2025 February


God Calls Us to Be Caretakers

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/1/2025

(Tune: McKee UMH 548)


God calls us to be caretakers,

Of all that God's displayed.

We are not to be just takers,

Of all that God has made.


God grant us our pure attitude,

Like we find in Jesus.

May we see all with gratitude,

All you have shared with us.


Creator of Creation

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/3/2025

(Tune: McKee UMH 548)


Creator of creation,

We call upon your name.

Hear our humble supplication,

We offer in our shame.


All that you have made in glory,

We have defiled by greed.

For this we are truly sorry.

And for your mercy plead.


God, please give us another chance,

To do what you decreed.

That we find a better balance,

And this time may succeed.


As often we just leave a mess,

And leave things strewn about,

we've damaged your world, we must confess.

It's our fault, there's no doubt.


There are things we each can do,

to make a difference.

Give us resolve to follow through,

with your benevolence.


Look at the Birds

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/4/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Look at the birds up in the air,

They neither toil nor reap.

They do not worry what to wear.

Oh, may we such faith keep.


See how the fields of flowers grow,

Beauty beyond compare.

God clothes the grass that we might know,

Don't worry what to wear.


Don't worry what to eat or drink,

God will take care of you.

Since God cares for all, don't you think,

That God cares for you too.


O Lord, in the Midst of Chaos

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/7/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


O Lord, in the midst of chaos,

Creation was begun.

Today in the midst of darkness,

Shine like the rising sun.


Whatever befalls under the sun,

Today help us to see,

Your kin-dom come, your will be done,

For all eternity.


When darkness, in whatever form,

Opens the status quo,

May your eternal word inform,

Your people here below.


Inspire us to live the way,

That you would have us do,

By loving people every day,

That your love will shine through.


As We Go Anywhere on Earth

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/11/2025

(Tune: McKee UMH 548)


As we go anywhere on earth,

Might we show love and care,

And reveal each has sacred worth,

And with them good news share.


It hasn't always been that way,

There have been wars and strife,

When people fought both night and day,

Threatening limb and life.


But we can make a difference here,

For God has so decreed.

We can bring Christ to those in fear,

And also those in need.


Lord, I Am Standing

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/12/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Lord, I am standing at the gate,

And waiting patiently.

Here and now, I watch and wait,

Wondering what I’ll see.


Beyond the gate what shall there be,

What wonders will I see?

Who might there be, waiting for me,

Waiting expectantly?


As that gate opens, I’ll come to,

An opportunity.

Someday Christ will make all things new,

For all eternity.


We Come before God

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/12/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


We come before God with our gifts.

We bring our offerings.

We sing to God and prayers we lift,

With joy our spirit sings.


As we begin another week,

To worship God we come.

In worship God's will, we will seek,

And pray God's will be done.


We shouldn't expect God to do,

What God might ask of us.

Pray we will have the follow through,

And then follow Jesus.


Lord, When We’re upon Life’s Journeys

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/13/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Lord, when we're upon life's journeys,

That lead us far from home,

May we be blessed by your mercies,

No matter where we roam.


Grant us a humble attitude,

When challenges we face.

May we be filled with gratitude,

For we're blessed by your grace.


Our journeys will be life changing,

When God calls us to go.

The effects will be long ranging,

For differently we'll grow.


Is There a Hope for You Today

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/14/2025

(Tune: McKee UMH 548)


Is there a hope, for you today,

A desire, on your heart?

Lift these up to God when you pray.

In prayer is where we start.


Share your desire with others who,

Might help you with this quest,

And ask them about their hopes too.

Together you'll be blessed.


When this day is finally through,

Again, reflect and pray.

Thank God for all that you did do.

Then rest for the next day.


Sing That the Lord Will Be Adored

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/15/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Sing that the Lord will be adored.

We offer God our praise.

We worship the almighty Lord.

Voices and hands we raise.


We gather as a family,

As a congregation,

Aware of the divinity,

And our blessed connection.


God, You Have Given Us this Day

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/16/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


God, you have given us this day,

And we give it to you.

We turn our hearts to you and pray,

Show us what we can do.


The whole wide world we might not change,

But we can do something.

Give us a task within our range,

Show us what is that thing.


Years ago we could do much more,

But we are not done yet.

Reveal to us what's in store,

And help us not forget.


The spirit's willing; flesh is weak,

But we will do our best.

For you, what can we do this week,

Before we stop to rest.


Take Time to Reflect on Treasures

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Take time to reflect on treasures.

What do you hold on to?

Remember the Bible assures

Something else we should do.


It's not about all of those things,

That we do tend to hoard.

For true happiness nothing brings,

Like the love of the Lord.


Of worldly things let us let go,

For these things matter not.

Unto the Lord our faith will show,

That love cannot be bought.


As God’s People We Do Believe

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


As God's people we do believe,

That we're blessed by God's grace,

And by that grace we do receive,

Love that our sins erase.


Each day let us sing the Lord's praise,

With truly thankful hearts.

We are renewed all of our days,

When with God each day starts.


We do believe God asks of us,

To make a difference,

And so, in the name of Jesus,

Rebuke indifference.


Take in the Wonder

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/20/2025

(Tune: Amazing Grace UMH 378)


Take in the wonder of the Lord,

That simply surrounds you.

The love of God on you is poured,

Your spirit to renew.


Take a moment to just breathe in,

All of God's mysteries.

We are blessed by the oxygen,

That comes from plants and trees.


Take the time for a Sabbath rest.

Take time for holy days.

Affirm how, by God, you are blessed,

As you drink in God's grace.


Jesus Was Transfigured

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/24/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


Jesus was transfigured,

Before his close friends’ eyes.

Elijah and Moses appeared,

As glory filled the skies.


Out on the mountain range,

With disciples at hand,

As Jesus prayed his face did change.

And God spoke this command.


“This is my beloved Son,

Listen to what he says.”

In an instant all was done, and

They wondered what that was!


We Celebrate and Sing

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/25/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


We celebrate and sing.

To God we give our praise.

We lift our prayer and thanksgiving,

And glorify God always.


For all the Lord has done,

And is doing today,

Ever since the world was begun,

With thanks to God we pray.


Of all that God has made,

We're such a small part of,

In us God's image is displayed.

We are created in love.


When We Are Criticized

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/25/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


When we are criticized,

And our feelings are hurt,

We are blessed when we've realized,

God offers us comfort.


Our highs are only highs,

When compared to our lows.

When from the depths our spirits rise,

That's when our wisdom grows.


When we see where we've been,

And just how far we've come.

No matter the trouble we're in,

It shall be overcome.


Let Us Come to the Throne

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/26/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


Let us come to the throne,

To God petitions bear,

God listens patiently to each one,

With benevolent care.


Let those also confess,

All sins upon our hearts.

The Lord God's forgiveness will bless,

Everything, not just parts.


Let us then go from here,

Renewed by the Lord's grace.

Let's share faith with those far and near,

Throughout the human race.


In the Morn I Arise

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/27/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


In the morn I arise,

God's glory fills the skies.

Up to the Lord I lift my prayers,

Knowing that the Lord cares.


I am grateful and blessed,

For another night's rest.

I rejoice to begin this day,

With the Lord in this way.


God, guide me through this day.

What I might do and say,

To help others know that you care,

By the good news I share.


Lift up Your Voice and Sing

                                  Jeffrey B. Childs 2/27/2025

(Tune: Dennis UMH 553)


Lift up your voice and sing.

To God your praises bring.

God will be glorified always,

When our voices we raise.


To all Good News proclaim,

We pray in Jesus’ name.

So that, others might come to know,

And that their faith will grow.


We confess all our sin,

Knowing where we have been.

We've been blessed by the Master’s touch.

We are so loved so much.


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