2025 January
As Now Begins Another Year
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/1/2025
(Tune: Auld Lange Syne)
As now begins another year,
Just what might we behold?
Pray that this year, God's will be done.
Let this new year unfold.
What might we do to follow God,
And to follow God's plan?
Let's seek the wisdom in God’s word.
Do all the good you can.
Let every day be the Lord's day,
And strive to do God's will.
Just what difference may our lives make?
Do it. God's will fulfill.
In Anguish Joseph Had a Dream
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/2/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
In anguish Joseph had a dream,
Not knowing what to do.
An Angel showed a better way,
Revealing something new.
Rather than letting Mary go,
She became Joseph's wife.
Together they would raise this child,
A dream changed Joseph's life.
What if each of us dreamed God's dream,
And to God's voice listened?
Our lives would be forever changed,
If our minds were thus opened.
Give Thanks to the Lord
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/7/2025
(Tune: Martin UMH 533)
Give thanks to the Lord,
Give thanks to the Lord,
Give thanks to the Lord, each day.
For all that God’s done,
We will give thanks.
Give thanks to the Lord, each day.
Give praise to the Lord,
Give praise to the Lord,
For all God does,
Give praise to the Lord, each day.
Give praise to the Lord, each day.
Give glory to God,
Give glory to God,
With thanks and praise,
With grateful hearts,
Give glory to God, each day.
Give glory to God, each day.
We Will Worship God
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/7/2025
(Tune: Martin UMH 533)
We will worship God,
We will worship God,
We will worship God, today.
From deep in our souls,
We’ll sing God’s praise.
We will worship God, today.
We will pray to God,
We will pray to God,
We will pray to God, today.
From deep in our hearts,
We’ll lift our prayers.
We will pray to God, today.
We will follow God,
We will follow God,
We will follow God, today.
With all of our strength,
We’ll obey God.
We will follow God, today.
Give Us Peace, O Lord
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/7/2025
(Tune: Martin UMH 533)
Give us peace, O Lord.
Give us peace, O Lord.
Give us peace, O Lord, today.
The world needs your peace,
To make wars cease.
Give us peace, O Lord, today.
Give us faith, O Lord.
Give us faith, O Lord.
Give us faith, O Lord, today.
In the midst of our fears,
Anger and tears,
Give us faith, O Lord, today.
Give us strength, O Lord.
Give us strength, O Lord.
Give us strength, O Lord, today.
When hope’s almost gone,
Help us hang on.
Give us strength, O Lord, today.
Who Is Jesus
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/8/2025
(Tune: Finlandia UMH 534)
Who is Jesus? What words could describe the Word?
What can we say to fully describe Christ?
Let us reflect on all that we have heard,
And then affirm all that we have surmised.
He is our Lord, our teacher and friend,
The Messiah upon whom we depend.
Who is Jesus? At his baptism we hear,
He is God’s Son, and the “Beloved One.”
We are blessed that for us Jesus has come here,
He’s the One through whom God’s will, will be done.
Upon the cross we’ll receive God’s forgiveness,
And forever we will know we are blessed.
We Come to Worship God
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/9/2025
(Tune: St Thomas UMH 540)
We come to worship God,
To sing our thanks and praise.
We bring our offerings and prayers,
To God be glory always.
We hear the scriptures read,
And the message from the word,
Discerning what God says to us,
In all that we have heard.
We go to serve the Lord,
Wherever there's a need.
God sends us out to answer prayers,
For those who to God plead.
Know That No Matter What
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/10/2025
(Tune: St Thomas UMH 540)
Know that no matter what,
Whatever you're going through,
You're not alone. You're in my prayers.
The Lord's peace be with you.
In the midst of tough times,
When things all fall apart,
We humbly come before the Lord,
And pray with a contrite heart.
When at the end of your rope,
Let me know what I can do.
You're not alone through this ordeal,
The Lord will see you through.
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/11/2025
(Tune: St
Thomas UMH 540)
Come before the Lord,
Our hands and voices raise.
For all God's done, we give our
And sing our heartfelt praise.
The Lord has seen us through,
Each trial and each test.
Our faith has grown, thanks be to
For we have been so blessed.
This Is the Day God’s Made
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/12/2025
(Tune: St Thomas UMH 540)
This is the day God's made,
Let us rejoice in this.
Let's follow the path God has laid,
On to eternal bliss.
Today’s another day,
For us to do God's will.
Come before God and let us pray,
That God's will, we'll fulfill.
Then each day from now on,
With every choice we make,
We’ll journey on to perfection,
With every step we take.
We Celebrate God’s Love
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/14/2025
(Tune: St Thomas UMH 540)
We celebrate God's love,
For God has so loved us.
We're beloved children of God,
For God gave us Jesus.
Love God with all your heart,
Your soul, and strength, and mind.
And love your neighbor as yourself.
Love all of humankind.
Go and share the good news,
That everyone might hear,
When we are gathered in Christ’s name,
The Lord is with us here.
We Sing the Praise of Jesus’ Name
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/15/2025
(Tune: McKee UMH 548)
We sing the praise of Jesus’ name,
Who came down to save us.
He lived and died and rose again.
Praise be to Christ Jesus.
We celebrate all he has done,
To demonstrate God's love.
As followers may we likewise,
Show what we are made of.
We know God is the creator,
And John wrote, “God is love.”
By God we are made and beloved.
Love is what we are made of.
As Faithful Followers of Christ
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/16/2025
(Tune: McKee UMH 548)
As faithful followers of Christ,
We can't focus on us.
Help us to see the world in need.
May we see like Jesus.
We tend to focus on ourselves,
But it's not all about me.
It's all about helping others,
Lord, give me eyes to see.
May we become Christ’s hands and feet,
And go where we’re to go.
May we show Christ in all we do,
That others come to know.
God Gave to Us the Lord Jesus
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/17/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
God gave to us the Lord Jesus,
Our sins to justify.
For all that God has done for us,
God's name we glorify God.
Well God's power is infinite,
Throughout eternity,
God's love is very intimate,
And thus, made you and me.
God's love will forever shine bright,
Towards God, all will grow.
Back when all was devoid of light,
God spoke and made it so.
Always let God's light shine in you,
For through you God just might,
By all the things you say and do,
To others bear the light.
Darkness Departs with the Sunrise
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/18/2025
(Tune: UMH 549)
Darkness departs with the sunrise.
Let the new day appear.
Now may God's grace open our eyes,
That all may become clear.
There are those times when we are lost,
And we can't find the way.
God will come through at any cost,
To guide us through each day.
No matter what the problems are,
Nor how far we do roam.
As God has guided us this far,
Our Lord will bring us home.
This journey of life is a quest,
And in the end, we'll see,
God will give us heavenly rest,
For all eternity.
When My Life Is a Mess
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/19/2025
(Tune: Boylston UMH 413)
When my life is a mess,
Those times when I can't cope,
Before God I come to confess,
And gain a sense of hope.
Sin is a given,
But when my sins I face,
I know that I am forgiven,
And gain a sense of grace.
When distraught with worry,
To God all I release.
In prayer I find sanctuary,
And gain a sense of peace.
This Old Man
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/20/2025
(Tune: This Old Man)
This old man, when God said,
“Build an ark.” He went ahead.
With an “Amen,” say again,
Out of wood and bark,
This old man built Noah's ark.
This old man as he could
Built the ark of cypress wood.
With an “Amen,” say again,
Out of wood and bark,
This old man built Noah's ark.
This old man like a zoo,
Gathered animals two by two.
With an “Amen,” say again,
Out of wood and bark,
This old man built Noah's ark.
This old man when rains came,
Saved the animals wild and tame.
With an “Amen,” say again,
Out of wood and bark,
This old man built Noah's ark.
When Focused on Our Differences
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/21/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
When focused on our differences,
In a world divided,
Reality hits our senses,
We are not united.
Rhetoric divides everything,
For those with ears to hear.
To the discords, what if we bring,
Love that overcomes fear?
Might we discover there's one thing,
For those with eyes to see?
Though notes are different we can sing,
In four-part harmony.
Some can sing high, some can sing low,
Some can sing left or right.
But if we blend together, though,
Together we'll hold tight.
We’re called to love our enemies,
That's a good place to start.
Let us sing out love's melodies,
To heal each broken heart.
We Will All Be Waiting for Jesus
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/23/2025
(Tune: She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain)
We will all be waiting for Jesus when he comes.
Oh, we’ll all be waiting for Jesus when he comes.
Oh, we’ll all be waiting for Jesus,
Yes, we’ll all be waiting for Jesus,
Oh, we’ll all be waiting for Jesus when he comes.
We will all shout, “Hallelujah!” When he comes.
He will bring us into heaven when he comes.
We will feast at the heavenly banquet when he comes.
Little Shepherd David
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/24/2025
(Tune: Little Bunny Foo Foo)
Little shepherd David,
Went to fight Goliath,
Gathered up five smooth stones,
And bopped him on the head.
Little shepherd David,
Tried on the big king's armor.
It was much too heavy,
So, he just took his sling.
Little shepherd David,
Went to fight Goliath,
Gathered up five smooth stones,
And bopped him on the head.
Lord God Almighty, Speak Through Me
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/27/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
Lord God almighty, speak through me,
That your word may be heard.
Reveal to all humanity,
Your everlasting word.
With all the struggles people feel,
What comfort might I share,
To offer those whose needs are real,
Your tender, loving care?
To those who don't know you at all,
To them what might I say?
Help me extend to them your call,
That lives be changed today.
Wherever There Is Hate or Greed
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/29/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
Wherever there is hate or greed,
May justice there be found.
For those who stand up are indeed,
Standing on holy ground.
May we protest what is not right,
And always strive for good.
In Jesus’ name we then just might,
Do all the good we could.
There’s only so much we can do,
If we just, “Do no harm.”
We can, “Do good,” and resist, too,
By standing arm in arm.
True Love’s Expressions We Do Feel
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/30/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
True love’s expressions we do feel,
Deep down within our heart.
God's love for us is real,
Never are we apart.
As we've been loved, we are to love,
Like we've been loved upon.
For we are loved by God above,
So go and pass it on.
There are some people we will meet,
Whose love meter is low.
So, take God's love out to the street,
That God's love they may know.
When Things That Sounded Good at First
Jeffrey B. Childs 1/31/2025
(Tune: St Peter UMH 549)
When things that sounded good at first,
That we looked forward to,
Turn out to be worse than the worst.
So now, what can we do?
When all our plans have gone astray,
And all becomes a mess,
In desperation then we pray,
And to God we confess.
From the hardest lessons we learn,
We do not have bootstraps.
When to God in faith we turn,
God will fill in our gaps.
For it is not by our own strength,
These trials we get through.
We learn from history's breadth and length,
By faith in God, we do.
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