2024 December


The Lord Has Revealed

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/2/2024


The Lord has revealed in the past,

To those who have observed,

That always God's presence would last,

With those who faithfully served.


In this time of anticipation

In prayer we watch and wait.

May there come that revelation,

Which we anticipate.


Be Our Sustainer

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/3/2024


Be our Sustainer, O Lord of all Hope.

Help us hang on to the end of our rope.

Give us your strength that we need for today.

Help us help others as we can day by day.


Be our Supplier, O Lord of all Joy,

As in your service our gifts we employ.

Help us help those who have been trod upon.

As we have been blessed, help us pass it on.


Be our Deliverer, O Lord of all Peace,

May the world's wars and hostilities cease.

In our own hearts may your peace reside,

And in your good grace may we always abide.


Be our Redeemer, O Lord of all Love.

May we reflect here what you shine above.

Many beams of compassion shine forth today.

So may it be, Lord, as for this we pray.


When Jesus Was Born

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/4/2024

(Tune: Rock-a-bye Baby)


When Jesus was born so long ago,

Angels sang to the shepherds below.

And one angel said, “Don’t be afraid.”

In a manger a baby has been laid.


The choir of angels began to sing.

Peace and goodwill this baby would bring.

Good News came for the whole human race.

Sing glory to God in the highest place.


The shepherds rushed down to Bethlehem,

To find the baby revealed to them.

They told Mary, and Joseph as well.

All that the angel had told them to tell.


For all they had seen and all they heard,

The shepherds shouted praise to the Lord.

They were blessed to see the Lord, so they,

Shared Good News with all they met on the way.


Come before the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/5/2024


Come before the Lord and lift up your prayers,

For we know the Lord for us deeply cares.

There is nothing that we can't talk about.

We can share all with God without a doubt.


Come before the Lord and lift up your pleas.

Come before god and get down on your knees.

God will always listen and will reply.

On God's faithfulness we can surely rely.


Come before the Lord and lift up your pain,

Knowing that from God relief you will gain.

By the Lord's mercy you will be relieved,

And you'll be strengthened by all you've believed.


Come before the Lord and lift up your praise.

Worship the Lord till the end of your days.

Knowing after that you will worship a new,

With all of those who have gone before you.


Shepherds upon a Hill

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/6/2024


Shepherds upon a hill,

When everything was still,

Saw holy light.

Angels Good News did bring.

There was a newborn king,

Praise to God they did sing.

That wondrous night.


Like magi from afar,

God shines for us a star,

When Christ is born.

Worship the Lord always.

Give to the Lord your praise.

Watch for the light these days,

To be reborn.


So, then what about us,

Who believe in Jesus,

What will we do?

This day let us now choose,

To get up from the pews.

Let's go and share Good News!

What about you?


We Celebrate God’s Love

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/10/2024


We celebrate God's love,

Coming down from above,

On Christmas Day.

God's love to us imparts,

God's love upon our hearts,

That a new life now starts,

To love that way.


God came to be with us,

In the baby Jesus.

Let us rejoice.

Share the Good News today,

Through all we do and say,

And with thanks, let us pray.

Lift up your voice.


God, thank you for this gift.

To you our prayers we lift,

And sins confess.

All things have now been changed.

Our lives are rearranged.

We’re no longer estranged,

We have been blessed.


Angels Sang to Shepherds Below

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/11/2024


Angels sang to shepherd's below,

That of God's love we all might know.

As they sang out of glory above,

In the manger was a child of love.


God's great mercy had smiled upon,

Those who were scattered hither and yon.

Those at the edge of society,

The first honored guests, they would be.


They made their way to Bethlehem,

To see the child revealed to them.

With reverence they entered in,

And a new world thus did begin.


As they went forth back to their flock,

Reflecting as they walked their walk.

To them that night Christ was revealed,

To follow Christ their lives they'd yield.


Twinkle, Twinkle Christmas Star

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/12/2024

(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)


Twinkle, twinkle Christmas star,

You led wise ones from afar.

In the sky you shone so bright,

They followed your guiding light.


Twinkle, twinkle Christmas star,

Thank God you are what you are.

You're a beacon guiding us,

Helping us look for Jesus.

Twinkle, twinkle Christmas star,

Thank God you are what you are.


Twinkle, twinkle Christmas star,

By your light we discover.

Guiding where we are to go,

Our purpose to us you show.

Twinkle, twinkle Christmas star,

By your light we discover.


This Christmas Day We Celebrate

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/14/2024


This Christmas Day we celebrate.

We give thanks, for the Lord is great.

In addition, the Lord is good,

And came into the neighborhood.


In a manger the child was laid,

And for the world, God's love displayed,

That we might all come to believe,

New life in Christ, God did conceive.


We dedicate our lives today,

To follow Christ and live that way.

As he forgave, let us forgive.

As he lived life, let us now live.


John the Baptist

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/14/2024

(Tune: Are You Sleeping)


John the Baptist, John the Baptist,

Preached Good News, preached Good News.

He taught all the people, at the river Jordan,

Changed their views, changed their views.


John the Baptist, John the Baptist,

At the scene, at the scene,

He baptized the people, in the river Jordan,

To be clean, to be clean.


John the Baptist, John the Baptist,

Come what may, come what may,

He also baptized Christ, in the river Jordan,

One bright day, one bright day.


John the Baptist, John the Baptist,

Baptized Christ, baptized Christ.

The Lord spoke in favor, as a dove descended,

Upon Christ, upon Christ.


Leap for Joy

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/14/2024


When you feel the love of Jesus. Leap for joy!

When you feel the love of Jesus. Leap for joy!

When you feel you are forgiven,

And your faith leads you to heaven,

Praise the Lord along the journey. Leap for joy!


When you share the love of Jesus. Leap for joy!

When you share the love of Jesus. Leap for joy!

When the Good News you can share,

With the people everywhere,

And then some become believers. Leap for joy!


When you know how low you have been. Weep for joy!

When you know how low you have been. Weep for joy!

When you know where you have been,

Yet the Lord forgives your sin.

Praise the Lord for your salvation. Weep for joy!


When your life on earth is finished. Weep for joy!

When your life on earth is finished. Weep for joy!

When you've given all you've got,

And the good fight you have fought,

Go meet those who've gone before you. Weep for joy!


Praise the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/16/2024


In the good days and the bad days, praise the Lord!

In the good days and the bad days, praise the Lord!

For no matter how it goes,

God will help as your faith grows.

No matter what God is with us. Praise the Lord!


In the morning and the evening, praise the Lord!

In the morning and the evening, praise the Lord!

Anytime both night and day,

To God we can always pray.

And for that we can give thanks and praise the Lord!


For the friends along the journey, praise the Lord!

For the friends along the journey, praise the Lord!

On the way some guided us,

Others we brought to Jesus,

Altogether on to glory. Praise the Lord!


God Is There

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/17/2024


When we’re lost and we are grieving, God is there!

When we’re lost and we are grieving, God is there!

When in times of deepest grief,

God offers divine relief.

And surrounds us with compassion. God is there!


When all we feel is hopelessness, God is there!

When all we feel is hopelessness, God is there!

When at the end of our rope,

God is there to give us hope.

When we find ourselves in despair, God is there!


Even at the crucifixion, God is there!

Even at the crucifixion, God is there!

As the rock was rolled away,

and Christ rose on Easter day.

Through each death and resurrection, God is there!


When Isaac Was Old Enough

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/18/2024

(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)


When Isaac was old enough,

To find a wife he could love,

Father Abraham had planned,

Not to get one from this land,

A servant was sent to see,

Somewhere in the old country.


Rebekah was at a well,

And treated the servant well.

The servant asked for her hand,

Brought her to the Holy Land.

Then when Isaac caught sight of,

Rebekah, he fell in love.


Jesus Taught Us How to Pray

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/18/2024

(Tune: Jesus Loves Me)


Jesus taught us how to pray,

Like the disciples one day.

He prayed about God's Kingdom,

And prayed that it then would come.


Yes, Jesus taught us,

Yes, Jesus taught us

Yes, Jesus taught us.

He taught us how to pray.


He prayed we'd be forgiven,

And we'd forgive all who sin,

That we would not be tempted,

But be delivered instead.



A Farmer Long Ago

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/18/2024

(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)


A farmer long ago,

He had two sons, you know.

One decided he would leave.

He couldn't wait to go.


So, he went far away,

And then to his dismay,

He spent all of his money and,

He became broke one day.


From this eventful turn,

A lesson he did learn,

Back home he would be better off,

To there he would return.


He went back to his dad,

Who was glad that he had.

His brother was not happy though.

He was put out and mad.


The older son complained.

The father then explained.

That though his son had once been lost,

What was lost was regained.


Jesus Rode on a Donkey

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/19/2024

(Tune: Old MacDonald Had a Farm)


Jesus rode on a donkey,

On a small donkey.

He rode into the big city,

On a small donkey.

With “hosanna” here, and “hosanna” there,

Here “hosanna,” there “hosanna,” everywhere a “hosanna!”

Jesus rode on the donkey,

On a small donkey.


People waved palm branches high.

They waved branches high.

As Jesus came riding by,

They waved branches high.

With “hosanna” here, and “hosanna” there,

Here “hosanna,” there “hosanna,” everywhere a “hosanna!”

People waved palm branches high.

They waved branches high.


Jesus Rose on Easter Day

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/19/2024

(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)


Jesus rose on Easter day,

From the tomb where he did lay.

He arose that all might see,

A glimpse of eternity.

Jesus rose on Easter day,

To give us new life today.


To the women who were there,

He told them to go and share,

Good News to his followers,

New life in Christ he offers.

Jesus rose on Easter day,

To give us new life today.


Jesus gives new life to us,

All who believe in Jesus.

As he rose up from the grave,

From our old selves, he will save.

Jesus rose on Easter day,

To give us new life today.


Noah Built a Great Big Boat

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/19/2024

(Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb)


Noah built a great big boat,

Great big boat, great big boat.

Noah built a great big boat.

When God asked him to.


Animals he brought aboard,

Brought aboard, brought aboard.

Animals he brought aboard.

When God asked him to.


Noah saved the animals,

The animals, the animals.

Noah saved the animals.

When God asked him to.


What is it that you might do,

You might do, you might do?

What is it that you might do,

When God asks it of you?


We’ve Come to Worship Jesus

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/20/2024


We've come to worship Jesus,

The shepherds told Mary.

The angels came and told us,

We came with haste to see.

They sang in mighty chorus,

That the Christ child was born.

We are blessed Christ came among us,

On this first Christmas morn.


What the shepherds told Mary,

She pondered in her heart.

In this first Christmas story,

The shepherds played a part.

Even the meek and lowly,

Humbly come to the Lord.

The blessed child most holy,

Is worshipped and adored.


We've come to worship Jesus,

Gathered in church today.

We sing carols that move us,

And to the Lord we pray.

In the midst of the darkness,

We light candles and sing.

Like the shepherds before us,

We come to praise the King.


Long Time Ago We Sang this Song

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/21/2024


Long time ago we sang this song,

But then we knew not why.

Today though we can sing along,

About the days gone by.


Take time to reflect on last year,

And all that we have done.

Precious memories we have, my dear,

Let's treasure every one.


Then let's take time to look ahead,

To what God has in store.

Let ego go to follow God,

Now and forevermore.


Of All the Carols We Have Heard

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/24/2024


Of all the carols we have heard,

This tells us of God's Word.

There are neither shepherds nor sheep,

But a promise God does keep.


In the beginning with one ray,

The first light was called “Day.”

And once again it all begins,

As this story opens.


Into the darkness there comes light,

By the child born that night.

The Word becomes flesh among us,

Our Lord and savior Jesus.


For this we give our thanks and praise,

To the Lord all our days.

For Christmas has made all things new.

We know that the Word is true.


In the Midst of All the Darkness

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/25/2024


In the midst of all the darkness,

The Lord spoke, “Let there be light!”

And with those words the Word did bless,

Day distinguished from the night.


We know God sent Jesus for us.

On this day we celebrate.

Singing with the heavenly chorus,

God is good, and God is great!


In times of struggle and despair,

When God's people were oppressed,

God became incarnated there,

That we'd be forever blessed.



Like the shepherds at the stable,

We come looking for Jesus,

And give thanks that we are able,

To find Jesus this Christmas.



In this Time of Cold and Winter

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/26/2024


In this time of snow and winter,

When the ground is frozen cold.

We look back and we remember,

This past year and years of old.


As we look into the future,

Pray for eyes that we may see.

May we, like the ancient seers,

See what we might do and be.


Calendars now lie before us,

The pages are all empty.

Let us follow the Lord Jesus.

Watch now and see what will be.



As we go throughout the seasons,

As we watch the year unfold,

May we discern the Lord's reasons,

As God's future we behold.



As We Celebrate this Christmas

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/27/2024


As we celebrate this Christmas,

There's a loved one who's not there.

In our hearts there is deep sorrow.

In our homes and empty chair.

As Christ came to earth from heaven,

We celebrate Christmas Eve.

Christ will take us home to heaven,

As we grieve, this we believe.


When We Look Back

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/28/2024


When we look back upon last year,

And all that we have done.

Give thanks to God, and give a cheer,

For we've had a good run.


Remember all of the highlights,

And all the tough times, too.

Remember all the long hard nights,

And all that we've been through.


Then turn around, and look ahead.

Behold! A year brand new,

What might we do this year instead,

Of just plodding on through.


Is there something you've thought about,

That someday you might do?

Plan it this year without a doubt,

And may your wish come true.


Like Magi Travelling Long Ago

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/30/2024


Like magi traveling long ago,

We'll look for Jesus.

We'll share him wherever we go.

Jesus is among us.


They followed a star faithfully.

We will follow Jesus,

Going where he wants us to be.

Jesus is among us.


Where e’er we go we'll share God's love.

We will be like Jesus,

Until we're called to heaven above.

Jesus is among us.


My Help Comes from the Lord

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 12/31/2024


As I look back over the years,

My faith has been restored.

For me there have been joys and tears.

My help comes from the Lord.


In times of trouble and of doubt,

I'm strengthened by God's word.

With time I have figured it out,

My help comes from the Lord.


As I look to the year ahead,

And as I go forward.

I've faith instead of fear and dread.

My help comes from the Lord.


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