessed to receive,

All the blessings God's given you.

Through giving may others believe,

By all that in God's name you do.


From heaven God smiles down on you,

In your journey you have come far.

Your actions let God's love shine through,

A generous giver you are.


In the Beauty of the World

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


In the beauty of the world,

We see the Creator’s hand,

Everywhere we look and see,

As we go throughout the land,


From microscopic objects,

Two oceans both vast and deep,

There are swift running cheetahs,

And insects that slowly creep.


All the people in the world,

In God's image they are made.

May we perceive God's image,

In each color and each shade.


We Celebrate that God Is Here

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


We celebrate that God came here,

In the form of Jesus.

To us sinners God has come near,

To love and forgive us.


God does what we can never do.

God takes our sins away.

For us God's love comes shining through.

So, to God let us pray.


Dear God, we thank you for your love,

That brought to us Jesus,

That you would come from heaven above,

To live and die for us.


We are not worthy of your grace,

You freely have given,

To take away every sin’s trace.

Praise be to God. Amen.


God Is the God of Everything

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


God is the God of everything,

Both the large and the small.

With your whole heart proclaim and sing,

“The Lord is Lord of all.”


On this bright and beautiful day,

As the autumn leaves do fall,

Give God the glory as you say,

“The Lord is Lord of all.”


The Lord is Lord of you and me,

On whom the Lord does call.

The Lord is Lord of all we see,

“The Lord is Lord of all.”


For All God Has Done We Sing

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


For all God has done we sing.

God created everything.

For everything to God pray,

With thanksgiving every day.

For everything God has done,

We praise God for every one.


We Celebrate You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/26/23


We celebrate you.

We celebrate you.

We thank God who made you.

We celebrate you!


You are a blessing.

You are a blessing.

We thank God as we sing,

You are a blessing!


You are beloved.

You are beloved.

We thank God who has said,

You are beloved!


This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/27/23


This is the day the Lord has made,

So, rejoice and be glad in it.

You are surrounded by God's love,

Throughout each hour and minute.


May you be surrounded by peace,

No matter where you go today.

Be mindful God is with you there,

And with God take some time to pray.


Today there’s someone with a need,

Pray that God will make you aware.

At the right time and the right place,

You'll be the answer to their prayer.


God of Wondrous, Marvelous Grace

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/29/23


God of wondrous, marvelous grace,

Whose presence fills this sacred space,

We come to praise your holy name,

As with joy we sing each refrain.

We come to praise your holy name,

As with joy we sing each refrain.


God of wisdom, power, and love,

Holy Spirit, shaped like a dove,

And Christ the Lord, the Trinity,

Are one for all eternity.

We come to praise your holy name,

As with joy we sing each refrain.


Whether Joys or Concerns There Be

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/23


Whether joys or concerns there be,

Lord, we know we can come to Thee.

No matter what, no matter where,

We can come to the Lord in prayer.


We celebrate each joy of life,

We grieve the deaths, the pain, and strife.

We aren't alone. We don't despair,

When we come to the Lord in prayer.


Help us, Lord, spend more time with you,

And stay in contact all day through.

With you everything we can share,

When we come to you, Lord, in prayer.


When burdens are too hard to lift,

Prayer partners are a blessed gift.

They offer much support and care,

When together we come in prayer.


There Are Saints All Around Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 10/30/23


There are saints all around us,

People who follow Jesus,

Maybe they lived long ago,

Or they’re loved ones that we know.

There are saints all around us,

People who follow Jesus.


St. Paul a great picture paints,

When he calls church people saints.

Be a saint by what you do,

And I’ll try to be to be one too.

There are saints all around us,

People who follow Jesus.


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