2024 May


We’ve Been Blessed

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/4/24


We’ve been blessed by all our mothers.

Some we’ve live with but there’s others.

They’ve been with us when we needed.

Thanks to them we have succeeded.


We’ve been blessed in God’s family.

By God’s love we’ve been loved fully.

In the midst of tribulation,

We’re assured of our salvation.


We’ve been blessed when we’ve needed,

And in prayer to God we’ve pleaded,

For someone to give us support,

They’ve been there to offer comfort.


Jesus talked of a mother hen,

Protecting chicks beneath wings when,

They were frightened and were afraid.

As a mother, God’s love displayed.


Pray, Pray, Pray to God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/7/24

(Tune: Row, Row, Row your Boat)


Pray, pray, pray to God,

Prayers are not ignored.

Patiently, patiently, patiently, patiently,

Wait upon the Lord.


Pray, pray, pray to God,

And Jesus, God's son.

Patiently, patiently, patiently, patiently,

May God’s Spirit come.


Pray, pray, pray to God,

God, the Three in One.

Patiently, patiently, patiently, patiently,

Pray God's will be done.


On This Ascension Day

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/9/24


On this Ascension Day,

With thanks to God, we pray.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

Jesus rose in the sky,

To reign with God on high.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


For forty days on earth,

Jesus offered new birth.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

Yes, Jesus was alive.

His church began to thrive.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Elijah long ago,

When it was time to go,

May Jesus Christ be praised.

Rose up into the sky,

While Elijah stood by.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Now Jesus did the same.

Disciples did exclaim.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

Next the Spirit would come,

Down upon everyone.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Today we sing our praise,

Here and now and always.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

The faiths been shared with us.

May we proclaim Jesus.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Upon Disciples

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/10/24


Upon disciples,

Both the young and the old,

The Holy Spirit of God came.

Both visions and dreams,

Revealed God's Kingdom.

Nothing would ever be the same.


Today let us dream,

The dreams God has for us.

Then let us strive to do God's will.

Like those disciples,

May we be faithful,

And thus, God's will, we will fulfill.

Holy Spirit Come upon Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/15/24


Holy Spirit, come upon us.

Descend on us from above.

Fulfill the promise of Jesus.

Fill us with God's power and love.


Give us your gifts at your pleasure,

To use for the common good.

As we're called to love our neighbor,

Make the world our neighborhood.


We Read the Holy Scripture

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/16/24


We read the holy scripture,

Listening for God's voice,

Daily our faith to reassure,

We gratefully rejoice.

Down through time God speaks to us,

The One who's also Three.

The Lord's the One who always was,

Who is, and who will be.


God made in the beginning,

From nothing all was made.

And through the Word everything,

The Lord's glory displayed.

In the dark that we were in,

God sent to us Jesus.

To overcome every sin,

To shine God’s for us.


When Jesus rose up from the grave,

He offered us God's peace.

Each lost sheep Jesus would save,

The chains of fear release.

On Pentecost the Spirit,

Descended from on high.

Joy came to all who’d hear it,

And on God's Word rely.


To Worship God We Come and Sing

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/17/24


To worship God we come and sing,

And to the altar, gifts we bring.

Together we share the Lord's prayer,

And from our hearts our prayers we share.


We listen as the word is read.

With divine love our souls are fed.

The sermon offers to our hearts,

The grace and guidance it imparts.


With bread and chalice lifted up,

Grace is with us in bread and cup.

All our sins are forgiven us,

Through the sacrifice of Jesus.


At the final benediction,

We go to serve with conviction.

As we have been blessed by God's grace,

We take Christ, as we leave this place.


Come, Spirit, Make Our Souls Alive

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/18/24


Come, Spirit, make our souls alive.

Empower us that our hearts revive.

Filled with compassion, love, and care,

That we share Good News everywhere.


Our dried up bones just need a jolt,

A mighty wind, or Thunderbolt,

To wake us up and thus reveal,

Like the vision of Ezekiel.


May we now see what the Lord sees,

Humbly bringing us to our knees.

Four our failures help us repent,

That now we may be heaven sent.


We Are Called Out by God

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/21/24


We are called out by God to go,

Just like Isaiah long ago.

To address problems here today,

Let us do what we hear God say.


Isaiah went praise the Lord,

And felt forgiven and restored.

When God then asked who might be sent,

How to serve God Isaiah went.


Again today, God asks of us,

Who will faithfully serve Jesus?

May we each be cold as someone,

Who does what there needs to be done.


Jesus Calls Us to Follow

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/23/24


Jesus calls us to follow,

And go where we are sent.

As disciples we’re to go,

To every continent.

Go share good news with all,

Wherever you may find them,

On this terrestrial ball.


The church began to flourish,

With the Great Commission.

It did both grow and nourish,

Those who caught the vision.

The realm of God at hand,

Spreading to all the peoples,

Just as the Lord had planned.


So now it is upon us,

As each of us must choose,

To share the love of Jesus,

And go spread the Good News.

As we have received it,

We pass it on to others,

That they may believe it.


When We Are Called

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/25/24


When we are called to follow Christ,

Knowing all that he sacrificed,

Our connection to God to restore,

That we might live forevermore.


When there are times when we feel lost,

And sins have taken a heavy cost,

Though by bad choices we are bound,

By the Good Shepherd we are found.


When there's a sheep that's gone astray,

And gotten lost on the wrong way,

Leaving the flock Jesus will come,

And bring the last one safely home.


Knowing that God Supremely Reigns

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/25/24


Knowing that God supremely reigns,

Come before God, bring all your pains.

God's love and mercy you'll receive,

You are forgiven, just believe.


When in our lives we are upset,

Or have done things that we regret,

Come before the Lord God in prayer.

Honestly with God all things share.


Jesus has taught us how to live.

We’re forgiven as we forgive.

Whenever it's revenge we seek,

We’re called to turn the other cheek.


As believers we are called to share,

And offer tender, loving care.

May the Lord's love come shining through,

Each of the good deeds that we do.


The Lord Sees into the Heart

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/27/24


When we follow Jesus,

We are called and set apart.

Christ sees what's within us.

The Lord sees into the heart.


At the time we're baptized,

We are given a new start.

Our call is realized.

The Lord sees into the heart.


As on others we look,

Seeing fully not in part,

Somethings could be mistook.

The Lord sees into the heart.


Follow Where Jesus Leads Us

                        Rev. Jeffrey B. Childs 5/28/24


On our faithful journey,

Step by step walk with Jesus.

As disciples may we,

Follow where Jesus leads us.


Come before God and pray,

Day by day talk with Jesus.

As he shows us the way,

Follow where Jesus leads us.


We’re led to a green pasture,

For we are the flock of Jesus.

Two gods preferred future,

Follow where Jesus leads us.


Though there are dark valleys,

We have the light of Jesus.

God reveals destinies,

Follow where Jesus leads us.


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