2024 January


Another New Year Rolls Around

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/1/24


Another new year rolls around,

Blank pages fill the calendar.

By the years end may we have found,

What in this year we have lived for.


Are there some dreams and are there goals,

That you will faithfully pursue?

As here and now time along rolls,

In this new year what will you do?


Ask of God guidance from above,

And this year seek to do God's will.

With strength be guided by God's love,

And God's will faithfully fulfill.


Dare to Dream a God-Sized Dream

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/2/24


Dare to dream a God-sized dream.

Let Jesus be your guide.

Follow God and it will seem,

The journey’s quite a ride.


You will glorify the Lord,

By living out your dream,

And studying God's holy word,

As part of God's dream team.


Almighty God, We Pray to You

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/4/24


Almighty God, we pray to you.

Lifting our needs, please hear our prayers.

Speak to our hearts what might you do,

To relieve our burdens and cares.


Almighty God, we come to you.

Guide us in all that we might do.


Almighty God, we ask of you,

To help us with all of our needs.

And show us too, what we might do.

Give us personal tasks and deeds.



Jesus Said that We Are Blessed

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/5/24


Jesus said that we are blessed,

In the beatitudes.

Various things there he stressed,

To change our attitudes.


We may be poor in spirit,

Yet God's Kingdom is ours.

What he said, really hear it!

Be open to God's powers.


Though we may hunger and thirst,

Our God is most willing,

When we put the Lord God first,

Our needs God's fulfilling.


We Come to Worship God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/8/24


We come to worship God.

To God our voices raise.

We come to hear the word of God,

And to God sing our praise.


With humble contrite hearts,

We come before the Lord.

We ask forgiveness for our sins,

That our souls be restored.


We come to save our souls,

From meaningless boredom.

Lord, give us meaning in our lives,

At work in your Kingdom.


Samuel Was a Little Boy

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/10/24

(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)


Samuel was a little boy,

Little boy, little boy,

Samuel was a little boy,

Who learned to follow God.


Samuel heard a voice one night,

Voice one night, voice one night,

Samuel heard a voice one night,

And ran to Eli’s side.


Eli taught him to listen,

To listen, to listen,

Eli taught him to listen,

To the word of God.


Eli sent him back to bed,

Back to bed, back to bed,

Eli sent him back to bed,

To listen to God.


Samuel asked God, “Speak to me,”

Speak to me, speak to me,

Samuel asked God, “Speak to me,”

When God called his name.


So, from Samuel we can learn,

We can learn, we can learn,

So, from Samuel we can learn,

To listen to God.


God Calls Us to Believe

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/12/24


God calls us to believe,

In the Lord's love for us.

From God all blessings we receive.

The greatest is Jesus.


Let your faith be your guide,

Through life's fateful journey.

And always walk by Jesus’ side,

Now to eternity.


Help others on your way,

To believe in Jesus.

Find ways to share your faith each day,

With all people near us.


Remember the Story

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/13/24


Remember the story,

Of Jacob wrestling,

With himself and with God's glory.

In wonder let us sing.


God offers to guide us,

As we follow God's way,

And so, through the love of Jesus,

We walk by faith each day.


God gives us direction,

As throughout life we go,

And faithfully with reflection,

Our faith in Christ will grow.


Come, Worship God on High

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/15/24


Come, worship God on high.

Sing glory to God's name.

Follow God. Your old self deny,

And never be the same.


Know that Christ died for you.

Follow Christ on the Way.

May Christ be shown through all you do,

As well as what you say.


May the Holy Spirit,

Be always at your side.

Pray and listen. Do you hear it?

Let it be your holy guide.


Worship the Trinity,

The divine One in three,

The whole and holy mystery,

For all eternity.




We Give Thanks to Jesus

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/19/24

(Tune: Ring Around the Rosy)


We give thanks to Jesus,

Who came down to save us.

Ashes, ashes remind us so.


We will go to heaven,

Because we're forgiven.

Ashes, ashes remind us so.


Today is Ash Wednesday,

We'll remember to pray.

Ashes, ashes remind us so.


Give Them Something to Eat

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/21/24


Give them something to eat,

Something to help them grow.

For it would make this day complete,

That they God's love might know.


What is it that we need,

That God can supply us?

God gave us all we need indeed,

When God sent us Jesus.


Receive all that God gives,

All that the Lord imparts,

That each of us for the Lord lives,

With humble, thankful hearts.


Christ Calls Us to Follow

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/24/24


Christ calls us to follow,

Faithfully on the Way.

To be more like Christ we grow,

And walk with him each day.


Step by step we walk on,

Upon our pilgrimage.

Closer to our destination,

As we mature and age.


When here our journey ends,

That day we each shall see,

Our destiny that God intends,

For all eternity.


We Sing with Heart and Voice

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/25/24


We sing with heart and voice,

Praises to God above.

Gladly we make a joyful noise,

With gratitude and love.


As others hear our song,

May their faith be restored.

May they join us and sing along,

And glorify the Lord.


Passed down through the ages,

God's name has been proclaimed.

Everywhere in all languages,

The Lord God has been named.


Forty Years They Wandered

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/26/24


Forty years they wandered,

The ancient Israelites.

For Noah, destructive rains occurred,

For forty days and nights.


Christ in the wilderness,

Also, for forty days,

Tempted by Satan, nonetheless,

Upon god's way he stays.


During Lent each of us,

Will have forty days too.

Time to closely follow Jesus,

And do what he would do.


God Gives to Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/27/24


God gives to us a God-sized dream,

That we might all believe.

Things are not always as they seem.

Most times our doubts deceive.


Without God we can do nothing,

And our plans come to naught.

But God offers us everything,

That cannot be bought.


Give Us This Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 1/30/24


Give us this day Our Daily Bread,

For all good gifts you give.

Rather than living as half dead,

That we might fully live.


O Lord, may you be glorified,

For everything you do.

By your grace we are satisfied.

We sing our praise to you.


As you have given us this day,

What might we give to you?

Guide and direct us as we pray,

Help us help others too.


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