2024 August


We Are Imitators of God

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/6/2024


We are imitators of God,

When we follow God's plan.

With God we are co-creators.

Do all the good you can.


We are imitators of God,

When we share what we've heard.

We can be prophetic, when we,

Offer others the word.


We are imitators of God,

By being who we are.

We are beloved children of God.

Share God's love near and far.


We Come Before the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/8/2024


We come before the Lord,

To worship and adore,

That our faith journey be restored,

Now and forever more.


We journey with Jesus.

The Good News, we hear it.

By grace the Lord has gifted us,

Through the Holy Spirit.


We are blessed from above,

When we go out to share,

The heart of God, and Jesus’ love,

Two people everywhere.


The Old Saying

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/13/2024


The old saying is surely true,

“People who sing, pray twice.”

Once with words and with the tune too,

But with soul make that thrice!


In ancient times people did sing,

The Bible tells us so,

When through the sea with rejoicing,

They were saved from their foe.


Then David sang psalms to the Lord,

Offering prayers and praise,

Singing to the One he adored,

In both good and bad days.


Today with joy we sing the song.

With heart and soul we sing.

With thanks and praise we pass it on,

As our love offering.


We Come Before the Lord (2)

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/16/2024


We come before the Lord,

In worship and in praise.

The Lord is worshiped and adored,

Now as in ancient days.


Daily throughout the week,

We read God's holy word.

The Lord's will we do daily seek,

That God's voice may be heard.


We strive to do God's will,

Each and every day,

That the Lord's will, we will fulfill,

For this we daily pray.


I Come to Follow Jesus

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/17/2024


I come to follow Jesus,

Wherever he would lead,

And do what he asks of me,

To fulfill someone's need.

There are all kinds of problems,

Out in the world today.

Just ask guidance from Jesus,

And then go act that way.


I come to follow Jesus,

With all my heart and soul,

And do what he asks of me,

No matter what the role.

I might become a leader,

Or play the servant’s part,

I will thus follow Jesus,

With my whole soul and heart.


There Are Those Times

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/19/2024


There are those times we find that we're,

Confronted at the gate.

We’re challenged by what we hold dear,

And must evaluate.


We’re challenged by what we've believed,

With all our fears and doubts,

For in life, we have all perceived,

There are both ins and outs.


But what if doors were opened wide,

To let all people in?

If prejudice we lay aside,

A new world will begin.


Let “us and them” be in the past.

Release that old world view.

That all might enter in at last,

For Christ makes all things new.


We Sing and Retell God’s Story

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/21/2024


We sing and retell God's story,

That everyone might hear,

Of God's omnipotent glory.

Sing out, both loud and clear.


We offer God our heartfelt praise,

For all the Lord has done.

We'll sing and shout all of our days,

As each one is begun.


Then when each day is completed,

When down to sleep we lie,

Our souls and strength are repleted,

Under God's watchful eye.


Come into God’s Presence

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/22/2024


Come into God's presence.

Let peace calm your soul.

Whatever disturbs you,

God's love will console.


Lean upon God's shoulder,

As you share your prayer.

God's love surrounds you with,

Tender loving care.


Come into God's presence,

As you read God's word.

Listen for the wisdom,

Conveyed by the Lord.


Let the scriptures guide you,

Every day until,

You serve God completely,

By doing God's will.


We Share Our Faith in Jesus

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/24/2024


We share our faith in Jesus,

By what we do and say,

That in each deed and story,

Christ will be shared today.


The world is full of sinners,

That includes you and me.

Christ came to be among us,

That we'd all be set free.


Jesus taught about God's love,

The greatest gift of all.

God's love is with us always.

God's love is eternal.


Christ taught the Great Commandment –

Love God with all we are,

And also, love our neighbors.

All neighbors, near and far.


Paul Wrote to Timothy (1 Timothy 6)

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/28/2024


Paul wrote to Timothy,

With advice for the rich,

That they should never be haughty,

But know which way is which.


One way leads one to life,

That’s lived abundantly.

The other way is filled with strife,

And with uncertainty.


On God alone rely,

By grace God does provide.

God will always our needs supply,

And with us will abide.


Paul showed us how to give,

Most extravagantly.

That we might learn to fully live,

Through generosity.


Sing Praises to Our Maker

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 8/29/2024


Sing praises to our Maker,

Who made us out of clay,

And breathed in us the Spirit,

And sent Christ as the Way.


One God in these three persons,

One Lord - the Trinity,

One God who's always with us,

For all eternity.


God teaches us true wisdom,

And shares with us the word,

That we might follow humbly,

And do what we have heard.


There are things we should not do,

And others that we should.

Avoid the ways of evil.

Always let us do good.


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