2024 March


I’m a Little Flower

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/4/24

(Tune: I’m a Little Teapot)


I'm a little flower,

growing tall.

Once I was a seed,

very, very small.


Then when I was planted,

in the row,

with the other seedlings,

I began to grow.


First there were the green leaves,

then a bud,

and now I'm blooming.

Thanks be to God.


The Holy Church That I Believe In

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/10/24


The holy church I believe in,

The communion of saints we are.

A new life in Christ we begin,

Following Christ, we will go far.


As Christ’s body, his hands and feet,

We will do all that we can do.

We will help each person we meet,

That Christ’s true love comes shining through.


I Believe Everyone Wins

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/12/24


I believe everyone wins,

When the Lord forgives our sins.

Every sin the Lord does erase,

All by God's amazing grace.


As the Lord has forgiven us,

Through the mercy of Jesus,

Being forgiving is a given,

Because we've been forgiven.


As in Jesus you have believed,

Through him grace you have received.

The slate is wiped clean, new life begins,

When Christ takes away our sins.


We Sing of God’s Glory

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/14/24


We sing of God's glory,

We sing of God's grace,

We retell God's story,

All over the place.


Blessings God has given,

Our sins are erased,

We have been forgiven,

No longer disgraced.


We are given a new chance,

To share our belief,

We can take a new stance,

Turn over a leaf.


Today We Sing and Praise God For

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/16/24


Today we sing and praise God for,

Those who’ve gone before us.

Our heartfelt praise to God we pour,

In the name of Jesus.


Back across a lengthy time span,

Two hundred years ago.

Here in this place this church began,

Our debt to saints we owe.


People here have both come and gone,

Each having left their mark.

And this church faithfully lives on,

A beacon in the dark.


To God we give thanks to what was,

And all that we might do.

We celebrate all that God does,

To make this old church new.


In a World Full of Pain and Strife

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/18/24


In a world full of pain and strife,

What might we do somehow?

Not focused on the afterlife,

But people here and now.


As long as God gives us the strength,

our job is not quite done.

In faith we'll go that extra length,

that we might help someone.


A day will come. We'll rest in peace,

For all eternity.

Our life’s work will finally cease.

We'll find serenity.


Although today is not that day,

We still have work to do.

Do all you can. God's will obey,

Each and every day through.


Into the City Jesus Came

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/19/24


Into the city Jesus came,

Riding on a donkey.

Shouting, “Hosanna, praise his name,”

People proclaimed victory.


As along the way Jesus rode,

The people took their chances,

Their cloaks they put down on the road,

They cut and waved palm branches.


Jesus himself he freely gives,

That each of us will be blessed.

Then back to the Mount of Olives,

He goes for a good night's rest.


Where Shall We Share the Sacred Meal

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/20/24


Where shall we share the sacred meal,

And the fruit of the vine?

What do the words of Christ reveal,

When sharing bread and wine?


They gathered in the Upper Room,

The Passover to share.

Talk of Christ coming death and gloom,

Was more than they could bear.


Then out to the garden for prayer,

And a vigil to keep.

Jesus did fervently pray there,

While they all fell asleep.


They all awoke when Judas came,

And Jesus was betrayed.

They all ran away to their shame,

For they were all afraid.


Like them there have been times when we,

Have left Christ all alone.

When at our worst is when we see,

Christ’s forgiveness is shown.


In the Morning We Come to See

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/22/24


In the morning, we come to see,

While all is dark and still.

We catch a glimpse of eternity,

And all God will fulfill.


Before the birds begin to sing,

We know that we must go.

Even before the sun’s rising,

God has something to show.


The tomb is empty. Christ arose,

A whole new life begins.

Upon us God's love overflows,

And over evil wins.


On Easter Day We Celebrate

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/23/24


On Easter day we celebrate,

An open tomb and heaven's gate.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Christ's victory over death wins,

For us forgiveness of our sins.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


You have been blessed by Jesus Christ.

On the cross he was sacrificed.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Neither the cross nor tomb could stop,

Christ rising; Coming out on top.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Today to Christ all praises bring,

Around the world let voices sing.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Go share the good news everywhere,

To all, your faith and witness bear.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


He Lives (Refrain)

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/25/24


He lives, he lives,

Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and talks with me,

and loves me every day.


He lives, he lives,

and gives me a new start!

You ask me how I know he lives?

He lives within my heart!


Before God All Creation Sings

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/26/24


Before God all creations sings.

Praise to the Lord the King of kings.

Upon whose mercy we depend,

From the beginning to the end.


The Lord is great. The Lord is good.

We worship the Lord as we should.

With heart and soul and strength and mind,

We love the Lord and humankind.


Jesus gave his life to save us,

So, live your life well for Jesus.

We've received more than we deserve.

In Jesus’ name go out to serve.


Of All the Days Why’s this One Good

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/28/24


Of all the days, why’s this one good?

Tell me, if you can tell.

‘Cause Jesus did all that he could,

That's what makes it special.


Jesus became the sacrifice,

Atoning for our sins.

Upon the cross he paid the price,

Through death new life begins.


Friday began a good weekend,

‘Though it began in gloom.

But there was Good News by the end,

When Christ rose from the tomb.


So, in the midst of your worst days,

May this be understood,

Open your hearts and seek God's ways,

Always look for the good.


In the Midst of Pain and Grief

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/29/24


In the midst of pain and grief,

No one expected much relief.

The women trudged back to the tomb,

Under a cloud of death and gloom.


Who would be there to roll away,

The huge stone from the tomb that day?

Though many thoughts filled each one’s mind,

None prepared them for what they’d find.


The tomb they saw at early dawn,

Was wide open, the body gone!

An angel spoke up to explain,

Jesus who died now lives again.


As the Good News began to spread,

“Christ is alive! He is not dead!”

Doubters became believers whose,

New faith embodied this Good News.


Celebrate Easter every day,

As Easter people - live that way,

That other people see in you,

The love of Christ in all you do.


Some Special Days Are Annual

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 3/30/24


Some special days are annual,

Like anniversaries.

But there are some that we know well,

Have greater frequencies.


Pay attention to what you hear,

Listen to what we say.

Birthdays come around once a year,

But Easter comes each day!


Each Sunday is an Easter day.

Christ’s church gathers and sings.

And daily when we rise and pray,

Each day new life Christ brings.


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