
Showing posts from October, 2024

2024 September

  Listen and Hear, O Israel                                   Jeffrey B. Childs 9/2/2024   Listen and hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one. To us what does this scripture tell? What word is to be done?   Love God with our heart, soul and strength, Likewise love our neighbor. This is the height and breadth and length, Of our holy labor.   This is the law above all laws, The one we must obey. No matter other’s sins or flaws, Love everyone today.   Forgive and love yourself also, For God has so loved you. God sent Jesus that you might know, As Christ loved, you can too.   When I Have Nothing to Say                                   Jeffrey B. Childs 9/4/2024   When I have nothing to say, And find no words to speak, Still to the Lord I can pray, The Lord's will, I will seek.   When I can't speak, I can hear, God's word I can perceive. Deep down in my inner ear, God's guidance I receive.   Down by t

2024 August

  We Are Imitators of God                                   Jeffrey B. Childs 8/6/2024   We are imitators of God, When we follow God's plan. With God we are co-creators. Do all the good you can.   We are imitators of God, When we share what we've heard. We can be prophetic, when we, Offer others the word.   We are imitators of God, By being who we are. We are beloved children of God. Share God's love near and far.   We Come Before the Lord                                   Jeffrey B. Childs 8/8/2024   We come before the Lord, To worship and adore, That our faith journey be restored, Now and forever more.   We journey with Jesus. The Good News, we hear it. By grace the Lord has gifted us, Through the Holy Spirit.   We are blessed from above, When we go out to share, The heart of God, and Jesus’ love, Two people everywhere.   The Old Saying                                   Jeffrey B. Childs 8/13/2024