2024 September


Listen and Hear, O Israel

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/2/2024


Listen and hear, O Israel,

The Lord our God is one.

To us what does this scripture tell?

What word is to be done?


Love God with our heart, soul and strength,

Likewise love our neighbor.

This is the height and breadth and length,

Of our holy labor.


This is the law above all laws,

The one we must obey.

No matter other’s sins or flaws,

Love everyone today.


Forgive and love yourself also,

For God has so loved you.

God sent Jesus that you might know,

As Christ loved, you can too.


When I Have Nothing to Say

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/4/2024


When I have nothing to say,

And find no words to speak,

Still to the Lord I can pray,

The Lord's will, I will seek.


When I can't speak, I can hear,

God's word I can perceive.

Deep down in my inner ear,

God's guidance I receive.


Down by the Sea

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/4/2024


Down by the sea I wait to see,

If I might catch some fish.

Jesus comes walking up to me,

Beyond my wildest wish.


My friends over in the next boat,

Are tending to their nets.

They hear the invitation quote,

And come with no regrets.


Listen, friends, to what Jesus asks,

Then let go and follow.

Taking up a disciple’s tasks,

Where Jesus leads just go.


Desire God

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/7/2024


Desire God first and foremost,

Enter into God's Kingdom.

Following Christ on the journey,

To a glorious outcome.


Doesn't matter from where you start,

Focus on the final goal.

Faithfully focus on Jesus,

And the Lord will bless your soul.


Just let go of all distractions,

Causing you to lose your way.

As disciples, follow Jesus,

Step by step and day by day.


Helping others upon the path,

With a kind and loving word,

That the future generations,

Join in following the Lord.


Faithfully We’ll Follow Jesus

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/11/2024


Faithfully we will follow Jesus,

As disciples on the way.

We will go where he will lead us,

Doing what we hear him say.


In the midst of tribulations,

And the pains this world can give.

We will go to all the nations,

That people might truly live.


We await the day of glory,

When the Lord in heaven will meet.

An account of our life's story,

We will lay at Jesus’ feet.


Jacob Had a Dream

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/13/2024

(Tune: Rock-a-bye Baby)


Jacob had a dream sleeping one night,

He saw a stairway. Oh, what a sight!

Angels were walking upstairs and down,

On up to heaven and down to the ground.


Without a pillow he lay instead,

Upon a hard rock under his head.

He heard God speak that he would be blessed,

The Lord was with him while he took his rest.


Then in the morning when he arose,

He raised the rock, so the story goes.

With faith in God he went on his way,

And God was with him each and every day.


Holy God We Come before You

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/15/2024


Holy God, we come before you,

Lifting to you songs of praise.

Guide us in all that we might do,

To serve you in faithful ways.

Strengthen us now with your power.

Fill us with your divine grace.

Bless us in this sacred hour,

As we worship in this place.


Send us forth to go to serve you,

To become your hands and feet.

Show us what all we might do to,

Share your love with all we meet.

We are pilgrims on a journey,

As we go from here to there.

In your name may we truly be,

Faithful servants everywhere.


Giving Is a Gift of God

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/17/2024


Giving is a gift of God,

Bestowed upon each of us.

That we might learn so to give,

By the greatest gift – Jesus!


In all we say and do,

We show faith's vitality.

May the Lord be greatly praised,

By our generosity.


We have received God's blessing,

For Jesus paid it forward.

Gratefully we pass it on,

That God's gift journeys onward.


God, We Come to Sing Your Praises

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/20/2024


God, we come to sing your praises.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, we come to sing your praises.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, we come to sing your praises.


God, you are the Lord Almighty.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, you are the Lord Almighty.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, you are the Lord Almighty.


God, you hear each and every prayer.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, you hear each and every prayer.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, you hear each and every prayer.


God, your mercy reigns forever.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, your mercy reigns forever.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

God, your mercy reigns forever.


We’re Created in God’s Image

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/20/2024


We’re created in God’s image.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We’re created in God’s image.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We’re created in God’s image.


We’re forgiven by Christ Jesus.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We’re forgiven by Christ Jesus.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We’re forgiven by Christ Jesus.


We are gifted by the Spirit.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We are gifted by the Spirit.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We are gifted by the Spirit.


We are blessed to be a blessing.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We are blessed to be a blessing.

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

We are blessed to be a blessing.


We Love the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/23/2024


We love the Lord, who first loved us,

Love in the form of Christ Jesus.

God sent to us the very best.

Praise be to God. We are so blessed.


May others see the Lord in us,

Who faithfully follow Jesus.

By all we do and all we say,

We share Good News along the way.


As God has shown God’s love for us,

And offered us the Lord Jesus,

May we embrace faithful living,

And be known for cheerful giving.


Upon the Lord I Watch and Wait

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/24/2024


Upon the Lord I watch and wait.

Both day and night I meditate.

I'm blessed by God's amazing grace,

And feel the Lord's loving embrace.


When in my times of deepest need,

Upon the Lord I come and plead.

Of all my prayers – every one,

I pray that God's will, will be done.


The Lord is watching over me,

And all these years my every plea.

Answers might be a yes or no,

But I’ve been heard - of this I know.


Lord, You Are Always There

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/27/2024


In times of pain and grief,

When we are in despair,

The Lord's presence brings us relief.

Lord, you are always there.


When we are at our worst,

We come to you in prayer.

For your grace we hunger and thirst.

Lord, you are always there.


Lord, you are all we need.

With us your mercy share.

When we have sinned in Word and deed,

Lord, you are always there.


My Faith’s Journey Began

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/28/2024


My faith’s journey began,

When the Lord called my name,

And now I do all that I can,

That others hear the same.


Throughout the days and years,

I've followed faithfully.

In times of both laughter and tears,

God's always walked with me.


I will serve the risen Lord,

With all my heart and soul.

Eternity, I look toward.

Heaven's my final goal.


In the Lord We Believe

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/30/2024


In the Lord we believe,

For Jesus is the Way.

Through Christ’s forgiveness we receive,

In Jesus’ name we pray.


We come before the Lord.

We worship God with praise.

God almighty will be adored,

Forever and always.


Come, Jesus, call to us.

Disciples we shall be.

We’ll faithfully follow Jesus,

For all eternity.


Are You Burning

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 9/30/2024

(Tune: Are You Sleeping)


Are you burning, are you burning,

Little bush, little bush?

Draw us closer with a, draw us closer with a,

Holy push, holy push.


Are you speaking, are you speaking,

Holy God, holy God?

We are standing upon, we are standing upon,

Holy ground, holy ground.


We are listening, we are listening,

To your word, to your word.

Help us that we might do, help us that we might do,

What we've heard, what we've heard.


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